New Senran Game announcment soon, who else is excited here?

New Senran Game announcment soon, who else is excited here?

Just sixteen more days, keeping my expectations nonexistent to not be disappointed.

I have zero expectations due to EV and Yumi. The next game will either be some garbage spinoff title like BA (thus Takaki held that "spinoff" poll on his Twitter account), or it'll be another Yumi game staring Yumi with extra Yumi DLC (all with no serious story, no Yoma, and no other character development).

That (sadly) sounds like a good plan.

Senran Kagura Beach Volleyball

If Takaki's poll is to go by, it will be a water gun game. It actually sounds very plausible, since they could reuse the bulk of EV's assets (much like BA reused SV's) for the levels, and all they'd have to do is focus the camera like a third person shooter and give everyone Mirai's or Khafuru's moveset with some modifications.

I guess that would allow for more detailed and unique models if nothing at all.

Nice, a recent gununu

I hope this means more swimsuit options.

Indeed, but with the current state of SK, it's the only way to go.

>not having the game go full Madoka/NGE
>starts off with Yumi fanservice bullshit
>suddenly a Yoma shows up and slaps her shit
>cue spooky Yoma music/atmosphere and serious story

As neat as that sounds, you know they would never go through with it.

Sounds like Burst.

Burst didn't start as blatant "beach episode" fanservice. Granted, it DID have a beach portion, but even that served a purpose in the plot and development.

As long as I get more Big YO action I'm hyped

this is an evil shinobi ninja

>wanting anti-Kat

Consider the following:

>gloves instead of boots
>boring as fuck personality instead of fun as fuck personality
>acts like an old coot versus acts like a kid
>hates fun versus enjoys fun

I'm waiting for the announcement, if there is one.

She doesn't act like an old coot she acts like a no-nonsense brawler that won't take anyone's shit.

I want to violate her.

Her Heart Story with the singing was really cute.

Leotards makes my cock cream up so I'm hoping for Souji.

Well I like punching more than kicking and Kat's perv schtick gets old real quick. Also I like her design more than Kat's. I mean I do like both I just like Yozakura more

>taking care of kids
>not an old coot

She's still anti-fun: the personality.

I want to learn about love with Murasaki
I want to make her swoon and stare with a "jiiiiiiii" sound

Yep, that is the one Heart Story they need to make canon, somehow. I would love an SK musical somewhere in the main story of the next game.

Allow me to retort with:

>Feels like she hits harder than Kat
>She has a fun personality she just doesn't show it at times, plus Kat's "DUDE BOOBS LMAO" isn't exactly a prime character trait

Will it be vita? If not I don't give a shit yo

>several senrans die
>it's an escape from heaven/hell episode

The most likely thing is a new Versus title for PS4/Vita.

They wouldn't be dumb enough to leave the Vita out since EV sold better on the Vita in Japan than on PS4.

Do you think Murasaki is a chronic masturbator?

every person who stays inside is one

badass, thanks brother.

I wonder if it will beo n the PC, it better be since I want EV and shit on it

>Unironically hyping shit for no reason
Absolutely nobody said there will be a new game announcement any time soon.
Lots of times companies and creators tweeted about game anniversaries without doing shit for them.

Really you're asking if a shut in who browses the web, eats only pizza, reads manga and plays vidya all day masterbates frequently?

I am now very excited.


Give it time it'll be there eventually. Im pretty sure when they want to make a quick buck they'll port the games to steam.

I just want to play Senran Kagura, I'll buy ten copies on steam

Senran Kagura at the Olympic Games please.

Make it (and other games) using UE4.

Your order of thick has arrived

I hope it's a 2D fighting game spin-off or a deep crimson style gameplay on the PS4/Vita with some New Wave characters and a more serious story. A third person shooter using water guns is fine too.


>ikki tousen in NA never

I'm going to steal Murasaki from you.

no you won't


Yes I will.

God i wish there was a really good 2d fighter with the senran cast. I'd main the shit out of Yozakura and Miyabi

>every character plays as clunkily and badly as Mirai

pls no

maybe if they all play like Ryouna. That dirty little slut just goes gunfu as fuck.

Ryobi and Mirai, they were rough to use. Mirai somehow being worse despite being the original gun ninja

how can you steal her from me if she is staying in my room?

I would love to see the option to go into frantic mode at the start of battle or transform to fully recover your health.

SK3 on PS4, please.

But no, instead it'll be The Adventures of Yumi starring Yumi.

The Sony side of the fandom in general doesn't like the story focus of the mainline games, or the smaller roster. SK3 on PS4 would likely end up terrible, with the EV fans complaining about the small roster (basically what they complained about SK2) while the SK2 fans complaining because the series suddenly jumped ship from the system they had to a completely different one.

There is just no winning.

I'm hoping it'll be Burst 3, but considering how hated it was in Japan we'll probably never get it, or anything to do with Yoma ever again (except for being mentioned in cutscenes)

He could break into your house and take her. That or order one of his own.

Do you even have the Oppai mousepad or figurine?

Which Senran do you want to show your penis to? How long would she stare at it?

God damn it Takaki just give us a new game where we can beat up Yoma already man. Don't squander the potential for this series

Murasaki, probably not for long before killing me.

How the fuck do I get into this series?

Don't blame him for Japan's terrible taste.

this desu

>not going the Taro route and making the game to specifically piss off your players

Pick up a game and play it.

Shinovi Versus and Estival Versus are Musou-like 3D brawling games. Senran Kagura 2 is more of a 2D psudo-sidescroller with retaining the 3D controls. Senran Kagura Burst is apparently much the same, although even more 2D, but I've not played that one to know for sure.

You do have a point this is the same country with the nonstop circlejerk over Yumi.
Get SV for pc if you dont have a vita or get burst for the 3ds if you have one. From there either move on to SK2 or EV

5 second fuse.
Well worth it.

Whatever it is, I'm not buying it if it reuses the same SV/EV models and physics.

I have all 3
What do

Or just cater to Americans. Don't these sell better here anyway?

Steam sale soon?

Sup Forums gets excited for trash jap games, but anything that gets decent reviews is actually garbage and people dont know it

I doubt it. The only odd exception I can think of is the Neptunia series. CH basically told the Japanese audience to go fuck themselves until they buy the games as much as westerners, which is why we get PC releases (and fast), along with huge discounts and sales. Japan doesn't get any of that, has to pay nearly double the price, and they get no PC ports (the game is even region locked to block them).

I don't think they do, but even if they did I doubt they would do that.

Get the steam version if you don't have a 3DS

get all the games then i guess play in release order then and enjoy some good ol titty ninjas

Blessed CH. More people need to follow their approach.

I have the mousepad, but not the figurine because when pre-orders for EV went up on Marvelous EU I couldn't order the limited edition with the figurine because I lived on US.

What if I ordered fat Senrans, user?

>ywn lick Hibari

Why even live.

The only reason that happened was because westerners did in fact buy the games more, all while the Japanese kept calling them "kusoge" and shitposting on their official facebook/twitter account (and harassing CH employees, apparently).

What a bunch of fucking assholes, they got what they deserved.

I swear, I hate the idea of dropping another nuke on Japan, but some days...

Damn Yomi is so fucking gorgeous

I swear there was a version of that picture where Ikaruga's boobs weren't covered up and there was absolutely nothing there.

yeah Beansprout Queen is great

Only way the first one could work would be if they released it on PS4/Vita/3DS. Perhaps with the Sony versions having a bit more fanservice and more focus on the Gessen/NH girls and the 3DS version having more of a focus on the original 10 with a more darker story.

Or make the Sony Story DLC for 3DS and vice versa.

They don't exist, user-kun. Closest thing would be Yagyu with her poochy belly, Murasaki (whose fortunate enough to have everything she eats go to her breasts and is in the package) and Yomi (who pigs out on free samples and would probably clean out your fridge whom is also in that package).

Here's your order, Yomi stuffed with extra beansprouts, candy, and back from an eating contest for two.

Yomi must have one hell of a metabolism.

Don´t make me take out my super soft Yomi art.

That's exactly what I wanted
Thanks, user

How can she be so soft?

Do it I double dare ya

She works out when she isn't too busy stuffing her face or hating rich people.
Any time, user.

She hangs around with Minori.


You are really something aren´t ya.
Sadly that is all I have for solo super soft Yomi

is old news

>hangs around with Minori
How the hell is she still able to walk around?

so what games are you playing mr le monkey face

Her ninja training has made her legs super strong.