Is it just me or has everything to come out in 2016 so far been shit?
Is there even a single good 2016 release?
Is it just me or has everything to come out in 2016 so far been shit?
Is there even a single good 2016 release?
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Picross 3D
Holy shit, thanks doc, that hit the fucking spot.
Rise of the Tomb Raider
This War of Mine
thanks doc
Didn't Undertale come out in 2016?
Thanks doc boi
we hit a hiatus, just like the cell phone market. no one has the initiative to make anything outside of the set parameters or it won't make money. too much of a risk and it's affecting the entire entertainment industry.
thanks doc
Doctor Mario remake when?
Thanks doc
Thanks doc.
Y u do this
Dark souls, overwatch, furi
Odin sphere leifthrasir
That's it.
digimon cyber sleuth, xcom 2, I am satsuna, stardew valley, enter the gungeon, doom, god eater, zero time dilemma, deus ex, and inside just off the top of my head.
Just because you are an autist and have shit taste In games doesn't mean good ones haven't come out.
Thanks Gendo Ikari
Doom was a hell of a lot of fun.
Thanks for helping me confirm that everything that's come out in 2016 so far has been shit.
Planet Robobot
thanks, doc
we've been missing our doses
Inside, Earthlock, Doom
Dragon Quest 7 is all I need
my dose
thanks doc
Picross looks like a game for autists, so I've never tried it. Mochiron.
I really liked DaS3 but that is the Souls Sup Forums hates right?
So I guess nothing.
I'm sure there's been something but I honestly haven't bought a single game this year so I dunno.
one the sega 3d classics collections finally getting an international realease was nice too
waiting for the other one sega come the fuck on
Doc this just wont do
>Sup Forums
No, just people with taste in general.
It is fun user! FUN!
>thinks picross is for autists
The only autist here is you
Oh, so it's one of those thread.
>all these people saying thanks doc
>two weak ass doses
You people were never sick.
I needed this dose. Cured my schizophrenia.
Only thing I played this year was nudoom and it sucked so not as far as I know.
Yeah nah, this placebo shit ain't working.
Give me the dose, doc. You know what I mean.
Are there any decent PC Picross games? Preferably in its own client and not through a browser because I'd prefer a larger box as opposed to something small like in if that makes sense.
A thread where reddditumblrtards are not allowed?
Why of course, it's indeed a thread on Sup Forums.
Mother Russia Bleeds seems good. Also Yakuza 5 localization.
If I /was/ an autist, I'd be able to easily understand the rules in
aha! you forgot dmc5 came out in a glorious return to form and it was everything everyone was wishing for plus more we didn't even know we wanted
No Mans Sky
You can always zoom in the page to suit your liking
Definition "super-villain": a killer who love children
One who is well-skilled in destruction, as well as building
>If I /was/ an autist, I'd be able to easily understand the rules
What knowledge do you base this on?
That's quite the dose.
Anyway, thus far, PvZ Garden Warfare 2 (I'm not kidding), Obduction (it was somewhat mediocre however in the puzzles aspect, but the lore and atmosphere made up for it.)
Looking forward to Wuppo soon, then Haydee end of this month, Friday the 13th this October, and Yooka Laylee Q1 2017.
>these wimpy ass doses
C'mon Doc, I need the real thing.
This entire year has been nothing but misery and hopeful dreams being crushed.
I'm not talking about just videogames.
the fact that i'm looking forward to forza horizon 3, a racing game, shows how shitty this year has been.
Just you. There have been a lot of good games this year and we haven't even hit fall yet.
If you were an autist maybe you wouldn't be such a fucking casual
Pocket Card Jockey is good too
Everything has been shit. It's not just you. Everyone else that thinks otherwise is just a shill. And that's probably why. Shilling has become such a mainstream thing now. Even on Sup Forums. It's terrible.
> In this fast-paced mash-up of solitaire and horse racing
How does it work?
I hate how it basically forces you into using the melee kill, it's such a gimmick pusher not to mention it limits the kind of strategies you can employ for getting through maps.
Granted I only played the free demo, nothing in that said "buy me" so I didn't play any further.
>shilling has become such a mainstream thing now
Incorrect, your definition of shilling has changed and thus you perceive it everywhere.
Shilling is when a Developer pretends to be a customer who really likes (product) and informs consumers about it.
Much of what you probably think is shilling is either someone posing as a developer (reverse shilling, technically,) a developer hosting a thread (really rare,) or just people who like the game discussing it.
lol sorry
sega thinks no one in the west will buy a game that doesn't have Sonic on the front.
they're right.
I thought this was a doom automap screenshot at first
though with all those right angles it'd be more appropriate as a wolf3d map. A horrifying Wolf3D map.
This. Sup Forums will never be like it was a decade ago, but we have no new place to emigrate to. It's sad, seeing everything that was built be destroyed like thi.
We're getting there, but it's not strong enough Doc.
Don't give me the knockoffs. I need the real deal.
not gonna argue, that's true, that's pretty much the sole reason they bring the second collection after all.
they dug themselves up with over exploting sonic and sonic alone
Fuck that
Doom 4
tjnx doc
thanks doc
mazes are fun but you can just hug the right wall to eventually get it to solve itself
Momodora Reverie came out this year, though.
The Witness?
Stop liking trash franchises then, faggot.
You do realize that Dark Souls 3 came out this year, right?
The game ended too early in my opinion. The philosophical portions were trash.
Was enjoyable for a little while, though.
Trash and for people who can't handle a game that moves faster than your average American.
Play good games, faggot.
It needed a really interesting story like Braid had.
Plenty of good games came out. Just avoid the weeb trash, casual games, and multiplayer cash-ins.
Pic related. I have quite a few recommendations.
It was the second fastest souls game. I thought that was the major complaint. That it isn't as good as DaS2 because it is so slow.
Wow's Legion expansion was good.
Play on Nightmare
Pausing to melee is a good way to get your shit pushed in.
I agree, that probably would have made it go from "mediocrity about how your actions have no meaning in the end with some nice puzzles thrown in" to "bretty good."
That said, if there were more puzzles, it would have been equally enjoyable.
Cavern was designed to be a "Here's some extra puzzles for making it this far" segment when it was more like the trial puzzles leading up to the final challenge, which never came.
Finally! My dose!
Thanks a bunch doc.
Undertale faggot
I'm looking forward to Rising Storm 2 alot. If Bannerlord gets in a sneaky release before the years end then 2016 will be solidified as the greatest recent year for vidya.
Shiren V. But that's about it. Looking forward only to FH3 as well.
>Mech Kirby
>below average
>AM2R "amazing"
>rates a game better because its cheap or free
>Stardew valley and general pixelshit Above Average
>games on the list that arent even out yet
what the frick
You don't think so? I found the pillars pretty challenging because they forced you to completely change your thinking.
There's also the "hidden" puzzles you can unlock early on.
I think Braid was 2deep4me. I haven't read any analysis but I didn't understand how the atom bomb related to the story.
Uncharted 4 dipshit
Deus Ex MD
Dark Souls 3
Dishonored 2 (i trust arkane)
South Park
This year is really good
Yet to figure out if I love it or not though.
How can you rate games that haven't even come out yet? Or is this a "it's normie/popular so it must be shit" list?
I think you're the only dipshit here my good man