Invisible War was better.

Other urls found in this thread:

DX > HR > MD > IW > TF

Any other opinion is factually wrong


>Invisible War

oh look it's le contrarian meme again

it's a good game

Story: HR > MD
Visuals: MD > HR
Gameplay: MD >> HR
Music: MD = HR (subjective)
Game length: HR > MD
Side missions: MD > HR
Characters: HR >> MD
Level design: MD >> HR
Jewery: HR >>>>>> MD

sounds about right
i still enjoy it a lot

DE1 and IW are the only Deus Ex games that actually understand the basic design pillars of Deus Ex.



>mfw people constantly say
dee-oos ex

it's deh-oos

Is there any cyberpunk rpg where I can play as a girl? I know you can in Invisible Wars, but aparantly that game is terrible.

no it's deuce ex. i have a german friend and since it's german he oughta know


it's latin you moron

You either should say "lack of jewery" or you got that the wrong way around.

It's "day-usss=eks"

>aparantly that game is terrible.
Try playing the game for yourself instead of parroting things you heard on the internet.

You dumb niggers it's Dood Sex

>Be a good goyim and buy something people say is terrible

>'Give me Deus Ex' is NOT the way the game is meant to be played

but fore real
it's Juice Ex

i thought it's universally hated by everyone

>>Be a good goyim and buy something people say is terrible
"People" being fanboys who sucked Human Revolution's dick despite it straying drastically from Deus Ex's design core while IW remained faithful to it.

>i thought it's universally hated by everyone
Imagine if you took Deus Ex 1, and then removed the rampant fanboy nostalgia. DE1 would be universally hated for its shit AI, shit graphics, shit writing, shit combat, and shit stealth mechanics and shit "press one of three buttons" ending.

>remained faithful to Deus Ex's design core

I dunno how faithful you can call IW with that cramped-as-fuck level-design. It was not fun at all.

>I dunno how faithful you can call IW with that cramped-as-fuck level-design.
Deus Ex PS2 had cramped level design, and it was a faithful Deus Ex game. The level design is fine. The actual problem with IW is the loadtimes.

ok, you've convinced me
i'm gonna play IW after i'm done with MD

>Deus Ex 1
>"press one of three buttons" ending.

Post discarded!

I think IW's level load breaks are a huge problem. But some of the criticisms of IW are kinda crazy when you consider how fucking awful DE1 was compared to it.

How is IW's universal ammo system a dealbreaker when DE1 had some of the worst FPS combat mechanics ever put in a commercially succesful videogame, for example?

>don't put any points into pistol or rifle skills
>wonder why you can't shoot for shit

I can't believe casuals still whine about this after 16 years.

HR has more likeable characters.
MD has more interesting characters.

But it is really cramped, I doubt even Deus Ex PS2 (which from what I've seen is sort of a remixed version of DX rather than just super-scaled-down) is that bad.
What about the unified ammo?
No full-body health system either and really simplified augs.

I mean, the story was pretty good I think, a million times better than the bad GitS rip-off bullshit that HR and MD have to offer.

I mean, it was okay overall, but it was really boring. I think new DX is at least gameplay-wise more engaging, even if it doesn't "get" DX.

Dude, you can stand still to make Deus Ex's weapons accurate. They still look shit, sound shit, and have shit reactions on the shit, broken AI that is basically just Unreal AI, which was terrible to begin with. Deus Ex's awful FPS mechanics are glossed over by the more fanatical sections of the fanbase who insist that it was really just some deliberate scheme to make the game deeper.

No sorry, IW objectively has a garbage story, HR is far superior. MD is debatable but even there it has actual characters you care about. IW is just shit in every department.

>What about the unified ammo?
Not a great decision, but it doesn't hurt the game that much.
>No full-body health system either and really simplified augs.
Deus Ex PS2 scrapped the full body health system, and it has never returned to any sequel since. And the aug system... sure, it wasn't as good as Deus Ex's, but Human Revolution and Mankind Divided haven't exactly been shining examples of good aug design.

>No sorry, IW objectively has a garbage story
>IW is just shit in every department.

Name a single flaw. IW had an interesting story where you spend the entire game working for one of two branches of the same organisation. This is cleverly foreshadowed by the competing coffee shops that are owned by the same company.

TELL ME Sup Forums

This is the correct latin pronunciation. I hate to sound pedantic but I studied latin a few years ago, plus I'm pretty sure in all languages that originate from latin also pronounce it that way. At least in spanish, catalan and italian.

Yes, by everyone, although most of them haven't even tried it and just shit on it because it's cool. The game is nowhere near as good as any other Deus Ex game in terms of gameplay, but storywise it's still better than HRMD in a lot of things. It's still pretty fucking awful to play, but overall far from terrible.

People make a huge deal about the universal ammo (probably because it's the only thing they know about it) while the bland characters, terrible pacing, linear level design and costant fucking load screens are a much bigger concern.

YOUR actions
But honestly it's too much of a mess to tell

>every level never do what that stupid religious chink bitch tells me to do
>she always calls me the next time ordering me around like shes my boss and I haven't backstabbed her three times in a row already

Setting up the premise of the setting while taking three contradictory endings the player could have chosen from the last game into consideration was a disaster. It left the game with no real focus and the world was a jumbled mess, at least MD was ambiguous with how HR ended.

>linear level design
you've had me interested until that part

As someone who likes all of the Deus Ex games except that shitty mobile spinoff, I really don't get the hate for IW. It kinda reminds me of the hate for the Star Wars Prequels.

IW manages to nail most of what makes a Deus Ex game a Deus Ex game.

It was the first game in the series to let you play 100% non-lethal if you wished. It offered a lot of freedom. It managed to avoid the obnoxious vent bullshit of Eidos Montreal's entries. The storyline had a lot of grey. Situations where you had to make judgement calls that could have consequences hours later. And trusting the wrong people could have dire consequences, as seen with the ending.

It had its flaws, but it's nowhere near as bad as the internet hyperbole would have you believe.

wat? I beat MD the other day and that never happened.

Did you visit him in Prague 3?
Did you do any favors for Otar?

He can die. It's not certain by whose hand.

>It was the first game in the series to let you play 100% non-lethal if you wished

And yet NOT ONCE is it ever brought up by anyone unlike every other Deus Ex game and it treats unconscious enemies as if you killed them.

>linear level design
It's not really any more linear than HR. There are plenty of alternate routes into areas. A fair few levels involve a complex with multiple entrances that you find your own way into.

Well, okay, I admit it's not exactly how I wanted to describe it. I had already used "bland" but I guess uninteresting would've worked better. There's nothing wrong with linear level design as long as it's fun to explore, and this game unfortunately isn't.

Well I'm not saying HR and MD are super-great.
DX1 is the gold-standard still.

As far as being interesting and thought-provoking goes, IW is definitely better than the latter two games.

But when it comes to gameplay, HR and MD just feel better and are more immediately open-ended than IW, even if they're pretty fucking casualised.

And the (sad) thing is, HR and MD are about as good and intelligent as you could ever expect a modern Deus Ex game to be.

>Did you visit him in Prague 3?
>Did you do any favors for Otar?
No. When I went to get the item for your experimental augs I snuck into the Dvali base. I never even thought to just walk right the fuck in.

Probably Otar, considering Otar wants to replace Radich, and Koller works for Radich.

I recently played through IW, it was fucking painful, the small as fuck levels and constant load times (that still take 10-20 seconds no matter how powerful your rig is) really killed any enjoyment you can get from the game.

Imagine having to walk around the UNATCO building and there being loading transitions at the front door and the stairs.

I'm playing Deus Ex again, just got to the underground, never played nonlethal/stealth. Also trying GMDX, shit is so good.

Freakin DOOS EX

You don't get any notifications about him getting got, so he might be dead in your playthrough. :^)

Except you made a deal. Otar has LITERALLY no reason to kill Vaclav if you work together, he's not a bloodthirsty thug.

I get where he's coming from.

There are alternate routes in IW all right.

But I guess it just feels like the levels are linear because a lot of places are so small that having 2 paths to go to an objective very close to each other ends up feeling like you really don't have much of a choice at all.

Human Revolution was such a shitty game with uninteresting story for me :/

Someone should find out what happens when you activate all experimental augs without disabling any augs and without using the calibrator. We could see some cool shit.

>And the (sad) thing is, HR and MD are about as good and intelligent as you could ever expect a modern Deus Ex game to be.

Wrong, I would say the level design of Dishonored and the lack of takedowns made it closer to Deus Ex than HR in parts of the gameplay. It's just Eidos being incompetent. Hopefully

Your HUD goes batshit. That's it, as far as I know.

>(that still take 10-20 seconds no matter how powerful your rig is)
The tech problem is that IW actually crashes and reloads every time there is a level change. So no assets are kept in memory.

I would love a remake of Invisible War that reworked the level designs and fixed various areas of the game design because there is an awesome game underneath some horrible technical limitations. The story is quite good, and later games feel like a bit of a retread of it.

Eliza Cassan is basically an NG Resonance ripoff, for example.

I believe their main engine coder left midway through, leaving them with a screwy Unreal 2 fork that was difficult to work with.

I'm waiting on GMDX 9.0 before i begin my next replay.

*Hopefully System Shock 3 will be great, but then I'm not even sure if it will happen.

Damn, I need to play Dishonored some time.

>Except you made a deal.

You CAN make a deal, or you can sneak into Otar's base and steal the calibrator without ever meeting him. Koller dies if you do the latter, as Otar won't owe you a favor, and thus has ample reason to kill him(Koller working for Radich).

>But I guess it just feels like the levels are linear because a lot of places are so small that having 2 paths to go to an objective very close to each other ends up feeling like you really don't have much of a choice at all.
Which is why Diamond City in Fallout 4 is so shitty. The detective's office is literally 20-odd meters from the "bad part of town" where the hardened killer feared by everyone is. And said killer's house is literally within viewing distance of the elevator to the mayor's residence. Urban level design needs to breathe. It needs space, and pacing.

This is what is fucked in Koller's fate:
>do what Otar asks you to do
Radich gets killed/goes missing, does Koller die?
>don't do Otar's quests
>never meet Otar
Koller survives
And then there's how much you interrogate Koller about his Dvali dealings, for some it leads to his death and for some it doesn't.

Its pure garbage, your being memed on.

Deus Ex is best played loud and lethal and you cant prove me wrong.

Koller survives if you don't make any deals with Otar.
At least for some.

>It was the first game in the series to let you play 100% non-lethal if you wished.
How is this what makes a Deus Ex game a Deus Ex game then?

I think this sort of thing is pretty contrived anyway. I remember in HR there was this quest where I had to bump someone off, and I was like, "wow, my morals are actually being challenged here, I'm going to have to decline to do this because I'm playing non-lethal" so I was like "no" and then the other character was like "oh well then you can just knock him out and plant some shit on him and we'll frame him and we'll be rid of him forever too and nothing changes, don't worry". It feels cheap and unrealistic.

It's happening, Warren Spector is working on it as we speak.

If you do the favor for Otar and then get to the story mission where you overhear Otar and Radich talk about London or wherever, can you get any interaction out of him?
Or is he just going to turn hostile?


>Adam has a killswitch that you have to find if you want to survive
>Janus is Rand and we're off to New York next
>Delara can be turned
>ayy lmaos soon
>Brown and his Rabiah get meme'd on no matter what you do
>Aria will still be useless in the next game

crack when ?

He'll just turn hostile.
The real question is what happens if you do the favors and kill Radich before that mission, in Prague 2.

>Jensen gets married to the real Eliza
>spends the third game finding her a state of the art sex bot body to download herself into
>they go to California, break into Versalife's facility, and fuck on Megan's desk

>Janus is Rand and we're off to New York next
NSF, Paul and maybe the seeds of a budding UNATCO.
It would make sense.
Expect a "trouble at the 'ton" reference.

what for? watch on youtube

>le ebin watch video games maymay
Top kek as they say.

Play it on YouTube my duder

being a poor fag
>inb4 LOL i'm not wasting my money for vidya gaems
One day you'll have wealth and see how much of a faggot your are

I'm a poor neet without future

Did GMDX add a limit to how many things you can eat? Or was vanilla like that?

Fuck it man, let me get my 2 health from food and drinks.

What's the jewery in MD?

>new hubs are paris, berlin, london, new york, moscow
> free masons as a faction get reveald
> you can choose sides illus, masons, janus or nobady and just stall the plans of all 3
> megan is illu bitch
> sarif is mason
> janus is pritchard?!?
> new tech nano bots get introduced
> jason has to choose if he keeps the augments (masons) or be human (nano tech)
> whole thing is a conflict between masons and illus about how to solve the human problem of overpopulation.
> illus develop a pest
> masons want to build arcs
> janus wants to stop all forever, to much crap done by both sides
> lots of internal conflict in all organsations, all have skeletons in basment
> you have to choose, again how the future develops.

>making 2 more games with Jensen
How fucking lazy can Square and Eidos be.

They should just go with all new things and a full nanoaug era Deus Ex, and make it happen in places where Deus Ex 1 didn't take place, a complete side story, make it happen in Tokyo and other towns where DX didn't talk much about, just expand the universe. That way they wouldn't have to design it around the story of the original, also they wouldn't ruin the original.

It's just some items, credits, praxis points you can buy instead of playing the game like you're supposed to do.

Honestly it's those people who have a lot of money and don't like a challenge are the problem, that's why micro transactions exist

>prequel trilogy that lets you """choose""" the ending but it would all turn out the same

That's fucking dumb. They should've done their own thing and let it be tied to the original deus ex

Why not both?

Are they really making 2 more games with Jensen? MD was already pushing it by having him in it again.

I swear to fucking shit I KNEW they would do this as soon as they announced MD.
Adam Jensen is the action man and cool guy, the Agent 47, the Sam Fisher, the face of Deus Ex now. Fuck you, SE and fuck you Eidos.


portuguese speaker here
this user is correct. it's deh-oos

MD is better than HR?

I'm just wondering what contrivances they'll keep thinking up to let Jensen acquire new augmentations every game.


>full nanoaug
That's the conspiracy of MD. The Illuminati are coordinating the terrorist attacks and framing the ARC to get the UN to ratify the Human Restoration Act so all the business like Page Industries and shit that make up the Illuminati can start shilling nanoaugs

My question is how are they going to handle the sequel since Adam is so hellbent on "exposing" the Illuminati. HR did a good job of tieing into DX story. But the further and further we're getting closer to the 1st DX timeline start, the more it seems like Eidos will either be too lazy to create multifaceted choices that you could realistically see tieing into DX1, or just funnel you into 1 singular ending.

And that weapon uses universal ammo?

Yea this is probably more accurate.