How can you stop being shit at games like these ?
How can you stop being shit at games like these ?
Is it that much different from HoI IV ?
>being shit at HoI4
I have no fucking idea why do i suck so much at this game
it's really not that hard
This is pretty much late-game i guess. How do you get stuff rolling at early ? Like in 1936-1941's i guess.
Memory leak is the biggest problem of HoI3.
HoI4 also slows down to a crawl near the end but at least it keeps running.
Planning with AI works badly in HoI3 so you have to do it oldschool HoI2 style, manually ordering soldiers if you want to be effective.
Planning AI in HoI4 works pretty good actually. If you have a big border, seperate into several attack orders instead of a single one through the middle.
HoI3 like HoI2 is micromanagement heavy. HoI4 is less micromanagement.
Easier to manually do attack orders in HoI2 as there are fewer provinces. HoI3 is massive.
Personally i like the industry mechanics of HoI4. Not having to worry about money is great.
A real nerd will tell you to go Darkest Hour or go home.
HoI4 is looked down upon the big fans of the game because it's simplified and less micromanagement. Personally i enjoy 4 more than 3.
And yes, HoI3 is very different from HoI4 in terms of mechanics.
What¨s the problems you're facing. I've got some time to lend advice before hitting bed for work.
HoI4 is fucking terrible for hundreds of reasons.
I pretty much always lose a war with a big country after annexing the weak like Estonia or Iran. There's always a need for infantry weapons (~20000) in my army, and i don't really know what approach should i take for my industry.
Also, do resources play a big role in this game ?
Darkest hour is god tier through.
Join a faction.
who are you playing as
i can tell you how to beat any country as them
played for 250 hours
Well, i changed my system from non-aligned to fascist to change the civilian economy to war economy and for extensive conscription, and i joined axis two times.
Turkey and Boland
well turkey and poland both have shite manufacturing and technology so you'll never win against a major power as them
if you are playing as anyone other than russia or germany you need 2 close buddies to fully defeat a superpower, unless its france who are easy as fuck
DH is pretty good and i didn't mean it in a bad way in my post.
You can use the little buttons besides the map in the bottom right to show resources around the world. Play around with the buttons.
You can make oil and rubber by building oil platforms. But they will take a spot which can be used for civilian/military factory. Trading costs a civilian factory so if you need to import a lot you need more civilian factories because civlian factories are also used to repair and construct.
The needs for infantry weapons(or other equipment) are both for reinforcing current soldiers and the ones you are training. If you have a really big demand for X equipment you can allot more factories to X equipment. But if your industry research is low then you'll notice your factories need to regain their efficency which can take some time. It's not always better to put 10 factories into infantry weapons if you have 100% efficency on 5 factories on infantry weapons. Instead, pause or cancel training until your current forces are fully reinforced.
There is also a reason why you can chose between red, normal or yellow status when training units. Making red infantry is good for garrisons on your naval bases which deprioritize them for reinforcement. The entrenchment bonus should be enough for red troops to hold their ground.
As a matter of fact. A lot of what i mentioned can be read by hovering over and reading the description of researches.
Like any other paradox grand strategy game. It's a matter of trying and failing until you learn. If you lose, you can chose to observe and take over another nation if you so wish.
do you spam your untrained divisions during war, or do you deploy few well equipped ones ?
Someone on Sup Forums told me 4 wasnt a good one in the series
knew 4 was to easy when I actually managed to survive as belgium in my second playthrough
nigga i spend half my time training and upgrading
Just keep playing and read the tooltips, HoI4 is babbymode because of the braindead AI
Unless they fixed it since 1.1, the AI has no idea how to build divisions or prevent encirclements, you can completely fuck up a front with a single corps of armor and the AI will have no idea how to handle it
I knew it was easy (and fucking terrible) when i steamrolled Germany in 1939 playing as Poland with just Infantry and arty
Just build arty 24/7, tanks are needed too though. Defeated solo germany and japan on two fronts as britain after chasing Italy through Africa
If you wait for units to finish training instead of deplyoing them prematurely then they are rank 2 which gives no penalty and no bonus to attack/defend.
If you exercise your soldiers in the field, they can go up to rank 3 which gives them +25% attack/defense.
If you prematurely deploy units in training they are rank 1 which gives them penalty to attack/defense.
Protip is to make as much units as your manpower can sustain. And excercise them to rank 3. Keeping them alive will eventually make them rank 5 which is +75% attack/defense. Keeping divions alive is making sure they are being resupplied. Infrastructure plays a big role in this. Not only do units move faster with high infrastructure, they can also sustain more units.
Try deploying 50 divisions in asia or africa with 0-2 infrastructure and you can barely field 1 or 2 divisions before running out of supplies.
If you're a small nation, few but well equipped and trained units are better than a horde of rank 1 with penalties.
If you're big then you can afford human wave tactics of hastily recruited and barely trained rank 1's.
Having production go into stockpiling is good. You don't have to train units 24/7 despite the game giving you a warning that you have "no units in basic training". If you stockpile a lot of equipment, then later, when you train new units you'll see they will be fully equipped and only need to be trained.
its fun as the soviets to just throw wave after wave of soldiers with the occasional wave of cheap tanks at your enemies
who cares if I lose 10 million men, there's 20 million where they came from
Stalin pls
Entrenchment bonuses are real. You'll often see germany fail to conquer denmark for many years because the last danish soldiers are so deep in entrenchment which gives insane defense bonuses.
Basically, engineer support is OP for defense. Gives you up to 400% entrenchment bonus. And engineers give you + to almost any type of terrain so basically, engineers = OP as hell
The problem with german AI is that it keeps doing it's focuses that gives them casus beli to go to war. So when germany has declared war on Poland, it will delcare war on france, then netherlands, belgium, luxemburg, then denmark and norway, then yugoslavia and greece.
Doesn't matter if poland has yet to be defeated. The game currently is rigged for german AI to lose as it keeps declaring war against everyone before finishing wars. And german AI neglects navy so they will never have naval supremacy to do invasions on England.
Basically, you either has to play as Germany, or be allied and help germany in order for axis to have a chance of winning at all. Don't expect axis to ever land on british mainland or USA by themselves. Only after you, the player has done the invasion, then the AI will come help you.
M8 if you're skit at HoI4 just give up
You dont, if you do you fail the autism test user.
every single game the minute hitler declares war on poland the entire allies instantly declare war on him putting him in a 2 front situation and letting the brits generally speaking land their troops onto french territory
most hilarious thing to cause a swift axis loss is to play as ethiopia, if you go communist as them the minute germany declares war on poland you get an invitation to join the Comintern at which point you can call your allies (soviet union) into your war with italy and italy will call its allies (germany) which causes the M-R pact to break at the worst possible moment for the germans
>well turkey and poland both have shite manufacturing and technology so you'll never win against a major power as them
AI is so shit that you can take any minor and conquer the world by 1948
in my first hoi4 game as Poland I've defeat both Soviet Union and Germany at the same time fighting on 2 fronts, it's that easy
try circle-strafing
how the fuck am i supposed to invade america as germany
and fuck japan for annexing 90 percent of russia somehow when i did most of the fighting
enemy AI appears to be physically incapable of utilizing defensive locations, encirclement and anything resembling air warfare
Does that ever happen? I never saw casualties go beyond maybe 15 million altogether, even when I took Moscow as Japan
A big navy and airforce to cover the invasion route. A better way is to go trough greenland and land in canada.
Spam carriers. Have 1000000 planes. Paradrop into Washington
taking on the world as the soviets while embracing human wave tactics and disregarding attrition drives up your casualties
After a few game you should get decent. With some luck allied italy is super easy it make axis italy look hard. Also the divsion editor system is vomit and the conference system will make you ragequit if you are fighting with allies or co-belligerent.
build light spgs
>select army
>draw a line twords the enemy
>surround the occasional pocket
This game is literaly easy mode
Annex Denmark early on -> improve infrastructure in Greenland -> invade North America from there
Also, if you want to cheese the game as Germany, annex United Kingdom in 1936 before anyone else joins Allies, so you get unlimited resources + territory in North America
>the ai is super retarded so it strategic redeployment in operational or even tactical situation
To any HoI4 devs browsing this thread: HoI4 is terrible and you should be ashamed. A fucking mod team made a better game on a 15 year old engine.