Ayo white boy

Ayo white boy

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Does DICE know what they're doing? Whats with the nog over-representation in a WW1 game?


hi Sup Forums

One squad of amerifat KANGZ fought in some asshole of europe and suddenly it was a 50% nigs/whitessplit

Nigs are attracted to guns

Enjoy no sales, shitbags

They are pandering to the blacks

Look at their e3 event, they had a room of black rappers

Ah I see, where were all the nigs in previous Battlefields? Seems odd to put them in a setting they were barely a part of.

The European immigration crisis gave DICE the idea to appeal to the massive influx of brown people with cultural inclusivity.

Is the Sup Forums the only board capable of triggering you?

You mean the same immigrants that hate western society and will never fully integrate?
Seems like a great demographic to pander with a VIDEOGAME

>still getting triggered by nigs
smhtbh white boi

recent emphasis on white washing

The historical revisions that are necessitated to make WW1 a palatable war to base a game around for a massive audience are dramatic already. No harm in throwing in some heavy black representation to get some positive headlines.

Sweden has taken extra measures over the past couple of years to accommodate brown people in their takeover of Swedish culture. DICE figures that should include their products as well.

>black robbers

did i strike a nerve

You explain to me the North European mentality of inverting their developed cultures for a bunch of immigrants who have already proven themselves to be demonstrably hostile to host nations.

Cuz Sweden Bruh

>SJWs complain games are not diverse enough
>Sup Forums: "Ugh! Gamers are welcome to diversity!"
>Game has black characters

What's with the Sweden meme


Your nerve was struck first I must say.
Jumping to such conclusions.

Some porn video where a Swedish guy lets a black guy fuck his girlfriend

White guilt? People are making money off rapefugees and the like, they have to be. I cannot think of another reason people would accommodate an entire culture of subhumans.


And I think socialism, or communism, or one of its special snowflake flavors.
You can't have a gommie society and maintain national pride. You got to destroy that shit

Its an insult to the racist shit the black folks had to face back then if the black folks are shown as if they were part of the normal army also an insult to the majority whites and indians ans asians that took part in the war

Also why arent the other races being reprecented the ones that did take part in the war people like the indians and nepalese or the algerians

>Turks whiter than the ANZACs


Alright Sup Forums name me some awesome black protagonists from video games that aren't forced as fuck and fit the game feel. I'll go first.

>Lee from The walking dead.

Snoop Dogg has enough money to buy your entire neighborhood and pay your mom to suck his dick every hour on the hour. He hasn't been short of money for two decades. You're exponentially more likely to commit robbery than he is. He's better than you by every measurable metric.

You white boys are cute using your grandpa's racism to hate on dudes that so so far above you.


I read on Sup Forums it's a move to keep the rulling party in power perpetually. All those immigrants will turn into voters, and of course they will vote for the party that promises them to bring over their entire family and give them free money forever.
Imagine if Hilary promised every mexican in the US that if she wins they can bring all their friends and family. That's a guaranteed vote.


>Nignog thinks that only white people hate dindus
I hope the cholos in LA finally rid that shithole of its dindu problem.






They have little to no experience with large minority populations.
Those countries like to give the US shit for not being as progressive and forward thinking as them but it's easy to have free healthcare when you're a small country of 5 million whites and large oil reserves
Can't wait for those smug ass countries to start cutting the budgets to afford accommodating their tanned guests
I suspect in a generation or two we'll see a lot more euro beat cops with guns

im not white user

ww3 post

black joins muslims against white people

people dont know they will be living under a one world govt where they will be brothers and sisters with muslim and black people after this

"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time." 4

lol the democrats already done this.

Maybe you should get off my pure Aryan board then.

>rewriting history is okay because muh slavery

>pure corporate and govt memes board brainwashing the youth.

This is a serious question, do SJWs and basketballs online seriously think that every person who is racist towards blacks is white?
Have they literally never met a non-cucked Asian?

Sweden is at the forefront of progressiveness. They allowed an absolute insane amount of """refugees""" into their country. Stockholm is fast tracked to becoming a third world shit hole by 2030. They also had a girl film herself fucking a nig while singing the national anthem.

nice implication

Do Spics hate blacks?


Litterally 11 seconds a part exposing govt as the creator of divide and conquer memes.

Have u been living under a rock?
no, its beyond that. sweden is the bastion of multiculturalism.

>thatt every person who is racist towards blacks is white
If only the majority of them weren't white or something

You use Snoop as an example of success, but you don't realize how white he's had to become in order to attain that success. He's so fucking different from his early days that all he has is money and his weed culture maintaining his black cred.

The motherfucker was on Martha Stewart's show. That's how culturally white he's had to become in order to gain favor from both communities.



Who likes govt and corporate memes here???

What about bots?

delete that. ur ruining my narrative


Literally every meme on Sup Forums and on the internet is in this paragraph like holy shit where has this been?

minorities cant think for them selves

We wuz WW1 souljah's nd shit nigga.

Do not mind us we are just making sure that everyone is united in the one world govt. We do not want people fighting anymore and we will make wars to get rid of bitter hatred that has existed since the beginning of time.

We do not care if you die though
Atleast mcdonalds and pepsi will live longer then you.

This is not a joke. It's literally Sweden.

It goes against their highly americanized worldviews if there are people who hate minorities with skin colour that wouldn't be described as "white"

Because, y'know, it's totally fine to generalize multiple races and ethnicities of people with their own cultures and histories during the time of Martin Luther King based on their skin colour.


>%90 of player models are black
Thats not even close to accurate
Fuck i would have even been ok with 50% white and black but this is fucking retarded
You would have to be a fucking idiot to accept this

Do you want me to explain "the jews"?

Am i good yet


>Game replaces fighters in the Great War with niggers
>Literally black people where there were next to none, and sometimes none at all
>expecting people to be okay with this



There aren't any ANZACs in BF1

They're South Africans

The hat fold is on the wrong side

Wir waren deutsche soldaten and ottoniggas and united kangdom an shiet


Do you want me to explain CIA memes that will be destroyed so every opinion you have is useless and meaningless

all religions get destroyed in ww3 like this paragraph says.

Lets talk about real shit that NO WEBSITES WILL FUCKING TALK ABOUT

It is further traditionally related that the Order’s first member-students met in secluded chambers in magnificent old temples, where, as candidates, they were initiated into the great mysteries. Their mystical studies then assumed a more closed character and were held exclusively in temples which had been built for that purpose. Rosicrucian tradition relates that the great pyramids of Giza were most sacred in the eyes of initiates. Contrary to what historians affirm, our tradition relates that the Giza pyramids were not built to be the tombs of pharaohs, but were actually places of study and mystical initiation. The mystery schools, over centuries of time, gradually evolved into great centers of learning, attracting students from throughout the known world.


I doubt even the majority of them are white, especially if we include Asians who live in actual Asian countries.


No play a game that requires skill

I feel like instead of "Niggerfield 1" we should call it "Cottonfield 1".




Who likes political bots here.


yeah but sweden has one of the highest standards of living.

If you like getting raped, you're right,

The score's reducing, though.

Shills have been using similar programs to push hype threads over developing games. They're easy to recognize by the way the first post always asks a question about a certain game, then follows up with a youtube link to an official video.

You've never been to Sup Forums?

Jews in Sweden are genociding the people slowly with big black dicks, indoctrinating education systems and bad immigration policies. Not even kidding

Well the highest standards of living are being a consumer till you die and not getting away from that
Guess that is freedom right

that is worse than rape.

>Sup Forums getting redpilled

I love how stormfags pretend to care about "historical accuracy" so they have an excuse the whine about negros in the game even though fucking EVERYTHING in it is historically inaccurate to the point where the skin colour of people is the most petty thing you can point to



idk 69 cases per 100,000 people i wouldn't be too worried.