Where the hell did they come from? Why don't you ever see anything like it again in the Sonic series?

Where the hell did they come from? Why don't you ever see anything like it again in the Sonic series?

I totally didn't expect those sharp horns. Scared the shit out of me as a kid.

>Why don't you ever see anything like it again in the Sonic series?

Too terrifying.

They are the ghosts of the animals Sonic failed to rescue, which is why they hate him so much.

Aren't there ghost themed enemies in several sanic games
I seem to remember there being ghosts in Sanic Heroes and that's the only sanic I remember anything about

We have ghosts appearing again in Adventure 2, Heroes and Lost World

Came here to post this

That shit has nothing on these invincible demon ghosts in S&K.

>Yeah! Take that Nintendo! We've got our own ghosts now!

Ghosts? Where?

What was Sonic doing in Egypt? I thought he was on another planet.

Ancient echidna ghosts.
They're all that remains of those killed off by Pende-err...I mean Pefect Chaos.

Eggman had no interest in other planets. Why would you think that?

hello nightmares

It's Angel Island. All of S3&K takes place on Angel Island

Why is Egypt on Angel Island?

Which is kinda weird if you think about it. I mean, it's a deserted island very few know about, yet it has a fully-functioning and active carnival area.

So are you excited for the Sandopolis remake in Sonic Mania?

>yfw it's true


Eggman probably made it.

Yeah what's up with the whole theme park obsession of his?

its his inner child manifesting itself.

>Eggman is childish
>Eggman is evil
>children are evil

...Why the fuck was there a carnival on Angel Island?



Like I said, kids are cruel, Sonic.
And I'm very in touch with my inner child.