>that one anime you love that will never get a good video game
What's her name Sup Forums?
>that one anime you love that will never get a good video game
What's her name Sup Forums?
>wanting to ruin a good thing with some phoned in bullshit game
SE lain
and praise lain for not being ruined by videa
At least Cowboy Bebop got a game. There are tons of good anime series that never did.
>Only game ever attached to the franchise was a shitty sidescroller for the DS.
Does manga count? I would love an edgy Devilman game.
You posted it mate
Outlaw Star.
> there will never be a great teacher onizuka simulator
you just gonna keep RUNNING AWAY!?
Every...every anime? Is that the correct answer?
You do not love every anime, user
Just keep running away...?
>tfw no Kill la Kill vidya done by oatmeal cookie-era Team Ninja
Just keep running away?
I'm not running
Its better that way.
yeah, sure, but there's never been a good anime game.
King of the Hill. I literally thought KOTH Online was a thing for about a year until I watched the show and tried to find the game online.
>Secret Sup Forumsids raid
Platinum dude who directed MGR was interested in doing a KLK game
correct answer
27+ movies and 4+ seasons should give them enough original material for a stealth action game with a great soundtrack
what's this one about?
>still no PSG game by Platnum
>still no KLK game by Platinum
School Days
>inb4 VN
I want to get murdered in VR
I'm still not convinced that I've ever seen a fully realized stealth mechanic.
>cowboy bebop
overrated garbage
Barring the horrible fucking translation, I would argue SAO was pretty good for what it set out to do. The translation was so god awful and bad it detracted from the game, though. And yes, this is from the US Release.
I just want a good 3D action game that's equal parts platforming, exploration, and GOOD combat
A-Ko would make a great enviromental destruction game - totally over the top setting, and perfectly happy revelling in absurdity and property damage while fighting for the companionship of an arguably cute loli.
>that game you liked got an anime adaptation that was shitty
>the director didn't even play the fucking game he was adapting
You're garbage, and no one rates you.
Captain Harlock series
Better a bad translation than a localization that fucks up core meanings and shit.
Oh son, that's exactly what they did.
The anime was fun if you knew nothing about the show.
how fuck I would have posted that. I didn't read the thread, just the OP.
Another world exists beyond the sea, where humans, half-beasts and monsters are all born from trees. Gods and unicorns govern the twelve kingdoms.
Better captain coming through
I have no idea how you could make an interesting game out of Ping Pong
Lain has a game, though.
comedy, artsy, action, takingitselftooseriously, stupid, or just pretty?
Braiger could be a great game, bad guy slaughtering IN SPACE with out-of-mecha stealth base infiltration / assassination sequences. Space colony cities with various tasks, crime syndicates to fuck up. For authentic Bryger the mecha parts would have to be laughably easy and have you killing thousands of defenseless enemies waving their silly white flags.
It's called "Ping Pong". There was a very early, minimalist release just entitled "Pong". It's really for purists.
Fantasy and a little action.
>tfw we will never get an Ace Combat clone for Area 88
A Monogatari video game would have dialogue cutscenes long enough to rival MGS 4.
Witchblade? I guess...
Burst Angel
aiight, a couple more drinks and I'll check it out. Just finished SPACE ADVENTURE COBRA.
There is an area 88 game and it's actually quite good. It's called UN Squadron in the west.
When a game has loli headpatting as a vital plotpoint, I expect the adaptation to include that scene.
It's really the downfall of the anime. You're using a visual medium. Show, don't tell. Don't explain how you feel, or whatever. Show it in a facial expression or something, goddamnit.
It play similar to GTA but is darker. And the cops releasing them after a murder spree would make more sense here than in actual GTA games.
Or it'd just be your standard VN.
This. Don't know much about the PS2 game other than it just being kinda adequate.
A Lupin game similar to Thief with huge buildings to explore and loot quotas you need to meet to progress would be GOAT-tier. Maybe playing more like a third person fast-paced game with lots of gadgets to use though.
>MMO where you fly around the galaxy and compete with other players to collect the highest bounties
I'd play the fuck out of it
>that one anime you love
>anime you love
One Punch Man
There's two in fact, the Arcade and the SNES versions are very different and both are very good.
There's also a spiritual sequel under a different name, but I keep forgetting it.
subbed or dubbed?
a good G Gundam game?
The game is what clued me into the series in the first place. I still want a 3d game
One Punch Man
Death Note
Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei (I don't even know how this one would work tho)
GTA + prototype + cyberpunk setting
everything I know about this show I know from this short clip
There was a Death Note game on the DS or something.
Lupin III
Space Dandy
Azumanga Daioh
Yotsuba (a mango, but still)
Does Macross have any good games? I love that series to death. Except Zero.
Street Fighter 2-style fighting game.
Kaiji has a pachinko machine.
I feel like OPM could be a good beat 'em up/DMC style game.
>It will NEVER get translated
>Objective: Survive
Macross has a bunch of games but I never played them because translations never. from what I understand the Robotech game on the same system is very similar
Never tried the dub. Just go for the sub like most of us.
>hijacking this thread
Are any of the games for pic related good? Any in particular?
Highschool DxD. And unbreakable machine doll for that matter.
These are the options for 1pm
1) You are the punchman, and the entire game revolves around you getting groceries and lotto tickets, sometimes hitting a single button and ending fights
2) The Title and Name of all heroism is at stake, with the populous hating heroes and throwing garbage at them. You have to become a villian as our titular hero and sell it. You have to fake injuries and generally set up really tense looking battles that you 'lose' to make the populous happy
3) You play as a 4 piece chicken mcnobody and it's just set in the world. No saitama.
If only..
>gateway anime
If you buy the idea that YYS and that are set in the same universe, there's this, a fighting game that is a bit different from other fighting games:
I actually haven't seen anything like it.
>anything that isn't fanservice moƩ garbage is gateway
fuck off
>popular shows are bad
>ctrl + F Eva
>0 results
What the fuck Sup Forums
all those shows are really popular. plenty of stuff ITT isnt moe and wasnt listed because casuals dont watch them
A game featuring Chen as the main character
Was the N64 game good?
>the blu rays
>gateway shuffle
There's a PC strategy game isn't there? How is it?
If you want to argue like that, then anime itself is just a shitty gateway to manga. Also, seasonal flavor of the month garbage is as entry level as it gets.
Gateway anime is good anime, deeper anime is devoted to trying to look up underage pantsu?
Gateway is the only kind allowed, then, you basement dweller.
Shugo Chara! MMO when?