Is wow dare i say it, back?
Is wow dare i say it, back?
Legion is FUN! FUUUUUN!
Back? It was never here.
wait for the honey moon phase to be over.
remember how hype were the first two weeks of wod
i aint gonna buy this shit until November. i aint falling for you blizz shills shit again
Its back for 2 months then all of you stupid sheep faggots will be crying about how blizz doesn't listen, there's no content, and you're tired of garrisons. All the while paying your monthly sub so you can level up your legendary once a week.
Just fuck off already.
Im enjoying it for the first time since wrath
I'm having more fun than I have in any of the past few expansion packs, but let's see how the meta shakes out once everyone's 110 and their artifacts and talent trees are fully finished.
lore in this xpac doesn't seem too bad either
You're not a real wow fan then.
angry poorfag detected
Wait till the novelty wears off and age long stagnation kicks in. It's gonna be shit on worse than WoD
I feel like I somehow did the last segment of the exodar scenario too fast
4 of the last five or so lines got cut off well before finishing
Well 7.1 is going on PTR this week, so it's already miles more promising than WoD considering how long it took for 6.1 and that was just the Selfie and Twitter patch.
Why do people hate High Mountain? Seems pretty comfy so far. Even though I did enjoy the other zones I did more so far.
It already has more content than WoD at the endgame, let alone the first content patch is already going to be on PTR within the week.
So because I don't want to fall for another shitty blizz expac, I'm poor?
Only poor people assume people are poor for no good reason, but I'm sure you're rich in experience.
honestly, I had more fun with dreanor (but I only bought the exp after the hellfire citadel patch so I guess I have to wait for legion to get a few patches before complaining)
class halls are only used for the weapon upgrades and champion missions, garrisons had plenty of stuff to do (in comparison)
quests are so fucking boring, making levelling a pain (but I really enjoyed suraman, at least for a while)
everyfuckingthing is time gated
treasures hunting was fun and rewarding in WoD, in legion is nothing but "wow, another 25 artifact points"
my 2 cents
It's the one zone in Legion™ where the burning legion itself is kind of a footnote
It's also a bit of a pain to navigate sometimes
>Class Halls are Garrisons meme
The problem with Garrisons was that you spent pretty much ALL of your time there. I only visit my class hall once every couple hours if even that for very short visits.
You type like you're a kid. Fuck off.
WoW will do what it always does. It will come back in radiance and promise us that things will be different now, and for a time we believe it, but we all know that sooner or later it'll boil down to nothing.
Blizzard need to pump out content on a much steadier rate, and make sure to remind people heavily of what's to come and when.
Which is something they've shown us time and time again that they are incapable of doing.
I'm having fun with Legion now. But in a month or two I'll be bored again because it will have been too long since the last patch.
Either give us new content every 3-6 months or watch the cycle continue.
Is there a website that allows you to equip various pieces of armour and such out of a list onto a Model?
I don't want to be forced to download mods or scroll through all the shit I don't have.
Could you stop fucking lying? I've played legion and it is standard expac content with a few extra "dailies" AND MORE FUCKING GARRISON SHIT.
How much do they pay you to lie for them on Sup Forums?
>This xpac is funnnnn
You fucks said the same thing at the beginning of wod.
Only after a few weeks did you realize how fucking it is beyond leveling.
Threadly reminder Illifdan is the hero Azeroth needs but doesn't deserve.
>destroyed Dreadlord homeworld
>discovered location of Argus
>has the Master Key to Legion worlds
>child of Light and Darkness
>willing to be morally grey for the greater good of Azeroth
Yes. Wowhead has a "dressing room"
Demon Hunter apologist, pls go.
>It's the one zone in Legion™ where the burning legion itself is kind of a footnote
Oh so they made this mistake again? I thought they would have learned after wotlk.
>entirety of Northrend owned by the scourge for almost a decade
>somehow there's still a pristine rainforest, a woodland full of teddy bears, a zone controlled by vikings, a dragon castle, a troll kingdom, a crystal forest with nothing in it, and some mountains that are practically empty except for some robot dwarves and Muradin who is somehow still alive.
If you actually spend more than a few minutes in you're class hall per day unless you're just cranking out all the class quests in one day, you're doing it wrong.
There's an entire max level quest zone for endgame, heroics and mythic dungeons with raids coming soon. I'll take that over Apexis dailies and heroics that stop mattering after 2 days.
>It already has more content than WoD at the endgame, let alone the first content patch is already going to be on PTR within the week.
uh where were the illidari in tbc
Friends, should I level up from level one or just get RAF levels from my friend?
Yeah but this is always going to be the same with WoW or any MMO
You play through the quests to hit max level maybe with a dungeon or two along the way
You do some dungeons for a couple of weeks along with some world quests and a bit of rep grinding
You then raid for the next month or so clearing heroic mode and maybe a couple of mythic mode bosses
You're now waiting for more content so you work on alts or collections. People usually unsub at this point and wait for the next batch of content
This is how it's been since Wrath of the Lich King. Exact same posts appeared on this board as well.
>If you actually spend more than a few minutes in you're class hall per day unless you're just cranking out all the class quests in one day, you're doing it wrong.
That's exactly what garrisons were though
>tfw going back to Kara for the first time again
There honestly isn't really a Legion dedicated zone, even Surumar isn't Legion oriented like Ice Crown was Scourge oriented.
There's a 2 Highborn Elf zones but one has ghosts, Viking zone, Tauren zone What?, and Emerald Dream zone. Emerald Dream, and both Highborn Elf zones do have some demon activity though.
There's not much demons, they took the "2much orcs!" complaint from WoD a little too far.
Training in the Black Temple.
It's true, senpai. He actually took the fight to the legion and gained valuable intel.
They were still being created. They were finished right before Black Temple, and were locked up with Illidan until Legion.
>Send all 30 followers on missions
>Go gather herbs
>Go mining
>Sit in your garrison until 6.2 because there's no reason to go out into the world except for apexis dailies
>41 Posts and 26 IPs
im thinking im back
That's right, you're only allowed one post. Once you post you might as well just close the thread because you can't talk anymore.
>People post more than once in a thread
Holy shit
People can't post more than once?
Is discussing the game for more than one minute per person banned here now?
I just don't understand how you are rationalizing this to yourself. You know this is how every expac starts, people pointing bullshit out and you defend it because you're having fun with the launch content, then two weeks down the line you start noticing the bullshit that they added to slow you down to make the content last longer, then 4 weeks down the line you get your first patch, it has some decent content but you blow through it in less than 2 weeks (aside from the dailies they add, of course!), then you finally get your first proc trait for your legendary (which is now required to get into any raids, if you missed a week you get to have fun waiting to do your next weekly to get the upgrade). Eventually its 4 months after launch and you decide to drop your sub because you realize this is WoD 2.0, the difference is that this time they're selling you on it by saying "IT ISNT AS BAD AS WOD WE SWEAR WE LISTENED".
You're like goldfish.
>be finishing paladin class hall campaign
>last mission engage
>go to nether light church for some reason
>have to kill the dread lord balnazzar so he can come back later
>the npcs are getting raped therefore I'm losing
>balnazzar suddenly begins casting world ending spells
>suddenly, in the window behind him you can see a Draenei space ship flying behind
>who could it be?!!?
>it's the converted dread lord (now a paladin somehow) piloting turalyons space ship
>summons a bunch of mobs that don't do shit
>light dread lord now my personal tank, despite being prot paladin
>spend 10 minutes slowly chipping balnazzar
>after I kill him, get told to hearth and be rewarded with a shield taller than my Tauren and we celebrate "killing" the same dread lord yet again
Best lore
And in the real world, this is known as "the writers wrote him back in because they need our money".
Seriously, his arc was fucking over in TBC. Hell, even in WC3 you could argue that we'd had all the Illidan we really needed.
Blizzard's tried introducing new characters and it failed spectacularly so they're going back to the characters people actually remember and milking the fuck out of those.
All over the outer wings of the Black Temple. Altruis sends you there to kill their teachers, I'm surprised you could miss them.
>not going to tanaan jungle killing daily rare bosses for medallion which sells for 20-40k
>not doing tannan rares behind dark portal for pet that sells for 10k
>not doing nagrand rares for pets that sells for 4k
>implying i have only 1 character
literally fuck off cuck, you are just looking for excuses to not do anything
I just don't understand why you seem so angry that people are having fun.
>Drop game after 4 months
Four months of fun? Wow! What a ripoff!!
I am enjoying it desu
IN this user's opinion every Sup Forums post should be a one liner that someone spews before leaving for another thread.
Because Sup Forums is epic and u can screencap epic posts for r/Sup Forums.
>There's not much demons, they took the "2much orcs!" complaint from WoD a little too far.
It sounds similar to what they did to reps from mop to wod
One was inundated with so many dailies they had to remove the cap, and when people complained they made all of the reps into straight up mob grinds with no alternatives until later patches well after anyone who still gave a shit had bit the bullet and ground that shit out
Then again, that might have just been another symptom of wod's general unfinished state
>>somehow there's still a pristine rainforest, a woodland full of teddy bears, a zone controlled by vikings, a dragon castle, a troll kingdom, a crystal forest with nothing in it, and some mountains that are practically empty except for some robot dwarves and Muradin who is somehow still alive.
Except that Zul'Drak was holding the Lich King up and they sacrificed their own gods to be able to do it. They were the bulwark that kept the dead at bay.
It's not like the Lich King was by himself; Yogg-Saron was undermining him at every turn and the dragonflights helped ruin his shit when outside of Icecrown.
Projection of self-loathing. They want to play, which is why they hang out in these threads reading up on the game, but they're too proud/bitter to do it.
If people enjoy it, what's the problem?
Make your own mmo if you're so great.
RAF, early game WoW is dead as fuck.
Just get the RAF bonus. You'll level too quickly to actually finish a zone and it's so tedious to level 110 levels at this point.
get raf, find a person on reddit that wants raf too, go level together and enjoy your free month and mount
I want to impregnate a Draenei
>Well 7.1 is going on PTR this week
Raids aren't even active and they're already pushing 7.1?
Finished all my suramar quests for now
I'm sitting in dalaran at 3:30 am fishing like a moron
its comfy
>7.1 coming out already
What the fuck?
>3 mythic only dungeons
>all the asspain coming from casuals about it
this is the best thing blizzard has done in years
>having fun leveling
>get to 110
>realize I'd have a lot more fun if I had friends or a guild to play with
>4 months of fun is totally great guys!
>what do you mean 90% of that is just grinding dungeons I've already done?
>what do you mean there's going to be a nearly year long content drought?
>what do you mean you're ending the expac early to start working on the next one
You people always talk like you're having fun the entire time when in reality, you're internally bitching and moaning about how annoying the quests are, how bad the main quest line is, and how bored you are now that you've entered either the 2 month (MINIMUM) mid-expac content drought, or the year long end of expac content drought.
i'll be your friend user
7.1 is just karazhan 5 man weekly, halls of valor (3 boss raid), and a suramar quest chain.
The Nighthold wont launch until February.
That shit confused me too. I know people were sick of dailies, but I mean shit, would SOME dailies have hurt? Did they not have enough time?
I just don't know how they decided "yeah, just kill thousands upon thousands of mobs for 5 rep a piece" was a better alternative to dailies.
I'm only about half way through the quests for the first four zones (not counting Surumar) what's the endgame rep grind like?
>Make your own mmo if you're so great.
>"If you dont' like it make your own!"
This is such a retarded thing to say I assume you're operating on a few levels of irony and that I'm suppose to think you're funny or clever or something.
There's nothing wrong with enjoying what you enjoy, but that doesn't make it a good practice.
The fact that they feel a need to squeeze a redemption story out of this already pretty shallow character is mind boggling.
Project much?
Sorry that you bought FFXIV expansion and literally ran out of shit to do in 5 days.
I already have a friend I RAF'D with. I leveled something I didn't like and they don't want to level again.
They would just grant me as many levels as RAF allows.
My only concern is that by skipping a ton of levels, I won't have any tiny to actually get attached to my class. I'll just be 90 or whatever immediately.
Oh, so it's not a proper raid tier?
I was getting my warrior prepped for that sick-ass Vrykul gear.
>These niggers are the real final bosses of WoW
What went wrong?
so many people bitched about having too much content in pandaria blizzard originally completely removed reps from wod. adding them in was a last second decision which is why they are just a mob grind with no rewards
Do shamans. They are always fun.
I'm not a fucking weeaboo and I have standards, which is why the only massively multiplayer game I play is fucking your mom.
Back to your dailies bud
Make a concept in your head and go from there.
I boosted a few characters and my only concern was how to play them. Thankfully, every new expansion changes that considerably.
Its coming out between the two raids
and he shows his true colors
If you don't play mmos why the fuck are you here?
What do you gain from shitting up the thread?
More (you)s?
If you want recognition for your posts there is a much better site for you called Reddit :)
Do people remember when WoW armor was just your characters chest re-textured?
Those were the days.
what is your favorite area Sup Forums?
I know mine for sure is Suramar city
I don't play WoW but this seems to happen everytime. First people are excited how WoW is back baybeeeeeeee and then it's shit again.
Correct. Its just filler content that rewards better or equal gear to Emerald Nightmare.
The new Karazhan will have some cool fucking fights in it according to the video. Upside down areas, Alice in Wonderland, new opera fights.
I have not played WoW since mid wotlk.
Is there any trial system, or do I have to pay for the expansion+ subscription to try it out?
I really want to get back into WoW, but I am very skeptical, and poor.
>which is why the only massively multiplayer game I play is fucking your mom.
Watch out, we got ourselves a bad ass here.
It's because we keep falling for it because we so desperately want to go back to the times where WoW was great, and fun and we were young and all our friends played it and we felt we fit in among everyone for the first time ever and I'm going to stop projecting now.
>Is there any trial system, or do I have to pay for the expansion+ subscription to try it out?
Play on a friend's account, the trial version is only up to level 20.
Rate my transmog
This happened for 2 expacs. Cata and WoD.
WoD had a literal zone locked because the rushed it so quickly.
And Cata was them spending all their time with 1-60 areas even though people were top level.
>MFW looking for leylines in Suramar
>Looking for portal nodes in Suramar
>Navigating the convoluted city of Suramar
>Trying to find underground tunnels to find leylines in Suramar
>Trying to find all the quest givers in Suramar
>Having to get harvest mana to do anything in Suramar
>Dying to the 10000000 guards in Suramar
Suramar can go fuck itself, I'm probably one of the few people that hate that area. 99% of players love it, I frankly think it's shit though I will say it's a pretty area but that's about it.
you can buy a subscription with gold now but you probably wont have enough gold unless you were rich in wotlk
Because people are enjoying something that I personally don't!
Name one time this happened other than WoD.
People thought Cata looked kinda iffy, it was okay.
People thought Pandas looked fucking retarded, it was okay
People thought Draenor looked amazing, it was shit.
I really don't understand where people are getting this Zelda cycle shit from. People loved the game up until Wrath, then Cata and Pandas were decent with bad content droughts. They only time they said WOW IS BACK and then were disappointed with was WoD.
>finding the wendingos from Until Dawn attractive
Suramar City is fucking fantastic. I'm loving it there.
There is a lot of shit to do at first hitting 110. Class campaign , world quests, heroics and mythics,. Suramar questions, and rep grinds. Once this stuff is finished for most ppl, there is mythic plus to keep hard core players busy. Making an alt will be a nightmare.