Have you ever bought a game because the girl was cute?
Have you ever bought a game because the girl was cute?
No, I masturbate to her for free like a sane person.
every game I have bought for like 5 years has been for that reason
Yes, only weeb game i've ever bought, I don't consider myself a weeb, but one of this games is enough to fit as one, to think I used to despise people for talking in public about anime.
which neptunia is this one?
Sup Forums, I like cute anime girls but never did the whole waifu game
I want to go through the toughest shit you got.
Put me through a game that will make it damn near impossible to walk away without a waifu.
Do your fucking worst.
Bioshock Infinite
Pretty much all the Atelier games
Katawa Shoujo
Never for that reason alone, but sure for renting.
>Disgaea 4 for Fuuka
C'mon son
Beat it, didn't work.
I tried the demo way back when. I guess I could try the full game.
Hard mode trillion
Fairy Fencer F: Advent Dark Force
Yeah, and the reverse is true as well. When they have a token brown girl for pandering, now THAT'S a turn off.
Puyo Puyo.
.Senran Kagura
Why is Trillion hard mode?
I'm going to go for the hard mode shit right away. I told you to do your worst.
Can try
Played it. Enjoyed it. Cute girls. No waifu.
Because if you find your waifu there you'll have to send her to fight a massive monster that will probably kill her in a horrible way if you don't get any then no problem
>Bought Yokai Watch just because of Blizzaria
Which neptunia should a half weeb start off?
because of Levia
I buy every single compile heart game because they have cute girls, I'm always let down by them. I need help.
Fairy Fencer F ADF was such a great game. I never thought the added stuff really made the game.
Yes I bought this game cause Marianna is qt.
D4: Dark Dreams Don't Die, because of the cat girl.
Does she have fappable CG's?
>fapping to cute
dude what
No, probably because I'm not a cancerous permavirgin weeaboo trying to defend retarded purchases on games devoid of any actual gameplay.
What was everyone's opinions of FFF ADF?
New routes were great IMO and the new characters in the third route were good except Noie
>not fapping to cute
Do you have brain damage?
I really liked the girls from the Nekopara games so I bought it, fapped a few times and regretted it.
Cute is cute man.
I have lewds for anything else. Forcing cute to be lewd is not lewd or cute.
Cute and lewd are not mutually exclusive.
I know. Lewd can be cute, but forcing cute to lewd is bad IMO.
Lewd to cute is fine.
Ar Nosurge.
Tried it.
Thought it was a shit game.
Could you elaborate on your reasoning? I thought the girls in FFF were super cute so I looked up an image gallery. Why exactly would you buy the game? The gameplay looks subpar at best and most of the game does not involve looking at cute girls.
Valkiria Chronicles
>Delicious brown is a turnoff
Persona 3 or 4, I say both becuase I didn't like any of the girls in p4 but loved the ones in p3.
But the game does involve looking at nothing but the cute girls
Did both. Mitsuru a cute.
No waifus though.
I'm not actively trying to go waifuless. I just never walk away with a fascination with one character.
>The gameplay looks subpar at best and most of the game does not involve looking at cute girls.
The gameplay is simply another JRPG. Nothing wrong with it. It's much better than Persona's gameplay.
And besides, the three routes in the game is the single greatest thing I have encountered in a long time.
From the beginning! Rebirth 1!
This, currently finishing up the Evil Goddess route
tfw in FF ADF evil goddess route sets up for a sequel, Appolonius is dead, Galdo may or may not be okay, this is what they will go with for the sequel
I'm not okay with this.
Maybe you're gay
I like things in my ass but I'm not gay. Make of that what you will.
I like cute girls too.
Every Senran Kagura game, and I haven't actually liked any of them
Yes, and I regret it every time. Games with cute girls are objectively subjectively the worst games.
All the time
and I don't plan to stop
I did however buy a game because the girls had big, jiggling tits.
The gameplay ended up being addicting but the sequel didn't get localized.
Galdo is shit. Who the fuck thought having a canadian accent would be a good thing?
What game?
My dick has better taste in games than my brain.
To get the good ending with your waifu, you have to let her die horribly, along with every other single girl, then bring her back to life, let your sister die, let her die again, let your dog die and then beat the only enemy in the game with her soul inside of you. Its a bit demoralizing.
I pirated it
Ay, Galdo is a bro.
Vile God route is much better than Evil Goddess Route.
I bought it and a daki of Marika.
Haven't actually played it yet...
The Atelier Arland trilogy, and it turned out to be good. Been tempted by Neptunia, but so far I've been able to convince myself that the gameplay is actually terrible
Is that other fairy fencer game going to get localized.
the game takes fucking forever to actually get through even spam skipping dialogue
blue hair chick is gr8
it gets pretty WACKY later on though
I'm tempted to get this and Nights of Azure.
Holy shit, those are some long-ass boobs.
Edea was way better, though.
Seishoujo is all about the concept of gravity and shit rolling downhill, so to speak.
I have Nights of Azure. Bought its LE on a whim. Its OK, but I'd wait for it to hit sub $30 first.
Thanks. I'll keep an eye out then.
Steam or PS4?
it already has been
I buy all games pretty much on the basis that the girl on the box is cute.
I also read reviews, but having a cute girl on cover is an easy way to get my attention.
Not cool, sexy, or fapbait, mind you. Just cute. The sort of cute that makes me want to raise her as a daughter.
No but I pirated Senran Kagura Burst because the girls were cute and then bought the game because the game was good.
I'm not trans in any way.
But after playing Bioshock infinite, I really wanted to be Elizabeth, like I kept fantasising about being a petite early twenties girl, with a cute haircut, wearing a long frilly dress, going around acting all innocent and girly, being protected and shit, with big blue eyes, red lips and little buds for boobies.
God, what a life, I get giggly thinking about it.
>I'm not trans in any way.
I doubt it.
Why did they reduce Elizabeth breasts?
Yes. So far I bought 3 of the 4 SK games, DOA dimensions, Dragons Crown and Code of Princess, and HDN:RB 1 and 2.
It's only bitten me in the ass twice. Dragon's Crown, while not a bad game, was a bit clunky for me (doubly so after playing Muramasa before it) and Code of Princess, which played so fucking slow and had a shit framerate.
While SK:Burst also had a shit framerate it was still playable because the action was still pretty fast for 15 FPS.
So they'd be cuter!!
Also Ken Levine said he didn't want to sexualise her, also he says he hates all the porn made of Elizabeth.