232,647 active players

>232,647 active players

RIP FFXIV. Yoshi-P dream is dead, but what's the next for FFXI online department?

Maybe a FFXI-2?

Other urls found in this thread:


I actually really liked PlayOnline in 2004.

They could have improved on it but it was nice playing games and joining chatrooms with people waiting for server maintenance to end.

>232,647 active players
That's sustainable. Pretty sure FFXI had even less in its prime days.

ff14 is atrocious, i'm continually surprised by all its die-hard players and defenders.

ffxi is best left in the past. i'd play an HD version of it in a heartbeat though if it were a return to 2007 or so.


You're an idiot if you think it's that easy to compare. FFXI came out before WoW and is one of the few to stand the test of time.

That's like saying FFXIII is superior to FFVI because it may have sold more. That's retarded.

I guarantee you that if FFXI got a proper sequel or remake, with some nice updates to some of it's more outdated mechanics, it would blow FFXIV out the water.

It wouldn't.
You can't make an MMO like FF XI in this day and age anymore. It actually relied on the community working together.

People nowadays want instant gratification. And even FF XI would suck if you had that.

Stop posting this made up number you fucking retard.

Can we bring back PlayOnline? Does Sup Forums even remember that or did you all join in 2012?

Let's just get this out of the way:

Do not believe OP's lies. He's an autist who has been posting this for days now baiting people who don't fact check.

The 230k number ONLY takes into account players who have completed ALL the main story content including the expansion and every patch, which is only a tiny minority of all players.

The subscriber count is much higher. How high is impossible to know because Square Enix don't release their numbers.

you're full of shit if you honestly believe FFXIV has more than 230k subscribers. 230k is indeed sustainable, it's not even a smear number. would be willing to bet even that quoted number is higher than what they actually have active. most servers and zones are dead and you're delusional

It would only appeal to the existing XI community. Not to mention XI had stopped being updated already. Tanaka was it's director/producer and when he took on version 1.0 XIV, SE used him as a scapegoat for it's failure and had forced him to retire.

What people desire most for XI is a way to play it on a mobile device and to make it a Free to Play game somehow.

XIV is far from dead. They're working on the next expansion after Heavensward. They don't intend to give up on it anytime soon.

>your MMO is so patheticly low on subs and viewership you have to resort to paying big name nobodies on Twitch to even get them to stream it


>230k active players means a game is dead
what the FUCK are you talking about

>I need my game to be financially profitable or else I can't enjoy it.

Are you a fucking investor or shareholder? Also the game would still be profitable if it were only available in JP.

So calm your tits, dimwit.

You're a retard, 230k at endgame, out of only 500k actives total, out of 6 fucking million accounts created is still laughably sad.


You're an even bigger liar and so are the NA fags handling the census. They're active CHARACTERS, not even individually subbed players, at least the JP census always makes this distinction clear. Yes, plenty of people have enough alts to skew the numbers higher than they actually are.


>players who have completed ALL the main story content including the expansion and every patch, which is only a tiny minority of all players.
You are full of shit. You have to be caught up on the story to do Nidhogg, which anyone who plays the game has attempted. Everyone playing the game is at least caught up on main story.

didnt heavensward barely sell 500k copies?
do retards really think that all buyers still play?

>Log onto XIV
>See dozens of players everywhere
>Queue for dungeon in like seconds
>Get told by Sup Forums the game is dead



Guess what shill? The exact same shit you just spouted has been said by every retard playing every MMO that has gone F2P and that has failed. You're no better than any other generic corporate cuck asslicking your dying MMO.

>Gets told
>spouts a bunch of buzzwords to show how assblasted he is


Nice buzzwords corporate cuck, your MMO is still dying and no amount of shilling can save it.

And every other MMO that has gone f2p was shit. I played FFXIV and I liked it more than any of the shit that's come out in the past few years.

wow spout more buzzwords bitch boy

nu-Sup Forums really is a shithole, we had perfectly good threads before this op started spamming his shitpost fests

>Log onto XIV
>you don't talk to any of those dozen of players everywhere
>you queue to do your weekly caps and no one talks other than "thanks for pt" when done clearing
>implying the raiding community is anything, but dead
>implying this MMO has not devolved into a casual theme park with no effort to re-capture the end-game popularity of Coils

Have fun pvping with bots though.

You know what sucks about yearly expansions?

You can't make anything great I'm just a years time while maintaining a patch cycle for the previous expansion. The next expansion we get is going to be a glorified patch just like HW/3.0 was and that sucks ass.

If you were a little less autistic you would know that the vast majority of FF14 subscribers at any given moment are in their first month of subscription and don't even make it to the endgame before quitting.

FF14 is and has always been carried by a constant influx of new players, only a small fraction of whom actually become long-time subscribers.

More or less my experience, minus PvP. People on my server do not talk. You know Teade and General chat in WoW? The place where people across your server would communicate? Even if it was a little retarded, XIV has no equivalent of that.

This game is all about finding an FC, funding a clique within that FC, and rarely if ever interacting with anyone else. That's not how I play the game, but that's how a lot of people I know and a lot of other players seem to play the game. I have been across multiple servers and there is never an open sense of community. There's always some behind the scenes exclusive linkshell you have to know the right person to get invited to.

>only 230k active players
>still manages to btfo of WoW every time

How does it keep doing it? Literaly the best single player MMO on the market.

Have you reached Idyllshire yet?

This is true. XIV is very good at catering to new players and very bad at retaining them long-term. At best, most players who stop playing come back for a month after a few patches drop.

Yes. Lots of idling, not much in shout.

>my shit MMO is less shit because I say so and I have shit tastes

Way to spout the same generic corporate cuck drivel.

XIV's biggest problem is it doesn't have 10+ years of sustainment time like WoW.

FF14 deserves to die.
It makes every standard MMO activity the worst chore.
That whole retainer garbage is the worst shit I've experienced in my life.
Its even worse that they made it shit on purpose and then charge you real money for extra storage.

Fuck them.

Any sub based MMO that doesn't retain the majority of its subscribers is a shit MMO, especially when the entry barrier is only $5, or less with all the Humble Bundle keys still floating around.

I play on a EU server and it's usually pretty active. Shitposting about frenchies being a hot topic. NA should see even more with their higher player count.

Leveling my DRG, is fracture a necessary cross class skill or not?

I get the feeling its somewhat of a heated topic for some reason, but ive never been a melee so ive never had to read up on it.

I see lots of sale advertisements and the rare FC recruitment where everyone is nice, social, the FC is level 8 and has a medium plot in Ward 3000 of the Goblet and the FC likes to do a little bit of everything.

Some guy who gets catered to by his static in Ultros says no.

It can be sort of useful on monk, but not drg.

Imagine being 30 and doing this shit with your life. Jesus.

>Some guy who gets catered to by his static in Ultros
Which ZR nerd are you bullying. Give me the dirt.

No, it would only be useful when leveling a low lvl drg, even then I'm probably not sure.

Skills you want:
Internal release and blood bath.
Nice to have, but not necessary:
Mercy Stroke, Second Wind, Mantra

GAF, not ZR. Unless someone from ZR started making picture guides for Dragoon.

A proper sequel would not only appeal to the current XI community. Plenty of people would kill for a sequel and they either played a long time ago, heard about how good it was but it's outdated, or just want something new that isn't xiv.

The proper spiritual sequel is currently appealing to 350-400k players in Japan alone, which is comparatively more than XIV has worldwide, and more subs than it has domestically.

I wish the DQ artstyle wasn't so fucking disgusting. Why does Toriyama get work?

It's used on monk to stagger your combo finisher so you can reapply demolish when it's about to wear off. You don't upkeep it. Dragoon doesn't have stances so there's no reason to run fracture since the TP cost is too high.

>Sales = Quality

Kill yourself.

Also zero MMOs retain the majority of their subscribers, or even a FRACTION of them.

There's reliable statistics showing that less than 25% of all accounts created in FF14 even make it to level 20. And that's completely standard for games in general.

Sales does = quality most of the time retard, in this case subs retained reflect on the quality of the game, especially for any shit sub based MMO. If a sub based MMO is shit no one will sub to it, as evidenced by this shit MMO and any other shit sub based MMO that has gone F2P.

You can sell all the shitty copies you want, but at $5 the profits will be just as equally pathetic as the game and its corporate cuck shills. What makes any sub based MMO profitable are its retained subs, of course nowadays what makes any shit MMO profitable is its cash shop sales and XIV has that in spades with retards buying 10 Fantasias and every $25-$30 mount, hence the only reason this piece of shit is still even alive with barely 500k subs.

>FFXIV releases huge content updates regularly and about 13-20 events a year inbetween patches
>have been doing this for almost 4 years now
>has a fan event every year in one of the most expensive convention cities in the world
>is announcing its new expansion pack and final 2 massive updates for this expansion pack

>releases one expansion pack every 3 or so years
>last expansion pack had a whopping 2 content updates and less than 6 events per year

Why is it so fucking hard to grasp that w/e numbers they have, its not only sustainable, its doing well and their track record of content proves it. You dont /need/ WoW numbers to be successful and SE wouldnt keep dumping the amount of cash needed to do this kinda shit (or keep an MMO afloat) if they were losing money.

>Also zero MMOs retain the majority of their subscribers, or even a FRACTION of them.

Fuck off retard, XI retained all its 500k to 600k subscribers for almost 8 years and was single handedly keeping Squeenix alive during all that time, being the single most profitable Final Fantasy in the company's history. Kill yourself.

>t. contrarian weebuck

>I play an awful game
>I will justify it by saying another awful game is even more awful

"huge content updates" = new ilvl gear to buy by spamming the same shit-tier dungeons as the month before

MMO's are a scam and you're a sucker.

>huge content patches
>it's the same shit over and over for years
>they cut down the amount they release in HW but it's the same otherwise
>people get bored of this

>do three quests and farm fates

>FF14 updates
You get like four bosses per raid at best.
Pretty sure that HW actually had less overall content than WoD.
FF14 patches are awfully small.

And by spamming the same dungeons you mean only up until you hit the weekly cap of tokens or whatever that shit is. Whoa, fun!


I just want to play XI with friends again, or DQX.

>can't even grind ahead because then casuals will be upset that someone putting in more work is getting more than them
H-haha... having a great time...!

No raid has ever had less than four bosses, idiot, and they usually have more. And each patch also comes with 2-3 new dungeons and a new trial along with the new raid.

I don't know why Yoshi doesn't hire Sean Murray to be the dungeon lead.

>log onto XIV
>turns out the server i picked is the most dead when it comes to active players
>don't want to leave because a lot of friends are on the same server
on the bright side everyone is more inclined to help one another, so communication actually happens

>3 new dungeons
Have you play anytime after HW was released?

>you get a new trial that's relevant for a week every 3-4 months

Well he fucked it up before heavensward and didnt listen to the feedback from people who actually played through content. Instead he insisted on listening to the people who just sit in towns and erp.

Probably Talonaar

wowww four bosses. thats truly amazing!

I feel like the only MMO that still has some dignity left in it is PSO2.

It has a clear goal and fan base that it's made and upkept for and doesn't advertise itself as anything it isn't.


>log into XIV
>its a dead wasteland
>aside from dungeon roulettes it takes ages to get into anything
>see this post

>which is only a tiny minority of all players
Nah senpai, it's probably another 50-80k though.

>232k after one year

kek, FFXI held that 500k for 5 years

I could never make my perfect elf in that game. It makes me sad.

You're still in an overflow server huh.

It's time they did something about them desu

>people complaining about dead servers when they can't be assed to transfer to Gilgamesh or Balmung
Your own fault tbqh


>want to resub to XIV
>Heavensward physical: $20
>Heavensward digital: $40
>don't resub to XIV


>The proper spiritual sequel is currently appealing to 350-400k players in Japan alone,
No way DQX is that popular.

how does an overflowed server work different to a less-used one?

Adds don't count as bosses retard.

T1: one mini boss and the boss
T2: a bunch of mini bosses, not even a proper boss, rehashed from the T1 mini boss
T3: just adds
T4: just adds
T5: one boss

Total: 2 bosses, 5 mini bosses and a bunch of adds

T6, T7, T8, T9: one boss, 4 bosses total
T10, T11, T12, T13: one boss, 4 bosses total

A1: one mini boss, one boss that splits into two but it's still one boss because it has to be killed at the same time
A2: just adds
A3: one boss
A4: one boss

Total: 1 mini boss, 3 bosses, a bunch of adds.

A5: 3 mini bosses, one boss
A6: 4 bosses, might as well be one boss in Savage since they have to be killed without full wipes
A7, A8: one boss

Total: 7 bosses, 4 bosses in Savage, 3 mini bosses. Wow, they sure outdid themselves this time, never mind the minibosses are copy pasted from A1.

Just be my cute c@ friend and I'll hook you up senpai npnp

>New Main Scenario Quests

>Scholasticate Quests / Further Hildibrand adventures / Anima weapon story quests (Patch 3.45)

>Recast Time Reset Upon Wipe
>Auto-attack System Changes
>Changes to Face Targeting System
>Certain Trials will be added to the Raid Finder
>Addition of a Countdown Feature

>"Alexander: The Creator," and "Alexander: The Creator (Savage)"

>The Warring Triad - Sophia, the Goddess Containment Bay P1T6 and Containment Bay P1T6 (Extreme)

>PvP Updates
>Duel mode
>Custom Match
>Spectator Mode

>Deep Dungeon - Palace of the Dead Floors 51-200. The story of Palace of the Dead will continue up through floor 100. Floors 100-200 will be grind-focused elements.

>Grand Company Updates - Squadrons

>Wondrous Tails

>Triple Triad Data Center Wide match-ups
>Lord of Verminion Duty Finder
>Jumbo Cactpot tickets has risen from 1 to 3 per week

>Apartments for 500k
>Playlist for Orchestrion
>New Furnishings

>Exploratory Missions - New Area, items

>New Tomestones

>Double Cross Hotbar

>Patch drops September 27th

Horizonal gear progression, skill customization, fix the fucking weekly limit and completely REMOVE it limit from crafting. Scrips were a mistake.

Do they consider that a failure?

there's less than 4 million subscribers in WoW out of 100+ million accounts.

that's beyond sad

This is a little too nitpicky for my taste. The only fight that isn't actually a raid encounter is T3.

>>Exploratory Missions - New Area

Diadem won't get a new area until 3.5, the workshop part of it getting a new area is irrelevant since it's just a glorified venture.

Stop making this same shitposting thread

We get it, DQX isn't coming overseas and FFXI is dead because of FFXIV. Fucking deal with it.

>Pretty sure FFXI had even less in its prime days
No it didn't.

>Decide to meet some new people since nobody in my FC logs anymore
>Head to Limsa
>Males players playing catgirls spamming in shout how much they want to fuck each other.
>Head to Ul'Dah
>Head to Gridania
>2 Lalas talking with each other about gardening, pretty cool but it seems to be a 1 to 1 conversation
>Head to Idyllshire
>People spamming in shout about Donal Trump and Hilary

And that's when I log off.

Never, i will continue to spout memes such as
>DQX never ever
for those dank (you)s

Dragon Quest is much more popular than Final Fantasy in Japan, especially since it hasn't suffered a major drop in quality releases.

Assuming that 200k players pay for the entry level sub fee ($13), that's still $2,600,000 dollars they are bringing in every month and that's not including base game/expansion sales, cash shop, people who have standard subs ($15), etc.

Just to break even, they need 50k subscribers at most.

>Log into XIV
>Log out because there isn't anything else to do

A lot of the less used ones were originally overflow servers.

That's what an mmo is though.