>he fell for the "Dark Souls 2 is a bad game" meme
Laughing at your entire life family, literally missed out on the most GOAT bosses
>he fell for the "Dark Souls 2 is a bad game" meme
Laughing at your entire life family, literally missed out on the most GOAT bosses
Other urls found in this thread:
I played the game and formed my own opinion from said playing.
The game was shit, and your thread is shit.
>literally missed out on the most GOAT bosses
that are locked behind DLC.
That is one thing I have noticed about DaS2 fanboys. The bosses they claim to be great are all DLC
Just like Artorias LMAO
I read your post and formed my own opinion from reading it.
Your post is shit, and you should kill yourself.
except DaS has good non DLC bosses
Just the most epic bosses man.. haha lmao
>it's a ds2 apologist/shitposting on other ds threads
still better than anything DaS2 crapped out
Agree, it's better with SOTFS. It's legit better than DS3 in some aspects
He's pretty memorable. I'll never forget him and his two dogs.
I saw comparison footage of SotFS with that of base Dark Souls 2.
it's still the same shitty game with the enemies shuffled around
>People will reply to this bait
Ironically, even the Capra Demon is more interesting (at least aesthetically, if not mechanically) than virtually any of DS2's bosses.
Dark Souls 2 was full of bland, uninspired bosses to complement its bland, uninspired level design on top of its blatantly nonsensical geography. It's not a very good game, user - it reeks of questionable design decisions and a failure to understand precisely what made Dark Souls so well-received which sure as shit wasn't its "lol so hard guys" factor.
>on top of its blatantly nonsensical geography.
like the elevator to the lava castle that you can never see
>DaS1fags are actually defending Capra Demon
Let's make two unique bosses. One red and one blue. Let's not forget epic meme ganksquad lel
since when has the capra demon been considered a bad boss? what the fuck happened??
What is the series called with the semendeman?
objective fact incoming:
1080p 60 fps HD texture modded DaS:PTDE > Bloodborne > DaS3 > DeS > DaS2:SOTFS.
Prove me wrong, you can't.
it's the worst dark souls but still a good game that i enjoy playing
twin cats is the only souls boss that i haven't beat
Am I the only one who is tired of this series? I've played all 3 games and Bloodborne, and I'm just so bored of
>wait for the enemy to attack
>dodge with i-frames
>get in a few hits
I know you can apply a broad, blanket statement like that to any genre, but it's just so tired for me.
It's worse than 3.
>uisng i-frames
lmao git gud
>most GOAT
>most greatest
Proof that DaS2 fags are LITERALLY retarded.
>unfinished souls
>better than BB
Sorry PCuck, but that's not true
Eh, mostly right, id say its more like Das = Bloodborne > Ds3 > das2:SOTFS - i havent played demons so im not including it.
>Last giant
>Flexile Sentry
>Gargoyle rehash
>Skeleton Lords
>Covetous Demon
>The rats
>Ancient Dragon
And let's not forget the most GOAT boss of all Prowling Magus & Congregation.
Some really great and memorable bosses.
I am too. It was good, but we got enough. Even Miyazaki agrees, he doesn't plan to make anymore Souls games after 3's DLC comes out.
He's not making any more dark souls games, i highly doubt he will give the souls formula up that easy
Bloodborne would be my number 1 if I could play it 60 fps without fps drops, maybe on the neo with a remastered edition.
Best weapon in the entire franchise.
Your opinion is wrong because I disagree with it.
-This whole thread
>muh graphics
Too obvious PCuck
>putting bloodborne at the #1 spot when Memphis and chalice dungeons make up 50% of the game.
wtf is this?
I feel old everytime I come here
Spot the shit poster
OR retard. One of those.
I would 100% play a ds game that looked like that.
Since always. The fight has lots of issues, like the terrible arena with shit on the ground that you get stuck on just by fucking walking over it. The stupid dogs are questionable design and the hardest part of the whole fight. Capra Demon itself is barely more than a standard enemy with easy to read attacks.
Yeah man, so boring, better go back to Shitter 3 and other easy mode garbage games:
>yolo and attack enemies
>deal massive damage without any effort
>no need to dodge/block/use terrain to your advantage, just use your inifnite healing potions/healing system
>0 chance of failure
>good job, you have "beaten" the game! aren't you special? you sure are! you are so epic! well done! you are amazing, you defeated all these dangerous looking enemies! W-what? 0 chance of failure design? eh, don't think about that little Timmy, you are AMAZING Timmy, make sure to buy our next game :3
Dark souls 2 is better than dark souls 3 and demons souls.
Capra is good on many levels.
>teaches the player how to use I-frames
>interesting arena that allows the use of recently learned tactics (drop-attacks)
>good boss design
>generally a memorable fight
The point of the fight is to teach you how to roll, it's really not very difficult if you can figure that out. It's a skillset check.
Greatest of all Time
This place is so full of snobs, is /vg/ any better? I feel like going back to Sup Forums.
Has nothing to do with platform, I don't have shit tier genetics/eyes that can't differentiate between 30 fps and 60 fps and thinks "30 fps is fine". Fuck off retard, my eyes can even see difference between 60 and 90+ fps. I wish I had shit tier genetics and eyes like you so I could be content with 20-30 fps games.
/vg/ is generally much less cancer (except for a few generals), but is more of a circlejerk.
>interesting arena that allows the use of recently learned tactics (drop-attacks)
The arena is small as fuck and flooded with enemies. This is about the only mechanic you can abuse there. You soulsfags are so fucking delusional, you think every retarded decision in this game is some kind of genious piece of game design. Dark Souls is a good games but it has shitloads of terrible decisions and the Capra bossfight is just one of them.
>he never made it to the DLC zones
>being this casual
lmao the anime posters these days
>sonypony defence force defending it's only exclusive
stay mad, cucks.
It is a mechanically well-designed fight. The Capra visually looks like it would have trouble getting up the stairs, and it does, it takes longer than the dogs. You're supposed to divide and conquer by using I-frames to escape the ambush and luring the mobs to the high ground where the capra can't get to as easily.
It only took me a few tries my first run and I've done it in one go ever since, so it's not terribly difficult for me if that's your issue.
>introduce a group of friends to the souls series
>introduce half to dark souls II first
>Introduce half to Dark souls I first
The people who played DaS2 first, enjoyed both games.
The people who played DaS1 first, hated DaS2
Why is this?
>Implying he didn't buy it at launch and not bother with the DLC or SotFS
inb4 "DLC and SotFS fix it!", why the fuck am I paying double and waiting over a year after launch to play the "real" game?
dark souls is so 2013
something like Making a Masochistic Succubus
just look up "succubus (male) doujin"
Because if all you ever know is eating shit, you'll still enjoy it if someone gives you real food later.
I'll check it out. Maybe I'm just getting older.
He isn't sonypony, he is just a retarded shitposter, better ignore him. I said I want to play a 60 fps Bloodborne, hopefully on the neo, don't know why he starts shit posting about PC.
>yfw you realize Shulva is a clone of the Ancient City
Am I the only one that forms my own opinions rather than let Sup Forums think for me? I enjoyed the game, it's nowhere near as bad as the hivemind will lead you to believe.
Fuck you all, I like em all, but haven't played BB yet.
Having said that, it was time for them to stop, they're probably out of ideas and they got lazy or ran out of money for DS3 because there's tons of cylindrical type objects (pillars) placed in many areas to block path. There's also many occurrences of the geometry not meeting properly and you can see through the world.
the DLC does not redeem the mess known as DaS2
>only good level B team could muster up
>is a clone of an A team level
The Ancient City is where you find the Proud Knight Palfi sword, right?
Of course it isn't a bad game, but it is the weakest souls game out of them all.
>he never managed to get to it since he sux at video games
lmao laughing at ur life
It genuinely is a bad game
>but it is the weakest souls game out of them all.
Sorry, that's Dark Souls 3.
The people at /vg/ are generally there because they actually enjoy the games they're posting about. You get negative nancy faggots from Sup Forums every once in a while, but it's overall a much better experience if you wanna talk about your favorite games.
Keep in mind, unless you like that sweet bp and ERPing, you're gonna have a bad time.
Dark Souls 2 fans are legit cancer. Oh my god please stop
Not by a long shot, 3 is fantastic.
Some of them are annoying to get to IIRC because you need to travel around getting keys for keys. I played them all, though, and they were all overrated slogs.
Shulva one was short as fuck too.
here, enjoy your (You)
>linear as fuck
>no choices
>no replay value
Yes just FANTASTIC lmao
this desu
>every room in shulva is crammed full of the same generic knight
Maybe the next DLC is bett-
>the same generic knight but BROWN not gree n
okay I'll try the la-
you know how this goes
Another case of letting Sup Forums think for you, fantastic user.
I can see that. Like I said, I spent most of my time on this website on Sup Forums (7 years), and just starting lurking here in the past few weeks, and it ironically feels like the opinions here are more toxic than on Sup Forums. As in, I wouldn't come here if I didn't know anything about vidya because it would destroy my perceptions going into any new game.
I miss dark souls 1.
I beat all the souls games & BB.
it's badly designed, I don't suck at it.
The world design might be linear, but the individual level design is fantastic and much more enjoyable than DaS2. The replay value is extremely high for me because I enjoy the superior boss fights, music, atmosphere, journey and builds.
>When you realize Dark Souls 2 was better than 3
How was this boss "the greatest boss evar"? This is a genuine, non-trolling question.
He's "Humanoid That Swings a Big Sword Around #18". Surely not because his death animation is slightly different if you perfect him. That would be a fucking retarded thing to judge boss quality on, OP. Surely you don't feel that way because of that.
DS2 was an OK game. It was just more Dark souls to me. Which was fine as far as I was concerned. Until they made Scholar "Fuck You paying customer" edition. Then I was maximum butthurt about it.
2 is honestly pretty shit. 3 isn't amazing but its still leagues better than 2.
The game is two years old, Yui. Give it up already
my opinion from playing was that it was really fun and had some very interesting bosses
>Mirror Knight summons dudes through his shield
>Pursuer falls from the sky to kick you ass
>Flexile sentry boat filling with water over time
It was fun for me at least, Majula music is the best thing to listen to while reading a book or studying imo
Only fat autistic retards "realize" that, which portrays the DaS2 shills pretty accurately.
Yeah. it's mostly shitposting, but i'm sure you'll get a few people who get so far down the shitposting rabbit hole that they unironically hate nearly everything except their NepNep shit.
You should leave Sup Forums and never go back, though. I used nothing but Sup Forums for like 5 years then finally left for other boards. It's scary how much you're missing out on when you step outside that bubble.
>wait for the enemy to attack
You know you can attack first right? Two hand a bitch and start swinging, but you sound like a boring person so that's why you're bored I guess.
Cuz Sup Forums is easily baited
>not cool ranch
>DaS thread
>"why are people responding?!!?"
How new are you fagboy? 90% of Sup Forums are fans of Souls games, they only differ in their preference for x or y.
Isn't bad, just extremely inconsistent, unlike the rest of the games which are pretty much consistently solid.
DLC's were all pretty decent, but the main game was full of highs and lows.
What annoys me the most about Dark Souls 2, is how much worse Dark Souls 3 was. You would think that after one colossal l failure they would learn not to do it again, and they fucking fuck it all up once again. Fromsoftware shouldnt be allowed to make sequel titles, only fresh IPs. DeS, DaS, BB are the only good Souls games. DaS2 and 3 are fucking trash with DaS3 taking the crown as the king of trash.
>buy DaS2 day one
>majorly disappointed
>still squeeze every bit of fun I can get out of it, get platinum trophy
>ignore dlc
>eventually buy SotFS, interested in trying revamped game plus DLC
>give up around Velstadt cuz bored
I feel like I'm doing myself a disservice not continuing and experiencing those DLC areas but the main game is still just so lame. Worse yet my SotFS data is gone so I'd have to start over again.
Way to miss the point dumbass. Look at and tell me it's not the most obvious bait you've ever seen.
DLC was great. Main game lackluster and boring