Welcome fellow Sup Forumsirgins, to the kingdom of dragonpass
This is a classic game that has been played through many times on here but we have never truly established a kingdom
We only managed to become a tribe
It is time, to change this
We will attempt bash the asses of our enemies, whoop like wild men and build a empire for the ages
Generally speaking I will take decisions based around the number of people posting for something, how we decide clan leaders/kings is up to you
Now lets try our hand
i wanna cast magic missle
going have to wait there
So far, we got 7 magic, poor incoming crops and good chance at exploring
Better send someone out to explore then.
What shall we put our magic into?
We dont have to use it all, as we can stockpile it for specific events
1 into crops/war/mysteries
two into crops, two into mysteries, one into herd and one into war
Did a mix of these two,
we have one left over
it is sea season, so we are planting
We can turn farmers into hunters, which spot the undead and are fair warriors incase of some spooky shit comes our way(or raiders)
We can sacrafice to a god for a harvest, or we can start exploring already
Send someone to scout our territory.
build a catapult and invade Rome
Come on people, if you want to meme, wait until we get an event were we can start tickling people to death
convert to islam and tax the jews
How many men do we send, weaponthanes are professional soldiers, aka they signed up for this
Footmen are general troops who are normally farmers, if we send too many, we have less crops
make a magic sword with the rocks and claim england's throne
what game do you think this is?
Romance of three kingdoms
I have to BRB, might have to remake thread
be back in about an hour
prepare to cast: lightning bolt