Ready for GOTY?

Ready for GOTY?

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Nintendo never produced a GOTY

I'll concede that it could be good. Truly.
The advertising for the game has been charming and the writing that I've seen in gameplay clips has been good.
But the combat doesn't look fun at ALL.

I have The Last Guardian and SMT4A to worry about anyway.
Paper Mario had a great three game run, I'm over it now.

When you have to ask "what the fuck is going on" , you know you have a problem

Couldn't get into SMT4 at all and so I have no reason to touch Apocalypse. Would love to play Last Guardian but no PS4.

Games I'm looking forward too is DQ7, World of Final Fantasy, DQ Builders and Pokemon. So my time is going to be taken up completely with those games.


I think that one free thinker toad who wants to sail to the edge of the world and everyone makes fun of him to being different sums up how I feel about this game. Fuck individuality.

These animations will get old after the first time you use them.

>good isn't good luck

What does GOTY stand for?

Yes, I'm ready for the Berserk game.

hey there.

game of the year

Great or totally yarbage

Gays On The Yearly

Meaning it'll make you a fag buying this game

>so randumb xD - the game
Truly a fine GOTY contender.

its fun to see 1-2 maybe 3 times but after that its another story

>choose a paper/2d theme
>use 3d models
but... why

You should probably not be buying any more Nintendo products until NX is released.

I don't understand what's happening here...why were they transported to some shitty city streets?

>Post yfw Paper Mario is dead

Why do the animations take so long?
Why are there 3D models in a paper game?
Why is the battle system more fucked than Sticker Star?

They tried but miyamoto shut it down because it was "too similar", but apparently this isnt similar to SS at all to him
The rest is tanabe being full retard

Things are basically summons.

Regular cards don't take that long to use but there's no real reason to use them on bosses since Things do a shitload of damage by themselves.

If anything the advertisements for it is pretty fun.

But user, we already have a Mario RPG franchise. Why would we need another one when the two are practically identical?

Fuck nintendo this isn't the TTYD sequel I want.
I'm done with this company.

>sentai characters
Only capcom knew how to make good sentai parodies in their games.


great great , just fucking tip top

Color Splash has fantastic presentation if nothing else.

You can't tell from the webms, but those "Thing" attacks also annoyingly cut out the music. Thankfully(?) the game looks easy enough that they shouldn't be required.

Ok, did it do any damage?

Damage is indicated by the enemy losing color.

You can see his color drain as you attack him.

>ninte do trying so hard to make the game seem original within their retarded self imposed limits of using NSMB characters
the irony

Please are no toad minigames confirmed?

They ARE required though, you can't damage the bosses at all at certain points unless you use the thing

Yeah, i can't wait for long ass special attacks thta get boring after the second time of using them!

GOTY 2002 coming through

>you lose colors when you get hurt

I thought it was supposed to be 0+ game.

I loved Sticker Star!

>drug references
you know, for kids!

That's not Fusion

nigga it's no different from a health bar

Mario still has damage numbers.

If you don't live in the middle of fucking no where, most kids are banging and doping up by 5th grade.

>Long attack animations: The Game

This shit is annoying as fuck in games like Disgaea and Pokemon. I hope they at least have an option to skip or fast forward them.

I fucking take Super Paper Mario 2 over this.

At least Disgaea lets you skip them

At least Pokemon lets you skip them when you aren't playing online.

I refuse to see why you'd dislike this unless you're just dead set on not supporting a non-ttyd PM game.

Because it looks good.

The problem with Things is that there's no visible downside to using them. Sometimes a boss may be randomly invulnerable to one, but that's it.


This must have been a really shitty year then.

The game doesn't have to be challenging in order to be fun and charming.



no, but you should at least try to balance your shit

Have you seen what this year gave us? The only game I can think of that didn't come out completely trash is Doom. Everything else was so completely trash that people are still making fun of it.

So you only played and enjoyed Doom, that sounds like an issue with your world not mine.

What game that came out this year that you really liked?

Why didn't op open the thread with a giant godzilla cat fucking some Shy Guys shit rite up?

Nice joke, but Nintendo has produced the GOTY every year since the NES launched.

Take a look at any games on a 'best ever' list and the only ones that anyone still cares about today are all Nintendo exclusive.

At least post the videos cuck

I am, but Nintendo isn't.

>1612 coins
they're going to be useless again, aren't they?
fuck off underaged

Second does look a bit story driven.

this, at least SPM had unique characters

I know you made this thread.
What I don't know is why you get off to shilling for Ninty every day of the year. Everyone's getting this, free or paid, just because it looks good. What people aren't going to change is their opinion. This isn't a paper mario game. It won't matter how good it looks.

Rainbow 6 Siege came out a year ago and I count it.

Other than that, kek.

>same fucking circlejerk threads everyday

Blame cody for that, he never gives up

I hate the dumb fucks that respond to these threads with the same tired responses more than a meme person seeking attention


really subtle bump there faggot