France is cut

>France is cut
>Russia is cut
>Gameplay is nothing like how a WW1 game would play
>Blatant SJW pandering that breaks consistency

Seriously, what's even the point of turning BF1 into a WW1 game? Atleast when Japs do their wacky shit, atleast they have the sense to turn the setting into fiction with some influences from the intended time period. This is just wrong.

It's turning more and more into CoD by the year. EA is cancer and DICE are cucks.

>every black has the same face
Is that a meme or just lazy design?

It's just a video game you fucking autists.

> Russia
> part of WW1
Why do Europeans keep changing history ? First it was Germany lost the war to USA
Then it was AKSHUALLY Germany lost the world to the whole world
Cmon guys

no racism oks m8

Lazy because the game uses the same engine from Hardline, even has the same shitty car controls along with the spawning in cars.

my grandgrandfather fought in WWI and is from Russia and what is this

Is he black ?

Having a ww1 game without france is like having a ww2 game without germany.

You can literally make person black

>No France
>No Russia.

What the fuck? What's left? Brits, Germans, and Hungery?

it's a battlefield game with ww1 makeover
i'm ok with that


>implying video games can´t be used to brainwash people and push your disgusting agenda

>expensive video game being marketed as X
>it's not X

"c-come one guise, it's just a video game!"

Whole game is just niggas shooting each other,
You guys sure this game isn't set in modern day america?

Is that what the game is really like? Holy shit that's obnoxiously fast paced. Faster than the last BF I played which was BF3.

Can we all agree now that Battlefield 3 was the best Battlefield?

I'm German and my grandfather and his father fought in both WWs.

I'm disgusted by this shit and won't support it.

Fucking leftist cunts.

I played this game and I know that your grandfather was a nigger so shut up

>I'm German
My condolences.

This is just a shitty battlefront rehash with a WE WUZ makeover and some very insulting historical revisionism.
I'd rather get sterilized than give 130€ to EA and Swedish cucklords Dice

2142 > 4 > 3 > BC2

I'm currently talking to a German girl on kik. I'm black.
I'm literally cyber cucking you, mein herr!

4 > 3

>tfw your grandfather was a nazi

>Every Battlefield 1 thread is just complaining about niggers and SJWs
>Nobody comments on the gameplay

Probably a good sign.

same game but slightly better

slightly moving to the right makes all your shots inaccurate
automatic weapons are OP as shit
the stupid ass tanks move too fast and are impossible to take out
the guns all feel like innacurate pieces of shit

gameplay is solid
it's a well tried battlefield gameplay formula with more crude weapons and equipment

i'm ok with that

>being so mentally broken that you start seeing your comrades as enemies

War is hell

>turks are the only all-white nation

this annihilates the Sup Forums

>Directed by M. Night Shyamalan

Gameplay is shit. The moment to moment action is boring as fuck, the gunplay feels terrible. Weapons don't feel fun to shoot and the infantry/tank dynamic is horribly skewed.

It's literally just battlefront with the star wars assets ripped out and ww1 assets put in there.

>I'm currently talking to a German girl on kik. I'm black.

And i´m currently talking to a black girl on fb who´s craving for white cock.

I´m literally cucking you irl, mein Neger!

Played around 2 hours of the beta and uninstalled it. Absolute garbage gameplay, tanks DESTROY infantry, it's not even fair right now.
The guns feel weak as fuck, graphics look awful compared to Battlefront. The audio seems poor compared to previous Battlefield games.

Also I seemed to be playing a nigger 80% of the time.

that's not how recessive genes work

>Turks are the white guys
Its like Poterry

So am I. My grandfather's father and his brothers, cousins and uncles fought and died in the trenches. This game pisses me off.

That'd imply shitskin dunecoons are white.

And female muslim Beduin warriors, approved by Anita Sarkeesian

>no france and russia

i thought ill have some FPS fun, guess not

is that what they want for this game?


>Nobody in the game wears those glorious knee-high shorts

I'm disappointed

Turks aren't white.

It´s finally time for the world to rise as one and shout:


>client-specific weather effects
This is so fucking retarded. Not that I expected more from devs that push American niggers into a WW1 game.

Surprise, tanks beat infantry and move fast. Its almost like they were invented for that or something

Don't believe stupid memes about historical events next time. Ww1 tanks were plenty fast and powerful, just not supported properly and came too late in the war to be decisive. Further surprise - yes as it turns out guns are innacurrate and automatic weapons are op. It's almost like millions of people died learning this when they got mowed down like chaff.

BC2 and BF3/4 both have kinda ass shooting, but BF4 does feel more like a Battlefield game. Bad Company 2 was pretty much a casual shooter that had a handful of vehicles sometimes.

Plus the aimpunch in BC2 is unreal.

BFH > 2 > 1942 > 2142

>10 mph
> fast

But it's not fun in a video game and completely ruins balance when they can just camp by objectives and you have very little to destroy them.

As long as fagermans get killed its a great game

>Hollywood replaces one black guy with one white guy
>social media is lit, shit is reported on every newspaper that deals with the medium

>one of the biggest games of the year replaces whites with niggers
>nobody cares, those that point it out are branded racists

Thanks, [current year].


>when you bayonet a guy so hard it wipes out a few centuries of evolution

bedouin female warriors were a thing

It is, if you´re on foot.

Did they outnumber the white men that fought in WW1?

well how else would you do it? forcing shaders on players than can't use them is not going to work

They should have made vietnam. They could put all the chinks they'd want in it, blacks wouldn't feel out of place, and the fast-paced gameplay would benefit the game.

what the fuck are you talking about
use a generic fog
instead of giving them an unfair advantage over people with non shit rigs

I would shoot that lady in the ass if you know what I mean

Its a fun game and all but its more like an alternative history ww1

If it creates a balance issue, I would do it so the storm doesn't fucking blind you from the enemies. That shit is retarded. The storm effect is dumb anyways. It's not even nice to look at it. It just turns everything dark.

>female warriors
>with uncovered faces

>roaches are whiter than british


Maybe, but they could hardly have been of any real relevance if there died more italians in the war than there were beduins.

>What are the kurds

You didn't even put 1942 or 2 on there. Are you underage?

I'm not buying it, the gunplay feels garbage. The M1 Garand in BC2 is what I was expecting the guns to feel like, especially the bolt action rifles.. more weighty and actually packing a punch.

Most muslim women don't cover their faces, and bedouins usually all cover their faces, men and women.

The Kurds aren't Beduin you dumb fuck. A Kurd would kill you in real life for claiming so. Besides, the female PKK/YPG warriors aren't even religious.

Yeah. After I played Hatred I wanted to shoot up the building.


>buying cuck shit from Sweden
I seriously fucking hope you guys don't do this

Want to know how I know you're retarded?

It's server side, I've had multiple sandstorms in my matches and people in the chat complaining how they can't see shit.

It's just a bug, not surprising since this is DICE we are talking about.

>He said muslim

Fuck Electronic Aids

Subhuman rats eho should be killed off

Kurds are pretty areligious.
It's a racial group, not a sect.


i've had neither internet nor computer powerful enough to play it back then

played it for an hour when when it got free. it seemed... old and underwhelming.

where the fuck did you see that?

Exactly, so we can bitch about it all we want

Two way street faggot

Calm down there Suleiman

t. cockroach
Based Ataturk would be disappointed.

I'm black and this offends me


it doesnt take that long time to research and found articles with historian sources about it

>Make WW1 game
>Its not historically accurate
>Being historically accurate is literally the point


>99.99999999999999999% of all soldiers were men

Kurdish women in the YPG/PKK aren't muslim.

have you SEEN Anzu? she's fucking beautiful!

But most kurds are.

Im turk and white fuck of nigger

pick one champ
