Have these fucks ever made a game?
Other urls found in this thread:
have you?
well yes drive.google.com
i also don't make a pretentious series about game design
Didn't this gguy said video games were art but at the same time complained about The Division and Hatred?
Also, where's that post listing the reasons why he sucks?
Yes at ID tech camp in the summer after 7th grade and again a year later. I started typing thsi kind of ironically but now that I think about it they were pretty cool games desu. I'd play them again if I still had the discs.
James, guy on the right, is a working game developer and has made many games. Girl on the left just animates, and guy in the middle just reads the script that James writes.
Post it
Why would they need to make games when they have crystals?
post them.
>Has made many games
James made a single game for IoS he almost ruined by overspending.
>but at the same time complained about The Division and Hatred?
...why does that mean videogames aren't art?
I have, they weren't bad, for shitty little flash point and click games
if I could find them I would, the disk is SOMEWHERE in the world, probably a dump.
what is that?
Here are some posts about why he sucks
Stop posting you imbeciles we are literally running out of internet as we s
>I have no critical faculty of my own, so instead read someone else's posts as if they were mine.
You're a loser.
Is this the same fag that whined about matthewmatosis?
A run of the mill street fighter clone. sagat plays pretty well. Got a new super to.
That dragon is a qt
because saying games can be art, but saying games need to fit to your needs and can't express the "wrong" emotions contradict.
that dragon is handsome
They're the fucking worst, in the same tier as Anita for how biased and uninformed their subjects can be.
>get funding to do a series on Sengoku Japan
>it's flatout wrong or misses/glosses over big events
>but saying games need to fit to your needs and can't express the "wrong" emotions
You know, art is allowed to be criticized. You're not being clear enough about this. Was he saying this art should be banned, suppressed? Or saying that it's shitty art? There's a difference.
>Was he saying this art should be banned, suppressed?
You're still a shit critic when you base your criticism on morals rather than quality.
This thread is now about old shity games that Sup Forums made.
i once made a game on rpg maker xp based on a old cartoon from russia called prostokvashino if i still had it i woud link it.
Well OK, that's fucking stupid. Could you link me though? Not doubting you but I want to have a laugh.
A lot of art *IS* morals though, dodecaphonic music was a development of Marxism, Integral Serialism and Stochasticism from Critical Theory, etc.
I don't know who these fuckers are aiming for. Not for triple a because they all ready have a game designer. Not to Indies because indies all ready have lots of resources from people who have made video games.
Make your own arguments, don't just link to smarter people than you as a replacement for supporting yourself.
Couldn't make it, ran out of Internet.
so who wins this fight?
no one
that's not how arguments work, user.
1. I wrote one of the posts I linked to.
2. Why should I "make my own arguments" anyway? The arguments stand or fall on their own merits regardless of who made them. I don't see what's wrong with bringing in the thoughts of other people as long as you're not trying to claim it as your own. I happen to agree with a lot of what other people have written about Extra Credits.
are you arcadefag?
I don't know about you, but the last debate I watched primarily consisted of the speaker's own beliefs and justifications, and relied upon others' as simply an affirmation.
They make the greatest YouTube of all time. They make people think they know how to make games so they can fell superior to their friends. With out putting effort into graphics, animations,music,programming, story
Okay had to rewatch it but he says that companies should have the option to not sell the game taking a round about way of saying that he believes that games should be silenced.
And that's kind of a cake and eat it too thing, where he thinks games shouldn't be sold, but HEY you can make em if you want!
>it's flatout wrong or misses/glosses over big events
*Citation needed*
Yes. thats me to
are you the 3D guy from those jojo threads.
That's not censorship user, a company has no obligation to sell your piece of shit.
he wants to fuck, look at that.
>Game developers should have the right to express themselves however they want
>But retail companies must submit to the game developers
You are fucking retarded. Your right to make art is protected, but there is no right to be profitable or to make anyone sell your garbage.
Who is this "arcadefag"?
Venues have a right to cancel a show because the patrons don't want to see it. In an ideal world, I'd prefer everyone would accept every type of speaker, every type of music, every type of art. But we can't deny the venue a right to refuse.
yeah but that's the response of hatred being removed from steam over a controversy.
There is no good reason that something like that should be okay.
stop samefagging, nobody gives a shit
This is only in a world where there are infinite venues with infinite time
The reality is that, if your product is garbage, it will be replaced with something more appealing
Steam decided, as a vendor/venue for videogames, that they didn't want to stock Hatred.
Explain how the company making that decision is wrong.
This just in, Walmart should stock Socialist Black Metal because, well, there are only a limited number of vendors after all...
because that was a response to a public outcry fueled by emotions. Shit like that shouldn't stop a game from being sold. Companies shouldn't be obligated to remove every game that doesn't meet a safe space of a minority.
That kind of thinking would actively ruin games, You're basically arguing for censorship.
They weren't obligated to do anything.
>Companies shouldn't be obligated to remove every game that doesn't meet a safe space of a minority
And Steam wasn't, they made that decision personally. There are countless occurrences where, despite protests, venues/vendors have shown things that are considered by a vocal group to be distasteful.
The company has free choice.
>And Steam wasn't, they made that decision personally
actually a single individual made that decision and then it was rectified soon after.
Then there was a huge outcry for a removal, and extra credits says that they have the right to remove it, but don't say that they should not have removed it.
So what's your point? Why are you denying Steam's right to choose?
I just hate the moral guilt bullshit they pull while trying to sound like they are some kind of authority on gaming.
>Omg this game has themes that I don't like, should we really be sending this kind of message?
>games need to be sending a positive message!
>games i don't like hurt gamings image and that upsets me... devs shouldnt be making games like that.. now have some shame rantings
>May the bright flame of enthusiasm never be extinguished. It alone gives light and warmth to the creative art of modern Game Design. This art rose from the depths of the people and in order to search out it's roots and locate it's power, it must always return to these depths. It may be possible to possess power based upon guns, it is however better and more gratifying to win and also to champion the hearts of the people.
Why does Sup Forums hate these guys? They sound like they really know what they're talking about.
no I'm saying that Steam made the right choice in the end but people shouldn't be pro removal of content.
If games are art and we remove games for disagreeing with our viewpoint we are basically killing the games off financially and then proving that they can't be art.
Ugh, I hate people like that.
>this game makes me feel bad
>cater to my tastes
>because that was a response to a public outcry fueled by emotions
Not that fag, but you're a fucking idiot.
Every single big retailer pays attention to how people will react to the product in question, whether it's to lure them into buying more or so they can avoid public relations disasters, it's quite literally why PR departments exist, yet somehow that little chestnut of common knowledge escaped your brain, or maybe it was squeezed out by all that paranoia you seem to be running on.
It's not "pro-removal of content", it's pro-freedom of choice. It's how the free market works.
okay then I guess games can't be art?
How can they not be art? What did I say that invalidates them being art?
>Gets told by people explaining to him how the free market works.
>"K, Gaems are not Teh Art then!"
Jesus Christ you're a fucking idiot
>We do not fear censorship, for we have no wish to offend with improprieties or obscenities, but we do demand, as a right, the liberty to show the dark side of wrong, that we may illuminate the bright side of virtue - the same liberty that is conceded to the art of the written word - the art to which we owe the Das Capital and the works of Shakespeare.
Wow, really forces you to contemplate.
No their sjw fags
EC literally said that they shouldn't ban them or censor the game. Just that sadism for sadism sake wasn't good and that's why we shouldn't buy the game.
You suck at comprehension.
Why would a bunch of cultists who believe that Jews are aliens and the reason there are men in the world is because martians invaded Earth, make videogames?
Uh tuh tuh! Not a "game" an interactive experience.
because games are held down by money.
If they can't make money they can't be made.
If you can't sell a game that has controversial opinions you can't make money.
Games in effect won't be art, except maybe indie games.
I have yet to see a source for this.
Then how did Beethoven ever make some of the most forward-thinking music of all time? It was incredibly fucking controversial and divisive but guess what? It got funded anyways.
You have no fucking understanding of art, and yet are trying to speak for it.
Didn't the guy that says he works at pixar only work in a mail room?
>implying hatred is anything but a cashgrab built on controversy
you should play postal 1 or something instead
The only reason shitty experimental art gets made is for money laundering, not because it "deserves" to be made. I don't know how something similar would work for video games.
>The only reason shitty experimental art gets made is for money laundering
Name some "shitty experimental art" you know.
Patronage and commissions.
But you just said:
>If you can't sell a game that has controversial opinions you can't make money.
PissChrist. I will go on record to say that the world is no brighter for things like an upturned toilet being placed within it.
So that's the only piece of experimental art you're aware of? The one piece of art always cherrypicked in an attempt to dismiss contemporary art?
You cannot name a single other piece of experimental art?
Wonder where this thread is headed
Go port over snk vs capcom over yourself and then we can talk
rule 34 of this when. fucking do it
Beethoven was quite literally a Patreon whore of his time.
Your point?
OK, let me save you some effort.
Do you know any experimental art that ISN'T from this video: youtube.com
Because so far you're just relying on the video and other similar videos like "the importance of beauty", which rely on old standards, cherrypicked examples, and an ignorance of modern technique.
Who cares.
Here's a nice painting for you. Orange, Red and Yellow.
Went for 70 million.
Pretty much, also the mentality:
>"games need to grow up and have adult themes"
>game comes out that deals with adult themes