Survival Games

Is this the most immersive survival game out now? Anything similar to it?

Maybe UnReal World?

Rimworld and dwarf fortress

cataclysm dark days ahead?

project zombiods is similar but forever in early access and still kinda meh.

Also i swear zombiod is ripping code from cataclysm.

Easily. That's also the biggest problem. The game is extremely easy to break with how much freedom it provides.

Your tileset sucks btw

UnReal World is similar in play style, just with iron age Finland rather than post-apocalyptic New England.

So if I'm submerged it lets water through?
Then what's the point of being able to see further underwater?

>Decide to build a home
>Get one wall up
>End up saying fuck it and end up building another solar powered armour plated RV with turrets on and go artifact hunting and failing to find any

play nomansky

You get wet the same way a person in a wetsuit would get wet if that makes sense.

Urw and cata are unrivaled. Shit gets old too fast, even with new content I get bored in a couple of runs.
Haven and hearth were close in my personal chart for quite a time because of permadeath mmo, but it wasn't developing well.
Tiles suck.

>Your tileset sucks btw
Random image pulled of the web.
I don't use tiles myself.

Does nomanski gives you the feeling of desperation and adrenaline spikes when a half of fucking screen is filled with hostiles?

Cata does not either. Just bump some speeds lol.

>Cata does not either
For you.

One of these days I'm going to make a profession that has actually put together a basic knife spear, full clothing, and has a needle on hand.

Thats all I want. I'm so damned tired of doing the exact same first five minutes every character.

>get rock
>smash table
>smash locker
>smash window
>disassemble string

>going through the trouble
You can just make a cudgel with a stick and walts into any town with 8 str and if you play with the slightest care you should be able to clear it. Even on wander spawns you should be able to bust in a few houses and then bust out

>Find katana
>Find Book of 5 Rings
>Become walking death
>Find diamonds
>Can never make it a diamond katana

Maybe one day.


>find swordmaking book
>forge nodachi
>spend years in game looking for all the fucking hydrogen you need
>finally find a lab with cvd to make the sword
>kill a jabberwock with diamond nodachi to transform it into vorpal sword

That's how you officially beat cataclysm

Is there anything like that but with graphics?

What kind of graphics?

If you mean non-ascii, then tilesets exist for just about any rougelike. Both official and usermade.

UnReal World

No and there likely never will be

>unreal world
>dorf fortress

Are there any other good open-world roguelikes? CoQ is kind of one, but I dislike how the overworld map is static.

>to transform it into vorpal sword

just kill a jabberwock with a diamond weapon

If you do that it becomes vorpal and crits for 99x damage

Can't find anything on the subject