Play a game with optional lethality

>play a game with optional lethality
>use lethality
>tell other people you played the game and killed a few people
>they get pissed

Why? Why is USING A FEATURE THAT IS OFFERED such a problem?

Name a game with optional lethality where the lethal route is more difficult.

Fucking Sorrow

Most Commandos games and Desperados.

That's not a common sentiment mate.

the last game I played with stealth had obvious vents and tricks for you to use.

The hardest thing at most is dealing with 3-4 guards but they give u stealth powers to just run past.

killing everything is harder and more fun.


Not only is it harder to play lethal, it also rewards less.

When I play Watch_Dogs, a lot of the time I actually do things stealthily then go back and kill everyone after I already succeed (since the game is so fussy about using firearms normally I try to whenever I can).

>Other people give a shit about how you played a game

They don't, fun fact.


They sure as fuck do whenever you criticize a game they like. "You didn't play it right!"

>people get pissed at someone for not using lethal force in Dude Sex
Never heard of it

I mean for using

>killed a few people
You kill one, you have to kill them all. They were mad that you halfassed it.

I didn't play it, but people always talk about how much harder the "genocide" run of Undertale is.

OP, it's far worse if you ever mention killing someone in Mirror's Edge.

>Knock out NSF troops on conscious in battery park
>visit weapons guy at UNATCO
>I CLEANED THE PLACE OUT is the only option
>Savage refuses to give me ammo


Was the first Dude Sex even fun/possible to play on non-lethal ? Stealth before Splinter Cell wasn't fun.

"Lethality" usually doesn't change anything, lethal weapons are as stealthy as non lethal ones (suppressed/tranq guns, hand/knife)

I like doing a mix. Non lethal if I can and I don't think the enemies deserve it, but lethal when shit hits the fan or the enemies are scum/have wronged me or something shitty just happened to my player character

I always play non-lethal but go lethal depending on situation, as in I don't blindly stick to either of the two.
If going stealthier seems like the better opion, I go stealthy, if killing the guard seems better, I kill the guard.

Actually lethality in Dishonored is the key to changing the ending.

>stealth before splinter cell wasn't fun

>Stealth before Splinter Cell wasn't fun.
Get out faggot, Thief was the shit

Every single Metal Gear game you dipshit

t. someone who has never played mgs lethally

The first Splinter Cell


Non lethal
>guards don't raise alarms on finding bodies
>silenced weapons
>people don't tell you off over the codec

It's like watching MTV's transformation.

He's right, SC was the first game entirely built around stealth. The level design, the IA, the equipment, the story, etc.
MGS and Thief are action/adventure games with stealth mechanics.

>The only TRUE way to play Metal Gear is to use the most overpowered gun in video game history that bypasses all the AI behavior systems introduced along with it :D

Kill yourself if you're this faggot.

>you have insane firepower and can mow down guards easily
>stealth doesn't matter
>retards on Sup Forums claim lethal is hard

This game was a fucking gem

t. A faggot with no arguments

You are literally making shit up
Actually play the games before coming out with this bollocks
Not doing stealth is literally impossible in MGS, you can't aim and die in two hits

>most overpowered gun in video game history

The Boss' gun ? The EZ gun ? The Railgun ?

really nigger

only cause the hardest battle is exclusive to that route. I heard everything else is a bit easier.

That would be true if guards didn't spawn infinitely until the alarm goes and you could actually aim properly

Guys, real talk right now, I've never played SWAT 4. What's the appeal of the game?

Just ignore these idiots.

Deus ex HR/MD

Game punishes you for playing lethal.

I went through the entire second half of the game with Cloak on smacking niggas behind the back with the Dragontooth, and it was fucking fun. Fuck going non-lethal.

Nigga i'm not defending that's mongoloids argument but you can literally rambo your way through MGS3 on extreme and I've had fire fights in MGS2 on European Extreme where they literally run out of fucking reinforcements, can't face tank that game though you do actually die from 2 hits or less.

It's easier to play lethally in both HR and Mankind Divded, you just have more threat of actually dying. It takes a lot less time/skill, though. The AI is too retarded to handle you.

SWAT 4 as well. Pepper gun is OP. Yuuuup

You killed one/some or Gunther did, then.

It's because you alerted the guys on the top level to your presence, giving Anna and her troops the signal to go in and kill everyone.

False, Thief: The Dark Project was designed entirely around stealth gameplay. You're also forgetting that the first stealth games ever made were in fact Castle Wolfenstein and Beyond Castle Wolfenstein, with the original Metal Gear following afterward.

Slow police fps where you can commit acts of brutality. It's actually hard and the AI can be decent sometimes.

You lose instantly for being spotted on extreme though

The tranq gun. From MGS2 to 4 it's literally cheating.

Game bug, don't think it was in the original but it is in revision.

If you go in the front of the fort, it doesn't matter what you do. Even if noone dies, it'll still register as killing spree.

SWAT 3 was better. No cheese route with pepper guns and AI was better.

Thief is barely a stealth game lmao

I love MGS1 but it didn't bring half as much to the stealth genre as SC1. The stealth in MGS1 is "go from A to B through this warehouse while avoiding the guards". It's the same as MG1, it could even be a pacman style game seen from above.

Does undertale count? In pacifist you can just chug a healing item every turn and wait out boss battles while killing enemies requires you to use an action to attack, and that's not going into Genocide.

Way to avoid the argument you fucking mongoloid. This is about stealth not you getting caught while playing on easy mode and then being to much of a shit stain not be able to unfuck yourself with a weapon that is a guaranteed "kill" with every shot and instantaneous with headshots

I love Splinter Cell but neck yourself retard

Come the fuck on user, we both know that's fucking wrong. In both HR and MD it's easier to play lethal at the end of the game/in NG+, while its waaaay easier to play stealth when you're underpowered at the beginning of the game.

I did the whole "get the proof from that metro station" mission in 15 minutes of walking into vents, while my roommate spent 40 trial&error minutes tanking that armored guard and all the other police officers here.

MGS was arcade like but there were still enough elements to justify it being a stealth game.

haven't played all the metal gears, but usually it's just easier and faster to kill everyone.

also i'm bad at stealth games.

>start level or whatever by trying to be stealthly
>spend way too much time
>make a stupid mistake
>end up killing everyone in like 10 secs and finish the mission

MGS2 probably has the most punishing alerts. In MGS3 you have so much health you can usually just tank your way through encounters.

That's European Extreme in MGS3 and an options for European Extreme on MGS2. Why would anyone play any of these modes? Why would you turn one of the best things about the series into "I'm canceling the mission Fish...Snake. We're done here". Removes all the fun and encourages trial and error shit instead of making live with and solve your mistakes.

In MGS2 European Extreme ammo and rations are so hard to come buy that losing them on a prolonged engagement because you were spotted can come back to fuck you over in the future, on instant game over mode you just restart like nothing happened. You can just brute force your way through it.

I'd agree with this. Proper, honest to god stealth is easier at first (and the stealth parody that involves stun guns /tranqs is even easier), but, closer to the end, Jensen just becomes an unstoppable machine of mass destruction.

Except it's literally not. Shooting them in the head can have repercussions doing the same shit with a tranq gun for the same result will not.

Why are you commenting on it then? Metal gear had shitty controls so you couldn't fight off guards, you also didn't have a lot of health. When I say shit controls though, I mean difficult, they actually make the game better in the long run.

What was that early 2000's porn company that used the Deus Ex logo?

We are talking about stealth, as in killing them stealthy, not going American Student on their asses.

Yeah it's actually easier. You just throw yourself at an encounter until you find a way to stealth it instead of mistakes having weight.

STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl. The easiest way to play the game is stack on the heaviest armor, buy around 200 medkits and just run by everyone. You can beat the whole game pacifist really easily.

Is Mankind Divided supposed to have a barely comprehensible story or am I just going senile? The characters talk often, vaguely and slowly and I kinda zone out. Didn't have this problem with any other Deus Ex game.


>or am I just going senile
The main story itself isn't fantastic or anything, but there's an absurd amount of little details and conspiracies in the background that you have to piece yourself.

I lost track. Reading though all the terminals I break into just makes it worse, I have no fucking clue what's going on.

Almost all of the boss battles in Genocide are harder than on Pacifist but the random encounter battles and puzzles are all easier. Or so I've heard, I don't have the heart to do a genocide run.

>Postal 2
>Try Jesus run
>Only viable non-lethal weapon is taser and pee

Name harder route


Also, playing 4 player co-op with friends. We usually install this game annualy.


Going lethal was also far more fun. Arkane really dropped the ball on the whole non-lethal playstyle.

>play a stealth RPG
>play it like FPS because "you can"
>get angry when people tell you you didn't play the game correctly

>"you can"

There's several different weapon skills.

What Splinter Cells should I play?

>stealth RPG

It's just an RPG.

Everything up to Chaos Theory.