ITT: Online games that only exist in your memories
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>Be me, 12 years old
>See "that kid" who played every game and had NASA computer and played Half Life 3 and lied everytime
>GTA:IV just came out
>user you would not believe me!
>Of course I would not
>With my dad we remaked GTA: San Andreas with GTA:4 graphics and gravity!
>go to him
>he is playing Saints Row 2
Those old cartoon network games that involved some "Uncle Gus" character or something fixing a pool. It was like a big fetch quest with a few different permutations. I kinda want to play it again.
Pockie Ninja. It was a piece of shit but I had fun playing it.
Unfortunately all I can remember is a series of progressively more and more broken patches being released while an obese tranny banned everyone who complained about it on the forums.
>Warhammer online
It was the only MMORPG that I ever truly enjoyed playing. Constant PvP, fun battlegrounds, open quests. Why did it have to die while WoW persists?
Oh, user, everyone played those.
it was this really shitty Korean steampunk one, I think it was called Neo Steam
>It's still alive
>Went to see if my account had somehow survived the game apparently changing hands a few years ago
>It has
I'm half tempted to download it but it might ruin my pristine memories.
Also the OST had no right being so fucking funky for a shitty KMMO.
>mfw had a level 109 psykeeper and level 76 bow jester
Those armors were boner inducing
Wulfram 2 is the deadest game in the world
Online only, no source code release, no fan servers.
It was so unique too. Players would fight in tanks on the ground to control this gigantic map while one designated player on each team would hold a beacon that controls three orbiting spaceships. The spaceships would regularly drop repair pads, respawn pads, automated turrets, etc. The ships could only be damaged by having an uneven number of enemy ships in adjacent map squares, and new ships could be summoned if a warp drive was ordered from the orbital supplies, deployed and then defended for a set amount of time.
So essentially 60 people would be shooting each other with hover tanks while their fates were decided by two people playing a hybrid of an RTS and Connect Four.
S4 League
Also Dystopia.
Dystopia was fucking amazing, but it was doomed by virtue of being a source mod.
Metal Assault and a MUD I used to play.
Battleground Europe. It's dead to me, dead for a long time. Same with Wurm Online
it's the most popular mmo in poland
i shit you not
Man, this game was the shit.
Actually makes me sad that nothing will ever top this
You are now hearing the jewel sound effect
Pirates of the Caribbean Online
I always won in banshee battles, It's easy.
Get the high ground in a battle and remember to dodge.
Stormhawks MMO that was just one desert hub and a solo race.
Honestly, I don't but i have played the game.
I just remember an endless grind, evil spirits breaking when you had too much agile and resets.
If they put resets in normal MMORPG's you'd have gods among men.
City of Heroes
Is it still so boring to play at any level above 30?
>GTA IV just came out
Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. The only multiplayer FPS I've ever enjoyed due to its class/objective based gameplay. Even if you weren't a good shot, like me, you could still contribute to your team by being an Engineer, Medic or Field Ops. Damn I miss that game.
I remember back in the early 00's in the pre-WoW MMO craze there were shitloads of "beta" MMO.
I recall playing a sci-fi one, it had at least 3 species to select from to make your character, and one was kind of protoss-like, with reverse-join legs, weird face and all.
When I tried it was cool and creepy at the same time because I never saw anyone else online, just me and a highly unfinished world without practically anything but terrain.
It adds to the creepiness how I can't for the life of me remember the name, or find any traces back to it.
TF2 Pre-ftp
Why didn't Quake ET take off again?
gta iv came out in 2008, if he was 12 at the time it means he's 20 now
GTAIV was 8 years ago he would be 20 user.
>Warhammer Online
rip in peace
#Karak-Azgal never4get
Because players prefer other types of multiplayer shooters? I've no idea. Splash Damage keeps trying to recapture the magic of Wolfenstein with Quake ET, Brink and now Dirty Bomb but none of them have matched the original.
pirates vikings and knights 2.
its dead in australia... also I'm vac'd from it?
also miss original natural selection and battlefield bf2142.
>GTAIV was 8 years ago
Sitting at this very position
6-8 marines backed into the quarters with the smartgun.
Aliens organising a rush down the ramp and either getting mauled or killing everyone.
I never actually played this, the memories of Legend of Mir come from watching Game Network back in the day, they plugged the game every 15 minutes
Soldier of Fortune multiplayer.
Drunk off my ass, spamming sound clips at like 3am in the morning.
Those were the days.
a lot of better than new MGO
SVER best faction
Do people not age past 12 were you live? Dickhead.
Raven had highest victory percentage, just the least players so we couldn't get any Dominations going at the end because none of the clans wanted to play us.
This game was awesome if you weren't playing like a retard rushing everybody, was SVER too.
Everybody who wasn´t alive when the SNES released shouldn´t be able to post here.
yes i know theres substitutes for it now
doesnt bring back the community though
>Domination on Raven's map
>sit in boat and snipe parachuters
>caused several commanders to use their artillery barrages on my possition.
>failed to kill me as I ran back inside the boat
>continued to snipe until I ran out of ammo
Raven's map had the best sniping position.
everyone who was alive when snes release should get a job and stop posting here
Super monday night combat. Sure it wasnt like the original. But it gave me captain spark. I loved flipping people of stage and zapping them to bits. Thats until uber effectively killed it with horrible balance updates and a load of other things.
my sister got mad at me, leveled me up, resettled and assigned every single point to hp, rendering my guy useless
I tried to party with a guy to get exp but he was very low level so it took me a week to get 100 levels, I just fucked around the gates with no equipment pretending to be a noob and baiting the super ultra mega xxx_assassins777_mlgpro_xxx and just stood there as they did nothing to me...
I was stuck there forever so I just abandoned... what a bitch
>get a job
It's labor day you underage little shit.
This. Fuck I miss the good old days.
>Friday night after a long hard week at school, grab some chips and login to runescape and play for five hours straight
That sounds amazing.
I will never forget being #15 in the world for a while in original MNC crossfire
my nigga
The custom maps people made were the shit, that game had everything, surf maps, basebuilding maps, minigame maps.
The base game was great as well, just going around as an engineer fixing shit was fun, a shame there will never be an FPS like it.
Heroes of Might and Magic: Duel of champions.
pretty much the best card game i've ever played mechanics-wise.
awful menagement and marketing from the teams and the publisher doomed it.
It had a higher skill ceiling, wasn't free, run like shit at most computers at that time and war between humans and stroggs wasn't as attractive as WWII.
Fucking asian jews
Shin Megami Tensei Online
this game was dead since it's first day, it was a ok game as I can remember, I just discovered that they've closed the servers aome months ago
Uncharted 2
G.R.A.W. 2
Bad Company 2: Vietnam
Halo 2 Vista
fucking dead
the one lego mmo
What if, "that kid" was never actually lying
He was just retarded all along
And I don't mean he has down syndrome or anything genetic
I mean his parents just fucked up so damn badly that they actually raised him to be retarded
So when he makes these radical claims, he thinks they're true because he's just that retarded
>You will never enjoy Guild Wars 1 in its prime ever again
Those were the best years ive ever had playing an online game. And then that abomination of a sequel came out
>Lost Planet
>you will never again be freezing in a blizzard while your heat drains away, deciding how much of it you can spend to fuel the massive robot-mounted laser cannon you've stolen
>enemy spidertank rolls up, transforms, starts blasting at your allies
>fuck it, yolo
>charge up your massive purple laser and unleash a titanic blast that stuns the spidermech
>your allies bombard it with frisbee grenades and gatling fire while it's stunned
>the despondant pilot bails out
>you pistol-whip him with a gun that's bigger than your body
The Steam rerelease had no multiplayer without GFWL. My heart broke that day.
There used to be an online pc game that had the gameplay from max payne. You had dual weapons and could jump like a retard just like Max in MP1.
Anyone knows the name of it?
Cartoon network summer resort you can still find it
its not fair
>that kid who said he could play crash bandicoot on his watch
I was so gullible as a little kid
Stranglehold? No...
Warhammer online still runs search for Return of Reckoning its free and awesome.
double action boogaloo
Literally no one can know this.
Game was unbalanced as fuck and ded.
Only good thing EA did was shut it down.
Played the shit out of MGS3 MGO.
I am 19 and when I was a kid, I played the SNES with my father even though it was already released before my birth.
I'm sorry for not being an oldfag like you, user.
I used to play it until it turned p2w bullshit.
Knight Online, back before K2 sold it the first time, those were the days
thanks for DAOC
i miss old darkness fall, pre Trials
le kek
My nigga. I also really enjoyed the Uncharted 3 beta too.
>mfw still kinda want a PS4 for Uncharted 4 multiplayer even though it won't be the same.
I can't be the only then-12-year-old faggot that played this habbo knockoff
>gta iv came out in 2008, if he was 12 at the time it means he's 20 now
couldn't find a suitable image for this
Sword of the New World.
I liked it. Shame companies always get greedy.
I wish there are more games set in the Renaissance period.
That game was garbage though. Why did you like it?
Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle Earth