Post immediate signs you're playing with a shitter.
Post immediate signs you're playing with a shitter
I enter the match
When you played Overwatch
I mean, come on....
Who seriously thinks that a game where damage is determined by hitscan and xbawxhuge projectile hitboxes requires actual skill?
>It's a reddit/9gag thread
Dick Tracy?
gg ez
What's wrong with McCree's Dick Tracy skin?
>instant pick tank
>"support pls"
''Hi guys''
>McCree pick
>Hanzo pick
>Widow pick
>Mercy pick
>Winston pick
>"Change pls" when picking something viable that they dont like
>"Change pls" when you've got gold medals on everything bar healing because you're not the team bitch
>Not playing Zen when theres a Pharah on the team
>Not playing Lucio when there isnt
The gold one is always picked by tryhards because it matches their golden revolvers
The black one is always picked by asian people for some reason, I think its some sort of americana subculture
Anyone who makes pic related shit and posts it on Reddit needs to be mailed to a volcano
>its a thread with a cameo by some faggot who saved a picture of a horsefucker meetup
Yeah the Mask is pretty edgy.
>Me on the right
>Genji Nihon skin
If your playing with shitters so often you need to shitpost about it then you belong there and are a shitter yourself.
Most people deal with good players and even better players.
It's just what dropped out of the box man
>anally blasted that he's being made fun of for being at the epic Sup Forumsermin meetup.
It reminds me of this
>tfw trying to decide between Riverboat and Mystery Man
>Go with the latter just because he actually has flashbangs on it
>pick ana
>"wow a useless ana gg"
>proceed to save faggot reins ass at every turn
>sleepdart a ulting reaper twice and a ulting mccree
>"thanks for the heals mercy, ana didnt do shit so im glad we have you"
>mfw they literally need a giant symbol on their screen to know whos healing them
People that play this game must be blasting music so loud they can't hear anything, which is a problem because audio cues are important
Mercy was some moonrune fucker that didn't even move off the tank, might have even been bot since she just latched to rein and died constantly
fucking hell team mates in this game piss me off, bunch of fucking shit-slurping spunkmuffins
haha where'd ya get this picture of me?
White skins, the universal sign of incompetence.
Oh hi there, let me never cancel out ultimates, have a 20% hook accuracy, feed the enemy team incessantly, refuse to change when they have a decent zarya/reaper combo, and generally be absolutely useless.
That's not the picture I took of you, this is.
>solo queueing
its your own damn fault
>shitting on Dick Tracy
>shitting on The Shadow
fuck you too
>mfw i have vigilante skin
>mfw avg 75% weapon accuracy
>mfw grandmaster
shitters never knew what hit them
>My face when I have 70% hook accuracy, get constant enviromental kills with my ult, and never die due to good map awareness
I used to really respect the hooks but roadhogs are so easy to bully now
This or the other one.
>actual "kills" are hidden because muh hero hugbox
>everyone has "escape out of danger" abilities
How this game even has a competitive scene is beyond me
every genij shitter have that skin
playing TF2, Overwatch, or Battleborn. all shitter games.
>that relatively normal looking human being on the right with no visible birth defects
Poor guy
you'll have to try harder for a (You) my friend
>Hanzo on attack
>Seemingly useless
>always gets play of the game
Genji instapickers on Defend when in sub-Diamond.
Please, for the love of god, go someone who can defend a point consistently.
shitter skins:
nihon genji
cyberg0th zarya
racer tracer
>signs you're playing with a shitter.
People who determine skills by skin, that's the ultimate shitter.
Anyone using a skin that isn't the default one
lmao, shitter's getting upset
No, really. I've never got this mindset. You determine skills by how good they're playing, not the fucking shitty ass skin that 99% breaks the game style they're using.
Probably bought all of the shitter skins with gold.
I've played Hanzo in qp where we got our ass handed to us but I had like one good moment that became potg
I can bet you a lot of useless Hanzos has experienced the same and uses the potg as proof that they did well
lol post profile
>Player RQs after you hook them and get an environmental kill
>instalocks genji/hanzo
>immediately starts telling everyone else what to pick
And that's how you know you're going to have to listen to I need healing!/Defend the objective! spam for the rest of the match
>mfw avg 75% weapon accuracy
Are you talking about one game? If that's your career average then you must spam shields all fucking day because even people who play the game competitively 8 hours a day for a living average around 50%.
>play Junkrat for the first time
>lob nades at the fighting, over walls, at sounds, at empty hallways
>only notice I killed someone after the fact
The wonderful sound of a demoman
just wait for the
threads. Too bad this game is being televised unlike TF2 which shows it's strengths and weaknesses
Its always the Genji's who say they need healing then run off
They're also the ones who spam 'We need a healer'
Why is Zen such a crucial pick if there's a Pharah?
>Playing support
>Genji full-blast fucking legs it away from the entire team while spamming about how he needs healing
How do these mouthbreathers operate
USA mcree fits solid gold gun better than anyone.
They play Overwatch.
not one of these people would i want to be friends with
First post best post
they have overwatch installed somewhere on their computer
I agree but only because they're all ponyfags, I'd be friends with less autistic people who looked like them.
also holy shit it's Nardwuar behind Jack Skellington.
i will take a defense genji any day over a hanzo, even on defense. i have literally never won a competitive game where we had a hanzo for more than half of the match, he is simply too low utility unless the guy is a top 500 irl bowhunter faggot killing anyone in his sight range instantly
Not him but a good one blows her out of the sky ez pz or at least makes it very easy for her allies to.
I actually struggle a lot as Zen to shoot Pharahs down but the discord orb helps my team do it.
for 99% of the time, I would rather have a mediocre soldier 76 than a hanzo who's gold in kills
fug, that was a typo, mixed my pronouns up, never did that before. Meant to said his.
I'm a grown ass man with a hairy ballsack, sorry.
>Meant to said
I'll let myself out.
>Offensive Hanzo
>hanzo/widow/ana on koth
Did someone say shitter?
>hating someone because they like a TV show
lol, what are you 16?
Ana is decent enough on KoTH because the piss bottle and the sleep dart are easier to use at close range
>liking a show for 12 year old girls
lol, what are you 34?