How can the CEO of Nintendo be this bad at Videogames? Would you be a better CEO?

How can the CEO of Nintendo be this bad at Videogames? Would you be a better CEO?

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What does he do exactly?

You don't really have time for vidya when you're a father and running a company.

Is that the 3DS version?
How did they put it on the Teevee?

So long as he actually enjoys video games he's fine. You don't have to be good at video games to have a passion for them.

hes pr. basically a glorified sales associate

He isn't the CEO and I'd imagine he's far too busy doing his job to play video games.

But what does he do when he's not being televised. Like what's his job at the Nintendo office?

And the CEO of Mattel probably doesn't play with barbies.

Do people think he spends his time playing video games all the time, while running a company and being a father? I would bet all my money on him only playing games when at big events when he has to, or when he's with his kids.

he just sits in his office waiting to be on TV again.

no excuse for being as big of a shitter as he was in this video if you're a gamer. He only pretends to care about Nintendo because its his job. I'm cool with this guy not playing games not because hes got other responsibility but he NEVER was interested in gaming.

Okay but what does he do at his job?

He looked darker in the latest Nintendo Direct. Is he ultraa-tanning or something?

because industry is shit

Like any other CEO. Nothing, and then to look at a lot of files to sign.

Did you not see the Jigglypuff vs. Ryu match he had at E3 2015?

If all he did at his job was to play video games, then everyone on here would be CEO material.

And this too.

>implying nuNintendo games aren't made exactly for casuals like Reggie


Reggie is literally PR and marketing.
He's not a hardcore gamer. He has a busy job and a family.

>a grown up with a job and a life isn't good at children's games
How come Kotaku hasn't reported this yet?

Probably fill out paperwork all day and do other chief operations officer work, so like managing resources, giving assignments to staff, etc. Just so you know, I'm pulling this out of my ass and applying what I read on wikipedia just now, so take what I say with a grain of salt.

He probably doesn't give a damn about video game.
They likely just put him in front of a camera playing a game once in a while to say "see, he's a gamer like you!"

This desu.

Not like you have to know how to read to appreciate literature either.

Are you implying there was a point where they weren't?

Nintendo has always targeted young children with their games.

>Nintendo has always targeted young children with their games
Yes, but children weren't always helpless retards raised on mobile games.

Reggie is literally a pizza salesman
He has no interest in games beyond it being his job

he's gonna come back and he's gonna kick your ass

He's a hype man, he doesn't really do anything unless there's a camera in front of him.

Filing papers, conducting board meetings, other CEO jobs just like any other company. He made the stuff crust at Pizza Hut when he was still over there, so he along with being one of the faces at Nintendo he probably has additional roles like that.

nice TV 3DS set up!!!!

yeah, it's kind of embarrasing to be this bad at games.

>Nintendo games are aimed at casuals

holy fuck that was bad

>playing final destination with items

I don't understand how people don't realize Reggie is essentially just a cold emotionless corporate exec.
I love Nintendo, but come on. He's just a politician. He's a sociopath. He doesn't have any real ambitions beyond the notion of "winning".

He's a businessman. He used to work for Pizza Hut. That doesn't mean he'd eat their pizzas for dinner.

Reggies is a CEO, not a gamer.

The vast majority of his time would be approving plans, being in meetings and courting investors and partnerships with other companies.

This is the work of middle management, not a CEO.

He's runs the business. This is like sports fans complaining that the commissioner of their league isn't good at the sport itself.

Do people honestly believe this? How the fuck do you expect him to know to sell pizzas if he doesn't enjoy The Pizza America Eats Backwards every day?

Retarded analogy, kill yourself.

That's Reggie? Didn't he brag that he's a big gamer with a ton of hours logged in his 3DS?

He only plays ds and mobile games. So there really is no eye-hand coordination in those games, guaranteed he doesn't touch his wii

his job is to get you fat and addicted

a good dealer doesn't use their own product

Its a perfectly fine analogy
Would you trust a person who can't make it past the first level of a video game to make one you'll enjoy?

Jesus, that is awful. My 4 year old cousin knows how to at least recover to get back on the stage...

that doesn't make any sense

>all the people ITT who have never had a job

jesus christ

Good thing Reggie doesn't make games, he's the President and COO of a company that does.

>Can't even go straight
baka desu senpai

He doesn't make videogames.

>I spend 16 hours a day running a company.
>You spend 16 hours a day playing Super Smash Bros.™ for Wii U™ and Nintendo 3DS™.
Fucking really, Reggie?

Reggie doesn't make video games, he plays squash with the CEO of Gamestop so they'll buy bigger shipments of Mario Party

does reggie even know the basic mechanics

>He's a sociopath
That's a bold claim user, sounds like you're just spiteful of everyone more successful than you.

What's the point of this thread?

It does. Execs usually know how bad what they are selling is. I recall from a book how the executives of Pepsi and Coca Cola were fighting to control some poor as shit favelas or whatever in Brazil and they knew they were getting small kids addicted to cheap sugar but they still did it anyway.

>he doesn't touch his wii
Only His wife does

Are you going to argue with studies on the matter?

Though that user said sociopath when he should've said psychopath. There is a difference.

No there isn't, both are psychobabble and not the name of any kind of actual mental condition, and any actual expert will tell you that.

I remember when Treehouse did a Splatoon tournament, he wasn't there.

Probably because Bill Trinnen would fuck his shit up

Also, CEO of NOA, not Nintendo

Pretty much. I recall a couple of directs where he kept showing off his game times in stuff like DQ and AC:NL. He also mentioned love for earthbound somewhere, but all of that is likely it for his gaming experience.

That's because people keep bombarding him with threats since he didn't bring Mother 3 here.

He is the president of the north american nintendo
marketing guy really

but yeah he should probably care a little more about games

>One in 25 business leaders are psychopaths
That's not the same as all of them being psychopaths. If anything the chance of him being a psychopath are fairly slim, 1/25 to be exact.

Have some ideas/excuses
Hiding his power level
He was high
Fucks he can give when hes on tv and can play the dorky president memester
My body is ready, for something else besides this game.

Reggie isn't the CEO of Nintendo, he's a fucking Shitendo of America PR guy.

>not the name of any kind of actual mental condition
Psycopaths and sociopathy are defined by not being able to feel empathy

There is a part of the brain that deals with empathy, and ifs its missing it shows up missing on brain scans
serial killers brains all look alike for example

Hard to tell if reggie is psycho or just doesn't give a shit
His face and smile look psycho

> chief executive officer of Nintendo

you childern are so smart


>1 in 25 chance of being a psychopath
I don't think you know how these things work, there's a higher chance of him not being a psychopath than him being one.


>Nintendo has always targeted young children with their games.
>ignores T/M-rated releases

because he doesnt play video games
all the bullshit he says about how much he played this and that on the 3DS is just marketing talk

Why do people fall for this shit?

It's like how people suck Gabe Newell's dick when all he cares about is making a steam console or VR shit and selling virtual items to gullible idiots

>Literally walking off the side of the stage
>Has no idea how to recover when knocked off even when all it would take is a double jump


Nintendo games used to be targeted towards the whole family, now it's explicitly children. There was nothing stopping them from putting a Super Guide system in their older games, but they didn't then, and now they do.

CEO is a businessman, not a gamer.

Gabe has been the villain since 2012

Anyone have the play the game gif?