What are some games with "ara ara" type characters?

What are some games with "ara ara" type characters?

Or with dominatrixes?

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As someone who knows jackshit about Jap stuff what is ara ara?

It means "oh me oh my" in japanese and is usually associated with voluptuous milfs.

I use the term "milf" loosely, as people have applied it to the character in OP's image, and she's only 18.


>ara ara
She's fucking 17

The standards of the majority of japan is really messed up.

There's a reason the AoC is 14.

18 but I don't see how this is a problem.

18, but I don't see why age is a factor for that kind of thing, you can easily have a younger character acting "mature" or ara ara.

That hole is made for titty fucking.

Practically christmas cake tier at that point.

You can look but you can't touch.

She's not 20 yet.

At what point in your life do you turn to games where their only selling point is the over sexualisation of little/big girls? Genuinely curious.

Behold, the reason you'll side with Nohr

Not only does that has nothing to do with what I said but it's also wrong. The age of consent in the Japanese constitution is 13, but each prefectures overrides the constitution with their own age of consent, so depending on where you are in Japan it's somewhere between 16 and 18.

Because it's basically trying to cater to a specific fandom (People who like older women, who aren't the majority in Japanese otaku) while still trying to cater to the most common denominator (Otakus who like school girls).

Kys normalfag

At the point when you start developing paternal/breeding instincts. Don't worry kid, you'll get there soon.



>Haruka will never tie you down and mercilessly peg you.

Why live.

i want to hug, fug, and marry the snek

Sure thing.

To suffer like the rest of us.


>ywn gently bully then cuddle Mirai

I want to get stomped on by Haruka! I want to feel the pain from her heels!

Don't we all?

>can't even hold a glass of ice water without spilling it and inexplicably ripping her clothes in the process

What a useless bitch.


>ara ara is bound to age
Nah, it's common in older-sister types, christmas cakes, and milfs so the age could very well be within the 17+ range.

>tfw 21
>tfw haruka will never ara ara me even though I'm older

fug off and answer the man's question



motherly/confident/mature/familiar, sometimes a condescending connotation ("silly boys")

>dominatrix thread
>has one character in it that's in high school

If you don't want Haruka to dominate you and make you call her mommy then you're LITERALLY gay.

Like have you had mates that you've hung out with? gone drinking and shit?

Isn't it sad?

The dominatrix part was optional.

My point still stands. It's not what you would expect.


Tales of Legendia

>The dominatrix part was optional.
It shouldn't be.

I don't see the relation between going out with friends and liking (or not) 2d girls.

Ara aras are for /ss/


Well, if you say so.

Worshiping Haruka's legs as she tramples your cock with her heels!

18 is like grandma age in japanese media

What about being her guinea pig for her potions?



kariyume one-syota

Literally every female in that says ara ara over and over.

That outfit was oddly cute.

Why is this thread mostly Haruka? There's gotta be more dominatrix type women in games than just her.


>Drinking and shit

I like how poisoning yourself is acceptable but this isn't.

>alcohol in 2016

no she's fucking me

Good lord, that picture.

Because someone said "post moar" with an image of Haruka.


nah i stopped that shit, hence why i'm here. I just don't understand how this stuff appeals to people

you don't understand how attractive girls are appealing?

>big girls

for you

Potions in exchange for her letting me do ever lewder things?

>you'll never be a shota and have an older woman abuse you

>attractive girls
These are cartoons, friend

>not having friends who also enjoy cute and/or sexy 2d girls

Maybe, maybe not.

Just call me Feels Badman.

Can someone post that video of Haruka whispering things on your ear?

Is this good?


THAT BEING SAID, i want to hug, fug, and marry the snek


You mean "ORA ORA" ?

this is your dog tonight

Seconding this.

This wasn't meant to be a Senran thread, hell it's more of a Haruka thread really

attractive cartoons

no a cartoon is an animated show


Just go with the flow.

There isn't, really. At least none that aren't one off joke characters.

Morrigan is drawn as one, sometimes.

But I'll save the image limit and not post her.

No subs in the dom thread.


Sabrina would make a good dom.


How has no one mentioned Poison yet? Is it the whole "still unsure if a man" thing?

They go hand in hand, user.

She would.

Those psychic powers and whip.

I'd say Vert is very ~ara ara~.

I'd say Vert is very cute and best Nep.

bro we get it you're to cool for anime

doesn't change the fact that you're posting on an image board thats like 90 percent anime shit

And if not her, then Iris Heart.

Definitely Iris Heart.


The thumbnail made me think she was wearing a crusader's tunic.

Literally perfect


There's an actual dominatrix senran in the mobile game.

Do tell. Please.

Juri too.