Your best friend becomes the final boss

>your best friend becomes the final boss

Die you degenerate Barneyfag

And this is in OP's gif


I will smell you later, Gary.... some day...

I want all their shit fucking executed


>game strictly punishes you for fighting against known rivals
>ending is affected because of it


I want all of these fucking faggots killed for their shit


>not supporting him as a friend, turns sides for your friendship and aim to rule the world with him
what kind of a friend are you?

shit, I though i was on /tg/

Dumbass, the only reason OP made this thread was to shill shit outside of containment, refer to

And I want them all fucking destroyed

>this isn't an option for an alternate ending
I'm triggered

Because they deserve it

Can we just fucking gas all of these degenerates already? THEY REALLY DON'T DESERVE EXISTENCE.

Keep going, Barneyfag. Feed my filter.

Yo, buddy. Still alive?

I really want these faggots fucking dead

Seriously, fuck their shit up

I've always had this philosophy that anyone can be a good person if you get to know them. Everyone thinks the 'dolf was an evil supervillain bent on world destruction, but I say that if you knew him well enough that he wasn't all that bad. Barneyfag is one of the extremely rare exceptions i've seen. I see absolutely no redeemable qualities in them. He has outright stated that he went to special ed because of his own autism, and he gets beyond triggered the moment anything that has the smallest iota of a chance of being pony related pops up. To top it all off, he's been on his "crusade" for, what, six years now? He is beyond redemption at this point.

>he gets beyond triggered the moment anything that has the smallest iota of a chance of being pony related pops up.

They always deserve to die a mangled bloody mess for their sins.

just ignore him he feeds on attention. has the right idea. just filter him completely, when he stops being fed attention and notoriety he'll stop, and so will the fags that bait him into posting.

Fuck them all up, really

I'm convinced that he's the OP and he's just making threads to shitpost in.

dont you literally watch mlp though? didnt someone expose your old posts about being autistic and posting on an MLP forum?

>dont you literally watch mlp though?
Only so that I can be able to call them out on their shit, since, you know, their shit's not allowed outside of containment.

>didnt someone expose your old posts about being autistic and posting on an MLP forum?
That was the Doomworld forums, retard. And that was back when the show just came out, mid-2011 so I didn't know what it would become.

Nope, that's never been the case.

kill yourself retard. do you think anyone takes you seriously? you're not even being subtle with this "only so i can call them out :^)" shit

Well, that's what it boils down to.

>People still get upset about ponies

Never change/v/

Stop replying. Just filter the image MD5s.

I seriously hate these fucking degenerates.

Yup, that's always been the case.

I think at this point, they're more upset over the rule being broken than the actual content itself.

Literally never and you have no proof to back it up

These degenerates have no reason to exist

The only person who's getting upset over anything tangibly related to ponies right now is you, friendo.
you should drop it ,if your autism allows it.

Which is why they deserve to vanquish from existence