Game about anime gets made

>Game about anime gets made
>It's a shitty fighting game with shitty control's
Why is this constantly allowed?

Other urls found in this thread:

>homosexual degenerate anime gets a game
>it's bad
I wonder why.

They really should just make a Jojo turn based RPG or a beat em up kinda thing.

Fighting games work but they're pretty much trash over all.

I want neo-Sup Forums to leave

Heritage is good though. ASB is complete trash on the other hand
The anime sucks btw

>he doesnt know about 7th stand user

>homosexual degenerate

I'm sure this is bait and all, but do you know where the fuck you are?

I think a game based on part 3 like Heritage for the Future with the same artstyle but instead of fighting a beat em up game with stand bosses would be great.

>Facts are now neo-Sup Forums
I guess Sup Forums is new.

>source is anime
>turns out to be shit
Gee, I wonder why

ASB was pretty good with friends and some drinks
I mained kosaku

>Best JoJo game is about the worst part with worst protag
really makes you think

The demand is not at the same level as GTA

>Someones gay yadda yadda yadda, degeneracy

I don't give a fuck i just want to do over the top poses with muscular men and use stands to beat shit up.

Would be awesome. given how many protags there are at once you'd have room for co-op.

>the anime sucks
>contrarianing this hard

To be fair anime jojo faggots are nu-Sup Forums.

Manga and old ovas only is actual Sup Forums. If you like the anime, you are most likely a facebook memester.


>If you like the anime, you are most likely a facebook memester.
This is true because my friends are on fb.

>Anyone who dislikes the anime is a contrarian
What's wrong with having opinions, you cocksucker

The old OVAs regularly depart from the source material and feel more like Hotoku no Ken than anything else.

Because you are literally the first I've heard to call the anime bad, even on Sup Forums people will complain about parts of the anime but not call it bad.

Daily reminder that ultimate Kars is the most powerful Jojo character

animeonly kys


DIU and AV should have open world games desu

He's the same guy that will shit post "Read the manga" every god damned jojo thread.

He's autistic and obsessed like the barneyfag poster.

And thats why they are good. Its like (manliness x manliness) x manliness.

anime is not bad its actually really good but the manga is clearly better.

all the censoring killed it, they fucking censored jotaro smoking

>implying he isn't

Personally Jolyne is my favorite design wise but Joseph is the best overall.

1. Because most games for anime are made fast because they're trying to capitalize on a surge of popularity that anime is currently having. Why do you think Eyes of Heaven was dickriding SDC so hard compared to All Star Battle? It was a game designed to capitalize on the AoF's who were watching SDC at the time while trying to lure in older fans with promises of fanservice for the other parts

2. A game based on a franchise has limitations. A lot of creative freedom is stripped away and that draws away from people's motivation to make the game really good. The people working on the game get even less credit than they normally do for a totally original game made by their company, anything cool they do will just be attributed to the franchise and not their work.

3. With limits and no hope of recognition the only way these games can turn out good is if theirs a lot of PASSION for the franchise being handled by the developers of the game to make the difference and has ASB and EoH have shown, the people making these games aren't as passionate about it as the people who make the Naruto games or a good SRW game.

Ew. Jojo is at it's best when it's whimsical and flamboyant.

>game about manga gets made
>It's as shitty as the anime
Why is this constantly allowed?

I rarely post in Jojo threads, I usually hide them on sight

The anime isn't bad, but the most recent episodes are starting to get QUALITY.

Killer Queen doesn't look right, especially it's facial features.

Manga is fine and all but the old OVAs besides lack of censor were not all that good.

In fact the movie based on the first part was SO FUCKING BAD they destroyed all copies of it and it only showed once in a theater. They completely erased it from history it was that bad.

So you can't say the OVA's are better because of a little censorship.

Just some shitty Japanese law though, the real problem is when the anime gets dubbed and gains an entire audience here who don't know the real character/stand names because of copyright laws.

Anybody have the pic that's all like "ora ora must be the work of an enemy stand! read the manga"? Please




and so does the rest of the main cast

>neo-Sup Forums establishing itself as a fact

a thousand kek



this must be the work of an enemy stand

>JoJo fighting game

Nigga JoJo's Bizzare Adventure is one of Capcom's best fighters.

>It's a Stardust Crusader episode
Ignore it and go straight to part 4 where Jotaro is actually good

Hey, there are like, four good volumes in SDC.

OPfag here, i know you feel jojofags.

I hate saying this every thread, but JoJo's fights just cannot be adapted into a video game. Fighting games are the closest we're going to get.

What are you complaining about?
You're acting like One Piece isn't a soulless definition of everything wrong with modern manga?

>I have never played a superhero game in my life

I'm not sure what you mean by that.

fuck you

Don't worry, neither did that user.

Parts 1, 2, and maybe 3 can, but you're right about not being able to adapt parts 4-6 as anything but a puzzle or fighting game.

the pacing is so bad though user

a fighting game only really makes sense for a series like Jojo
they only really ever fight 1, maybe 2 guys at a time, they never really fight mobs of people
i know they've made other types of games, but the series just works better as a fighting game

Joseph pulls a lot of tricks in Part 2, and a few of the fights in Part 3 had people using their brains instead of pulling abilities out of their asses.

That's not how you spell Giorno

Yeah, but you could theoretically substitute other gameplay mechanics for them and Part 3's "clever bits are so few and far between as to not really matter in the grand scheme of things. I imagine it'd be a lot like a Beat'em'up version of Crash 3 or something, with a lot of minigames.

ASB2 when?

Or ASB fixed on PC with better netplay & controls

Part 4 mystery game is ok too, maybe

>You will never be as handsome as Josuke
Why continue to give earth your breath?

If your saying you can't have complex fighting, open world super hero games are where you could do it.

For example, Golden Experience could have contextual (and scripted) events which you can turn objects into living things.

Sticky Fingers could be simplified into something like teleportation and possibly gibbing opponents

Sex Pistols is literally just a auto-aim gun

Aerosmith is self explanatory

Moody Blues would probably need to be a generic punching stand outside of scripted events.

Purple Haze could easily just be a poison bomb throwing / punching stand

Spice Girl could apply some warping effect to models and debuff their stats.

Obviously, the main characters have more depthy moves but I don't understand how it would be "impossible"

There's no way a developer would have something like every part in one game if you were to put time into like that - If that's what you're referring to.

The original JoJo fighting game is fucking amazing. Me and my mate play it all the time and I've not even watched the anime.

JoJo would only ever work as a fighter or a Dynasty Warriors Gundam-esque affair where all the characters are forced to fight a bunch of random vampires/ghouls inbetween roundabouts with the few combat oriented stands.

Otherwise you can't make mechanics deep enough for the way fights are resolved.

Part 1 is the only parts where the vast majority of solutions are straight combat, and it's too shallow to support a game.

Just accept All Star Battle, and if it and Eyes of Heaven don't work for you go play the Capcom game.

Let platinum make a MGR type game of jojo
Where its only about Part 1

That's why you skip all the filler and MotW shit. Seriously, the only relevant bits is the intro up to Polnareff, Avdol's "death," Enya's death, Avdol's return, Oingo, Boingo and Hol Horse, D'Arby the Gambler, Vanilla Ice, and The End of the World.

What else would you make a JoJo game? A first person shooter?

open world superhero games and any action game really, requires mobs of people to fight in between boss battles
to you know, fill out a level.
in JJBA, they don't really fight a lot of people who aren't other stand users or some other asshole. onle series that this could really work is maybe part 1 and 2 where you could just fill out things with a bunch of vampires and nazis. but even then that's taking some liberal changes
unless you want to make the game a boss rush thing.
so over all a fighting game fits a lot better for the series

I meant using your abilities in ways other than just punching people, and outsmarting your opponents. Some of the shit the protagonists do wouldn't be easy to implement (like how Josuke punches the ground and fixes it to act as a shield in the Highway Star fight) and basically everything Giorno does.

It's not that surprising seeing as Part 3 is the favorite in Japan. The only other part that has a decent chance for a quality game is VA, and it may already have it with the VA game, though I never played it so I don't know if it's good or not.

Because they are easy to make and don't necessarily have to be terrible.

They could always just pull something like the 7th stand user. I think that would be best for a fun game.

Even if it isn't exactly true to how the series progressed, it's better than something half-assed like Eyes of Heaven.

>Because they are easy to make

The anime is okay. For Part 1 and 2, the anime is better than the manga, Part 3 and 4 are better i the manga though. Still it's nice to have the anime there, even if it's not quite as good.

eyes of heaven was shit, but because how much it wasn't a fighting game.
they could have easily taken after ASB but they decided to do some other bullshit

you can just make shitty generic stand user grunts for them to fight up to the boss battles, its not really that hard.

that'd be stupid as hell

Have you ever thought of how games such as infamous do it? You can always just go to the next section without traveling far, and what is there could have secrets and collectables as well. One of the problems with the manga is that you can't fully explore somewhere such as Miroh or Italy outside of where characters go in the story.

Bossfights obviously could have weaknesses that aren't as obvious as a big glowing spot. This may be a weak example, but Mr. Freeze in Arkham City made you change each stealth attack to damage him.

Also, Hulk ultimate destruction allowed you to turn cars into boxing gloves and ride buses like skateboards. I doubt having predetermined / unlock able upgrades for Shining Diamond would be a problem. The source material has everything planned out.

Part 3's anime pacing is messed up

just what we need, another shitty open world game

I just feel like a JoJo game just wouldn't have the depth the manga has. They'd be putting way too much time and effort into what's always a cashgrab for the anime.

Killer Queen isn't a QUALITY issue, it's a design issue. They gave it a brow ridge and its ears aren't stiff. It looks really angry all the time and lacks KQ's cold, unchanging stare. Also, even though colors aren't canon in JoJo, I've never seen KQ with the color is has in the anime. I've seen KQ in pink, blue and white, but never that milky pink they went for in the anime. All that said, there were a couple of times when KQ looked the same as it does in the manga, like the profile shot when Kira was looking in the window, so I don't know what they're doing.

The problem with Jojo is that the best parts of the fights are characters trying to outwit each other. Characters try to figure out the weakness of their opponent's stand and how to best exploit it. We literally can't have a video game with mechanics that deep. Games where you punch people until they die satisfy the ORAORAORA part of Jojo fights, but they only really scratch the surface of what makes it Jojo.

>You will never be as handsome as Kir8
It's not fair.

Who is Guido Mista?

you can have that with fighting games if its 2 competent players

>implying JoJo doesnt have the superior waifus


What's going on in this thread?

KQ looks like he's been a meth addict and it's bones are sticking through it's skin. Not smooth at all.

I'm guessing they did last minute fixes b/c of QUALITY Queen and they may fix it in the BD release

Something like Shadow of the Colossus/Furi that mostly focused on boss fights with platforming or something in between them could work.

A boss rush or a fighting game are really the only sensible ways to habe a JoJo fighting game. The trickery and cleverness behind the fights is just not something that can really be translated to video games.

Shadow of the Colossus is about getting to the boss, not them coming at you, trying to kill you

it could work as a telltatle/quantic dream game or as that new detective game for the PS4 that appeared on e3 2016
it also could work as a strategy game with planning phases