>people think metroid prime is a good game
Things you'll never understand
Same dude, I just don't see the appeal after 2D Metroids.
Same here bro, I just don't get the big deal past the 2D Metroid games.
>people think my mom's fat
She's just big boned, fucking idiots.
Hello, is this contrarian general?
>PC gaming is good
Sup Forums is a contrarian site
People that only shitpost and never contribute any actual discussion, in any board.
Just doesn't make sense. They shit up everything.
Yeah man, I just don't quite relate to the hype after 2D Metroids.
People that non ironically fight over which console is better. I just don't understand that type of mentality.
Similarly, I just don't understand the hubbub past the 2D Metroid games.
Those are the same niggers that got banned from everywhere else for being too cancerous.
Nigga, I just ain't feelin that shit past them 2D Metroids ya dig
I just want to take it up the ass by a 2D metroid if you catch my drift
Totally, I see no reason to play any of the 3D games after playing the 2d games.
They do it for attention and feed on reactions they get
Lisewise, I just don't comprehend those variations past the 2D Metroids.
>They unironically think Bloodborne is the best Souls game
I see what you mean, I just can't quite realize the draw past the 2D Metroid games.
>MOBA's are one of the most popular genre's in the world
>Even casuals love them
I just don't get it, they are fucking garbage and not fun at all
I feel you man, I just can't wrap my head around the higgedy-biggedy after 2D Metroids.
>people who buy consoles without a game to play with it
>people who buy consoles at launch, especially if they bought less than 3 games they'd really want to play
I'm personally not a fan of the Metroids released after the switch away from 2D.
Metroid Prime is a great game faggot.
We have an accord. I just don't get the hullabaloo past the 2D Metroids.
you don't lose if you get a huge ego because of the way they're designed.
they're designed by faggots for faggots.
>>people who buy consoles at launch, especially if they bought less than 3 games they'd really want to play
Consoles get new games to play eventually. It's not like Xbox and Playstation never have games.
I say that because what's the rush, you can probably wait until it's cheaper
I can't say I'm a passenger on the hype train for any Metroid game without a 2D view.
I can relate, I am unable to '''''''''get'''''''''' the excitement after they strayed from 2D Metroids.
I don't like MOBAs, I prefer MMOs and wish they were Esports.
That doesn't make any sense.
How people keep posting this disgusting ugly nigger all the time and live with themselves.
You have compelled me to concur, good sir. Beyond the 2D Metroids lies only pain and suffering.
Seeing everything from Samus's point of view is much more exciting than seeing everything from her side.
it's one of the best walking simulators ever designed.
There's little reason to ever replay them due to the lackluster gameplay that mainly relies on you solving enemies fairly simple weaknesses. due to the lockon system, the games don't have any visceral combat and there's little tension or fear due to this. It's mostly a game where you just explore the cool environments and read lore, with just enough gameplay to make you feel like you're playing a game.
I'm in total agreement, everything past the 2D Metroids was pretty subpar.
Me 2 m8 I
>Things you'll never understand
People on Reddit saying that abandonware and fan games are "piracy", but endorse buying games used.
>they are fucking garbage and not fun at all
Nice argument you got there
They're memeing you dip
It wasn't an argument it's an opinion you fucking dweeb
same desu senpai baka past the 2d metroid games
What the fuck are you talking about?
If someone endorses shit like ROMhacks is Reddit.
>anime games
>People think Sup Forums is a good place to actually discuss vidya games
People tend to be loyal to whatever they think is better, be it soda, car brand, console, etc. Although console wars are usually done by kids, whose parents will only agree to buy one console and thus they have to stick with that one and want to justify it by whatever means necessary.
No they don't.
You can find people on reddit who are ok with emulation/abandonware/piracy as easily as you can find people who aren't you memer.