Can we have a nep thread? /vg/ mods ban you for expressing an opinion that is contrary to the opinions of people who are obsessed with thinking that the Neptunia characters are all gay for each other, so I really hate having to post in that cancerous place.
I really like the parody of the video game industry in Re;Birth 3.
Benjamin Jackson
>Nep >not gay for each other
Jordan Robinson
Kevin White
Aiden Taylor
Jace Parker
They aren't. There are isolated examples of sexually suggestive interactions, but they are pure fan service meant to cater to the demographic of autistic yurifags. They don't indicate an underlying homosexual romance narrative.
Camden Nelson
Noire has no friends
Christopher Miller
nepgen pls fuck off with your shitty forced memes
Elijah Myers
Shut up!
Alexander Smith
In the future please start your threads with variants on "Look at this nep".
Jayden Johnson
This. The real reason people shit on that SRPG is because of the male self insert that destroys the fantasies of the yurifags.
Ryan Bennett
Connor Rivera
Unigear is an exception though.
Levi Morales
Not played this but I've been on the verge of buying Rebirth 1 for weeks, just don't know if I should pull the trigger will steam friends delete me?
Thomas King
>just got the Ascension Ending in VII I wish they'd stop doing this shit where they gave you a purposefully unsatisfying ending if you don't grind shares and set specific flags that it's entirely possible to miss by playing normally.
Like okay, I get the whole "normal end" / "true end" thing but for fuck sake don't punish me after 30 hours of playing with an ending where you literally tell me to go get the proper ending.
Henry Bennett
Screw your friends if they forsake you for embracing the Nep side of the force.
Lucas Reed
Don't pay more than ten bucks for it. And it depends on what kind of people are on your friends list. Personally, I'd mock you for playing it.
Nolan Wood
I unironically enjoyed noire's game for 100 hours Praise lastation CPU
Leo Thompson
Saying that neps are canonically gay for each other because of some suggestive jokes in the script is like saying that Nepgear canonically fucks dogoos because of those scenes in the games and anime where dogoos are crawling up into her clothes.
Nathan Adams
She does it for shares.
Benjamin Adams
Nepgear also canonically murdered other Neps.
Nicholas Hill
Brayden Hernandez
I play Nep for DNA of the soul.
Kevin Ortiz
There is like this one avatarfag on nepgen, and that is OP, who constantly spams "neps are straight" every thread and samefagging with himself. Despite no one giving him attention, he's paranoid enough to spout ad hominems every time some yuri images are posted. Literally autism.
Nolan Wilson
nice try fag. Autists like you get shut down by multiple people every time you try to pull your crap. You're lucky that the mods are literally banning people for saying that neps are straight because otherwise you would be even more of a laughingstock than you already are. It's sad that you have to hide behind the mods to enforce your delusion in the threads.
James Ramirez
NISA will never carry out justice with Nep ever again.
Isaac Robinson
Yet you refuse to comment on Unigear and Vert's infatuation with little girls/Nepgear.
Chase Bennett
No one cares about NISA
Bentley Turner
these games are so fucking bland and boring
Noah Turner
>unigear Literally just more headcanon delusion like nep and noire
>Vert and Nepgear uhhh how dumb are you? Obviously it's because vert wants a little sister.
Dominic Howard
How's it feel to know Uni's a cuck because Gear would rather be sexed by Vert while surrounded by BL posters?
Kayden Watson
None of them are really gay with the possible exception of Vert, but even then she just wants a little sister.
That's my biggest complaint with the series, I went in expecting yuri teasing and what I got was a bunch of nothing like Lily Rankings that imply there is supposed to be yuri teasing.
Ryan Collins
They didn't overpromise and underdeliver though. If you want something that's truly bland, try Sean's stuff.
Nicholas Sullivan
Feels like a very good girl.
Landon Wright
>A bunch of neckbearded white manchildren make a shitty game >Intelligent japanese women make a work of art pottery.
Zachary Reed
I thought the Normal End in VII was better. It was more emotional.
Plus we're never going to get best girl Uzume ever again, so at least in the Normal Ending she gets to go out in a cool way.
Luis Thomas
>Plus we're never going to get best girl Uzume ever again She's in the new game that's coming out in October.
Thomas Wood
Uni is the straightest member of the cast. She has canonical robot love interests.
Austin Ward
Finished RB1
DL'ing RB2.
Lemme help you out, user-kun. Do you want an RPG that requires depth or do you want cute girls doing cute things with campy dialouge along with very simple combat?
If the latter no but if the former yes.
Also if your friends delete you just for downloading a game about cute anime girls, they probably weren't your friends to begin with.
Aaron Gonzalez
>post one yuri picture >the likes of you being so insecure you have to make 10 followed up posts to attack people and self-comfort That's what I observed.
Zachary Cruz
K-sha is yuri and yandere as fuck though.
Cameron Mitchell
K-Sha is canonically gay, yeah. She literally confesses that she loves Noire, so that's pretty clear cut.
The rest is headcanon delusion, though.
Luis Rogers
Nepgear has a Kuro womb tattoo.
Xavier Cruz
True. But Noire doesn't play along, was hoping she would.
Aaron Taylor
This thread badly needs best Nep.
Lucas Flores
Gabriel Reed
John Carter
Headcanon this headcanon that You'll never recognize how annoying you are Can't you see others are just trying to have fun? >inb4 some posters were driven out of /vg/
Christopher Ortiz
You're right, user-kun. Though I'd say pic related is a candidate for that title.
Henry Nelson
You should give a chance to steamax uni, I know it must be hard for you to look for other robots, but cfw Brave died long ago, and steamax is a well intentioned husbando tier robot, don't be shy, and be happy
Jayden Stewart
Blanc doesn't wear underwear.
Michael Johnson
Michael Rivera
Could Steamax put it in without anyone noticing him?
Ayden Stewart
Excellent taste user, but i'd say that title belongs to pic related
Luke Garcia
Judge by yourself
Caleb Garcia
Andrew Scott
I concur, so I must post this.
Jace Peterson
I would cum inside Uzume but I would stick around to help raise the child.
Matthew Murphy
best girl
Carson Adams
nep nep
Bentley Bell
Nepgear is cute! Cute!
Isaiah Watson
Who's getting this when it comes out next month?
Jacob Murphy
These threads are always shit, just neckbeards claiming their 'neps' and /u/fags getting pissed off at the neckbeards.
Both without enough evidence to have their wants be true.
A friend of mine that absolutely despises all forms of anime, refers to fans of anime and anyone with even the slightest interest in Japan as a weeaboo, hasn't deleted me from his friends list. You're probably safe, my man. Besides if anyone deletes you for playing a game you enjoy then they're not worth a moment of your time.
I've known this guy for a decade though soooooooooooo...
Brandon Cox
Should've gotten it when it was on Humble bundle.
Joshua Howard
So what nep game should I start with? There are so many that im kinda lost and I need a waifu
Mason Gray
If there is one thing that the games do fantastically it's the design of the robot characters. CFW Brave how I miss you. You didn't have to die.
Colton Williams
Start with ReBirth 1 and play in order.
RB1 - RB2 - RB3 - Megadimension VII.
Just know that RB1 takes place in a different world and is mostly unrelated to the other games. RB2 -> RB3 -> Megadimension VII are all connected.
Austin Anderson
You start with the first on steam
Benjamin Davis
So each game has different Neptunia? I thought it's the same heroine in all games.
Henry Gonzalez
Camden Perry
I want to add something this I say you start with RB1 even though it's unconnected to the other games because RB2 actually doesn't have Neptune as the main character. It has Nepgear, who is more of a serious protagonist, and less funny for some people. You play RB1 first to get a taste of the main star of the series, then you do the other games to get into the mainline story.
Elijah Bennett
>/vg/ >mods
Don't fucking lie to me and just say you want to post outside of your containment thread
Dominic Rogers
Neptune is the protagonist in every mainline Neptunia game except ReBirth 2.
The spinoff games sometimes have different protagonists, but the only character to be the star of a mainline game besides Neptune is Nepgear, her younger sister.
Ethan Stewart
Wouldn't it be fucking weird if the next mainline game connected to rebirth 1?
Eli Sullivan
Thomas Perry
no lie. The /vg/ mods literally ban people for saying that neptunia characters are straight.
Jaxson King
The ending doesn't allow it purefoire never ever ;_;
Easton Miller
Will do, tell me your waifus kinda anons, so I can shit on them if there not the same as mine
Ty btw :^)
Xavier James
And Plutia. She fucked Noire.
Wyatt Lee
There's only one acceptable waifu. Maybe two if you count Nepgear.
Anthony Edwards
Thanks user, I don't like to post my nep without a shitty excuse
Jason Martinez
Ill put that to the test
Wyatt Ross
No. Could be 3.
Austin Cruz
how do neps copulate?
Ian Lee
By me having sex with them.
Tyler Jenkins
oops, good point. How could I forget big nep?
Carson Nguyen
Hey guys i have a re birth 3 question, do i need to get the good ending to unlock the cpu candidates, or do i have to get the true ending to unlock them?
Elijah Martin
Angel Ramirez
Explain further
Leo Adams
Play the vanilla so you can truly appreciate the advancement of the game mechanics. The story in the vanilla version is good, gameplay wise, it's an acquired taste.
Christian Ramirez
If re;birth 1 is any indication, I'd assume you have to fulfill specific requirements to unlock the plans for them.
I have no clue how, but when the last dungeon was opened in RB1, I somehow unlocked the plan to unlock Uni.
I'm guessing your shares have to be a certain amount for each land to unlock them.
Juan Clark
Jordan Williams
True ending only. Only way to platinum the game too because you need the candidates for the Lily rank trophies.
Carson Adams
unlocking CPU candidates in ReBirth 1 is just a matter of shares. You need 50% shares in a particular nation in order to unlock the character, and 30% I believe in order to get the plan that unlocks them. You probably had 30% shares in Laststation and got Uni's plan as a result.