yes, that is sarah silvermann
Which is the most anti-christian video game?
Other urls found in this thread:
All of them
a racing game is not anti-Christian
attila total war probly, you can wipe it out if you have the time on your hands and also overall pagan bonuses are better
I will never understand people who can't separate fantasy from reality.
Christians are no better than Muslims
Is this bait?
me neither
t. Ahmed
>inverted cross
Shit, guess the Pope is satanic.
>Alt "comix"
Aren't Chick Tracts just that?
Fuck off, Mohammed. Christian rape gangs aren't patrolling Europe right now.
he is though
Fuck off, proddie.
Do you not know what Protestantism is?
N0, they roam Pakistan and India instead.
but that's literally the most potent doorway to demonic possession there is on that chart
To that comic's author he is. He has some rather nice comics on catholicism
>Christian response to OP pic: mild disgust
>Muslim response to a cartoon drawing of Mohammad: fucking murder everyone
Source, pagan.
t.high school drop-out
I don't want to kiss my sister, thanks.
I still have to play Xenogears, because it sounds like the best Evangelion game ever.
>what is "insert non-videogames" game?
I'll never understand why fags like OP don't make threads for their relevant board but instead have to create these thinly-veiled threads on Sup Forums.
I'm not even religious and this is just wrong. At least Christians made reforms to their scriptures. Mud slimes are just barbaric in nature.
The more I see of Chu Chu, the more I hate him.
Who decided to put him in the game?
No universities are like that.
So only neo-Marxist faggots hate Nazis? Kill yourself.
Catholics are all a bunch of idolatrous cunts so yeah.
Is this from a chick tract?
How come games only do the evil christians thing and never do the evil muslims/jews/etc?
where theres Sup Forums theres inevitably christtards
just in case anyone falls for the bait
Saint Peter's cross is anti christian now. Hate this shit.
Where's the alt righter version?
>At least Christians made reforms to their scriptures
This is what amuses me the most about religion and the people who have no clue about the history of what they believe in. I can't wait to see religion become a minority.
>Muslim response to depictions of their Con-Man: Fucking Murder anyone who could have an association with the source, even if they didn't.
>Christian response to denial of their Con-Man: Bomb a bunch of brown people; claim it was for "muh' freedoms"
>Jewish response to anything: cry about the Halocaust,scream "anti-Semite", and blow up Palestinians.
>Hindu response to offending their Con-Men: Make for designated shitting street, discuss actions with neighbors over a curry dump.
We need a good Jesus Simulator, where you wander the desert being a Con-Man, tricking dumb fucks, and having lots of sex with your Ass-postles.
T. Cleetus
lmao does Sup Forums literally not believe in school? going to college and getting a degree is a jewish conspiracy now? Is that how they rationalize being basement dwelling losers? maximum kek
Antipope John Paul II was a wicked man
>pot parties
>dungeons and dragons
>harry potter
>video games
The Christian bombs an abortion clinic.
>going to school is bad
>debt is good
are we sure Sup Forums isnt a jewish conspiracy?
Here, man
>Christian response to denial of their Con-Man: Bomb a bunch of brown people; claim it was for "muh' freedoms"
Those were\are for oil and attempts to move away from Western central banks\the American dollar, dumbass.
Why is this bad?
>going to college
>getting a degree
you mean that paper that costs 30,000 + 5 years that allows you to be a better goyim and make $14 dollars an hour insteand of $11?
>take a class in finance at a university in New Zealand
>get an American, Bernie Sanders-looking lecturer
>he starts talking about "The Great Idiot", Donald Trump and all of his personal political views
>wonder what this has to do with finance
Grad student here, this is 100% true.
Literal cannibals are forgiven while normal families are blamed for every inequality.
It's not feasible with the modern education system, considering how easy it is to get into universities today.
Most white supremacists are uneducated
Fucking LMAO Sup Forums really is the new teaparty
Maybe Christians pre-renaissance but even that's debatable.
I don't know
maybe because someone will have to pay for the gender studies
As far as I know teachers don't teach for free and someone has to pay for the little marxists to eat and sleep
I'm sure you truly believe that and aren't just regurgitating your political sides group think
Literally yes. Going to college beats the Sup Forumsshit out of you.
Can you tell me why I'm wrong? I'd like to hear it.
This is really funny because the pope is by far the most "satanic" (satanic is a bad term, they're more followers of Apollos, aka apolloyon or Lucifer)
Symbols by themselves have no power, it's more the ideologies that can be transmitted by them that can be dangerous. I seriously don't care about some lines drawn on a piece of paper aside from peoples perceived significance.
Also, it's not what goes inside you that defiles you, it's what comes out of you. AKA if you can properly filter out information you'll be okay. Especially for symbols which aren't jarring in the least.
You mean demonized by the media as a one dimensional scarecrow argument?
And the muslim bombs everyone.
I want to hatefuck Sarah Silverman so bad.
Assassin's Creed
you know low income college students already have completely subsidized tuition, right?
Traditionalist Christians are no better than traditionalist Muslims. The thing is, almost zero modern Christians are traditionalist, and almost all Muslims are.
>the same people against free education are the people who want to waste billions of tax dollars on a wall that does nothing
Color me surprised
>start american politics discussion
>not even american
you dont need to go to college to be educated
and colleges are run by jews and nu-males, so if you want that women's studies degree, better pay up goy
Free Education = Someone who works 50h a week has to pay for my gender studies while I sleep all day and smoke pot
bear in mind 60% of people who finish college score lower in reading tests than kids in the Philippinies and Indonesia.
I know
no i mean a group of people who think college is a conspiracy and other deep south shit
All socialist education would do is force the college system to eat up tax dollars instead of citizen dollars.
Lets be honest, the American University system is completely fucked at this point.
>Text book costs are up over 1000% in the last 30 years.
>Average student will have to take out nearly $400k just to get their bachelor's degree. Literally the cost of a house.
>University Professors spend little as time as possible actually teaching anything, but get paid insane amounts to do pet research projects that often have no real impact on the world.
>Students are not advised to take on important degrees in STEM fields where their degree can actually be worth it's costs.
I don't agree with socialism in most regards, but you have to admit the current state of education is fucked.
>N0, they roam Pakistan and India instead.
>Filled with Hindus and a tiny number of christians
>One sneeze away from Sharia
>have someone else that pay for them
no ? really? wow!
This is like one of those little flyers that bible thumpers give out on Halloween to try and discourage kids from trick or treating.
>peace sign
>three F's
>cyberpunk culture
This can't be real.
Most grads have liberal arts degrees in pottery and cinema studies.
Nah, just a minority do
>women's studies degree
why is Sup Forums obsessed with this? Do they really think universities only offer humanities degrees? Is it because none of them have graduated high school?
What if you're against both?
And Muslims bomb everything
>wall that does nothing