No Man's Sky Just Beginning: Apologize


Don't worry guys, Sean was just kidding before. He's going to fix EVERYTHING, so now would be a great time to buy and it's certainly no lie: No Man's Sky™.


Over the last few weeks since No Man’s Sky released we’ve been inundated with feedback and discussion about No Man’s Sky.
No matter what feedback you gave us, you have been heard and we are listening carefully. Thank you.
Here’s what we’ve been busy with over the 2-3 weeks since release:
>A community/support management team has been brought on board.
>Support issues raised are been categorised by that team, and we are fixing them in order of priority.
>We’ve released 4 patches for PC and 4 patches for PS4.
>We’ve written up patch notes for all those patches. You can find them here.

******What matters now, as always, is what we do rather than what we say. We’re developers, and our focus is first on resolving any issues people have with the game as it is, then on future free updates which will improve, expand and build on the No Man’s Sky universe.************

This is a labour of love for us, and it’s just the beginning."

>What matters now, as always, is what we do rather than what we say.
>Just the beginning

See? He's learned from his mistakes and is really trying to make things right. You can too user, for just $60 dollars. Join the Hello Games family and buy today.
If you have suggestions please mail [email protected]
Thank you,
Hello Games

Other urls found in this thread:

still no multiplayer

We're working on it. It should be in game within one of the next few patches. We aim to please at HG.

>they didnt addressed the elephant in the room and instead, talked about it in a round about way
>somehow, the fans are to blame and not HelloGames
Teh fcuk am I raeindg

Say what you want about the gameplay, but the soundtrack for this game is superb.

>retards actually bought this shit
>groups demanding a refund started to show on stem
fucking retards

>had it gifted to me
guess what buddy, it still runs like garbage, and there's still nothing to do
maxed out everything and i'm waiting for more content before i even think about going back
I do feel bad as shit for the person who bought it for me though

> Sean still hasn't acknowledged the lack of waifus in NMS

>If you have suggestions please mail [email protected]
>Thank you,
>Hello Games

Please ignore this part I forgot to remove it.

Thank you,

There was multiplayer in the game from the very beginning. If data is being shared between players, then its multiplayer by definition. You don't actually have to have two avatars meet up in real time at the same location in the game world. Games like online poker are considered multiplayer, yet there is no avatar-to-avatar interaction.

I know Sup Forums desperately wants to re-create TOR but the truth is NMS is not anywhere near the disaster that Bioware's fourth-trimester abortion was.

He also released 8 patches between the platforms saying basically "Fixed bugs", no new shit was added.


Games don't have to have content to be fun.

if i was sean i would retire from game development completely. his reputation is ruined. many people will not touch anything that he works on from now on.


I like how he says that people experiencing problems with the PC version are an extreme minority.
I've yet to see a PC stream that didn't have the fps drop a few times a minute. Is he saying that this is acceptable? Is he a habitual liar? I just don't know anymore...

There isn't multiplayer. You will never have multiplayer. It is impossible to add multiplayer this late in development. It would require a new code to be developed for the game. aka: NMS2

What you might get is the rest. Factions, big scale space combat. More depth regarding how planets are generated and creatures behavior (stuff like gravity, solar rotation, diversify AI behavior).
Maybe you will get additional side quests, more things to do, new stuff to explore.

But you won't be getting multiplayer. It is literally impossible to add it.
Maybe, MAYBE you will get co op multiplayer, but you won't be getting mmo style features.

personally i dont care about multiplayer. I dont like it. I just want more content and interesting things to do and explore

>Implying you can't be a successful liar

Except datamining has proven that multiplayer was NEVER being worked on in the first place.

Screw him, he still lied to us

>If data is being shared between players, then its multiplayer by definition
This is so fucking kikey. I can smell your bagels and lox from here. Kike.

I love how he completely disappeared from Twitter after launch.

>finish repairing launch thrusters
>have to repair the boosters too
>need heredium so i run a scan
>heredium deposit 10 minutes away
>begin long hike
>pass puffy vagina mountain, see dog/baby/stegosaurus-emon, mine giant gold for a bit
>finally see the heredium deposit
>it looks exactly like those giant bluey black block towers i kept seeing a long the way
>literally passed a fucking dozen of them but my scanner didn't read them
>furiously mine the heredium while Sean furiously mines my tight ass
>just as Sean errupts a torrent of hot procedurally generated semen into me, i realize there was a heredium deposit just around the hill from my ship
>i hop in my cockpit and get my ship off the ground as Sean gets off me to make way for Peter
>land in a space station and watch as ships land but no pilots exit them
>"did you tell them that fallen acorns grow into trees?" grunted Peter as he expertly pounded me, this wasn't his first rodeo
>give 50 platinum to a fish bowl wearing 7 foot space man to learn the klaven word for warning
>trade resources for 80,000 credits but there's nothing worth buying
>Peter and Sean both cum on my face and high five each other

Add in planets with sexy women that you have to seduce in order to leave. THEN and ONLY then might i consider pirating it.


He implied, if not outright stated, that there would be not just a very vaguely "multiplayer" feature in the game, but actual interaction with other player avatars. He said it would be so rare it would practically never happen, but it would be possible.

>$0.02 has been deposited into your JIDF account

everyone quit playing already, why bother?

>Oy vey they found me out!

why do you guys insist on spamming this racist caricature?

I'm Jewish, I don't look like that and I've never wronged or tricked anyone. If you ask me, you guys do this out of jealousy. It's an inferiority complex you have. Ashkenazi Jews (what I am and most in the west) have the highest average IQ. We make the most money, we are the most educated of all ethnicities. There's no scam or tricks behind this, it's just superiority. But, I don't wave my finger in people's faces, I believe we are all equal given the same opportunities. I'm not like you white supremacists that brag about being superior (when you really aren't)

That post is almost longer than your nose

ty for this pasta

Holy kek

Nice, a new copy pasta about juden.

Seriously though just because (((you))) have never tricked anyone doesn't mean your (((people))) have never been slithery lizard people with your greedy little paws in everything.

The argument of the exception has never been a good one.

It's not pasta, I'm tired (especially on Sup Forums, I expect it on Sup Forums) of people being racist towards Jews.

My nose is certainly longer than your dick.

>labour of love
labour of give me my fucking game

fuk off to leddit with your hyper sensitivity.


The irony

I'm sorry about your grandmother being turned into a lampshade.

>all time high: 212,000
>average players: 9,000
>the game has lost 95% of its players
Why bother?

>Bitching about racism on Sup Forums

How do you subhumans even survive in the real life


>My nose is certainly longer than your dick.

nigga you cut off part of your dick

Even if they fixed all the bugs and crashes it will be the very same game that works perfectly, that is a bland and boring space survival game with crafting with good visuals.

And I really, really hate how releasing a game in an unnacceptable state is now considered normal, they say gamers are entitled, I say we aren't entitled enough, we wouldn't have this bullshit if we complained more.

im gay and call people faggots, niggers and jews. get over it crying bitch baby.

bready gud

>I'm Jewish
realize you are the enemy of mankind then, and realize that Judaism is about exploiting everyone who isn't Jewish (the words you like to use are Gentiles and Goyim), with the express purpose of furthering Israel's agenda

Fuck you. I was supposed to be the master baiter of this thread. This shit right here was supposed to get 20 guaranteed replies. Stop depriving me of my (You)s with your original pasta.

>yfw you didn't buy NMS

>literally an attention whore autist
kill yourself you retarded fuck


cool it with the f*cking sexism and ableism bro, that sh*t isn't cool

Please use the chevrons to reply to me, or else I won't see you post. I control-F for (You)s.

>being this new

I'm not even offended by things like this.

I'm not even circumcised

it's not even the same, Sup Forums goes out of its way to specifically delve deep into anti-jewish conspiracy shit. It's 100% constantly being ostracized for something that is irrelevant. I could be gaming with you in person and you'd have no idea I'm jewish unless I told you

I'm not religious.. my parents aren't either. That's why I said as above, I'm not even circumcised. Most Jews in the west these days, especially younger, are not even religious. Being Jewish has an ethnic identity to it as well as religious. I don't care about Judaism one bit.

>tfw even Sony gives refunds for No Man's Sky

>I'm not religious.. my parents aren't either.
most obvious lie of the day, your mother is a pureblooded israeli or you can't be jewish.



>blaming the Jews for your small penis

Wow, the JIDF aren't even trying to be subtle anymore. Fuck off hook-nose

>Development update

Thinnest skin I've seen on this website. Goddamn dude.

I bet you throw a screaming hissy fit everytime someone mentions jews and 9/11 in the same sentence.

>Oy vey! I don't even believe! Can't you see I'm not a threat goyim? Why do you persecute me so?

>what we do rather than what we say

yeah I'll bet, since everything you said turned out to be a fucking lie lmao

you shouldn't take satire and memes so seriously buddy

You little shit nobody gives a fuck.
Every group of people gets shit on in Sup Forums, it all depends on context.This is not your hugbox.
I'm a muslim, you think I literally shake every time I see people calling for my death in every single thread whenever ISIS does shit?
Grow the fuck up and develop some thick skin idiot.

Funny, in the EU and UK, that's illegal. You cannot sign away your consumer rights with ToS. Sales are NOT final.


Eat shit and die, Shekelberg.

Go suck the Pedophile Muhammad's dick in hell, camel jockey

pretty hot desu

It doesn't stand up in a court in the US either.

There is literally nothing wrong with being Jewish.

Fuck off mudslime you are worse than the jews

JIDF is a false flag created by stormfags. It's one of the oldest trolls on the internet.

There's no such thing as a comically evil organisation that goes around 'correcting' people's opinions on Sup Forums. I mean, just look at the name... "internet defense force?" Sounds like something someone's mom came up with.

Course you don't get angry, you have absolutely nothing to be upset about when you're living off welfare in a white country.


Really? I seem to remember USA tried to make it so it did. I know EU and UK put in specific laws to prevent this on top of other consumer laws.

Steam don't recognise it either.


Well fucking done

>Thank you for being part of the QA program for No Man's Sky!
>Your entry fee of $60 will ensure that the dev team has enough resources going forward to ensure a quality final product
>With your help, we are on track to meet our release milestone of Q1 2017
>Please report any known bugs to the reddit or steam pages!

>Sean Murray
>Hello Games

Yeah we would never tilt public opinion to fit our agenda.

>Oy vey! Stop being racist against gods' chosen people, you're just jealous of us being smarter, richer, and overall superior than you. Remember the 6 gorillion!

I thought jews were supposed to be cunning.

Lighten up, you guys get a cute merchant loli. Don't take everything to heart.

>haha, look at this new pasta
>proceeds to seriously answer to it

>It's not pasta
is now schlomo

Please WHOM?

Illegal is the wrong term, it is simply impossible.

Good. I don't want any of you faggots anywhere near me in-game spewing memes and other bullshit.

>his post actually got deleted

Guess who got the final kek