Mccree nerfed for breaking the game

>mccree nerfed for breaking the game
>roadhog untouched even though he's far worse

literally babby mode the character

Why would expect anything good happening in the way of changing after the "gg ez" fiasco?

What's wrong with streetpig?

Working as intended.

Well not only that, but Roadhog quite literally "Breaks" the game.

Their changes to the hook only made it glitchier.

They don't care about low ranked shitters like you, they care about ESPORTS.
So play Roadhog yourself if it's truly broken or stop cry.

Roadhog is a perfect example of character who looks broken on the paper, but in practice isn't really going to make that much of a difference. Obviously the hook combo is strong, but that's more or less all he is.

Spot the crying Reaper/Junkrat/Hanzo shitter.


they fucking destroy fat ult battery.

thats not the update thats the shit tick rate

>TFW you rip a Lucio out of the air and fill his face full of scrap

Like Pudge, hook is fucking strong on paper, but in reality he's kind of a shite hero, and you need to be a really good player to do actually well with him. It's all he has

>Hanzo doing anything to Roadhog

Kek. Meanwhile, Roadhog vs Reaper is up in the air. They can shred each other based on who sees the other first, but maybe I'd put it in Reaper's favor because of wraith form ultimately.

>someone calls out "Roadhog used hook"
>everyone goes in on him and gets like 20% free ult each

He's literally fucking ult bait. Reinhardt is the one who needs the nerf. Bring his shield down to 1,000 health, 1,500 too much given how fast it recharges.

well that is with the new update, you can see lucio teleporting to where he originally got hooked. but the same shit would have happened before.

It's not too much if your team actually focuses it.

He can still pull through wall. I was just pulled through a car and a bus because he manage to see my hair

Why didn't you boop him back, home diggy?

Roadhog's counter is any 2 heroes ganging up on him.

His shotty only has 4 shots, slow reload

He is slow as fuck

What's that? Healing? Thanks for the extra ult charge while you stand there like an idiot

The only people who have problems with Roadhog are poorly positioned supports and solo flankers.

>pulled by your hair

Typical healsluts


Fucking pick one. Regardless, 1,500 is simply too much for what it is and how quickly it recharges. It makes Winston's shield look like a piece of shit in comparison.

I don't have much problem with Rein, I did when the game came out, but now I don't. My favorite thing to do is to rush a Rein who has low HP, he's shielding, he thinks he's all powerful and safe, walk through the shield and just quick-melee him and kill him. The salt is real. Fucking dumbasses think the shield is unpenetrable.

Still, 2000 hp shield is bullshit. It recharges really fast, and most people don't seem to understand "shoot the shield at all times/when possible" unless it's already close to breaking. It's super wide, and all it does is delay combat. There's a few weapons that can eat through it, or you can have someone like genji dive through. But those moments are few and situational since Rein is almost always backed up by alteast 1 or more persons.

Again. Not that hard to deal with, but 1,500HP would be more fun to fight with and against. It would turn him from a braindead "hold LMB and press E a couple times" into a character who actually has to strategist their shield usage, hammer strikes, etc.

pretty much this, i love seeing enemy hogs because 90% of the time they are just walking ult batteries

Rein is the only tank that is actually a tank no fuck you.

All these people complaining about Roadhog even though he is very vulnerable to attackers from long range, anyone who can escape his hook, or just plain outsmarting him.
Also he is a walking ult charger.

OP a little salty because he got hooked

just uninstall famfam before you whine about which hero to nerf next

Maybe the answer is to buff Winston's bubble, not nerf Rein's shield

It's time to bring back the "T"ough back in "T"ank


He needs a nerf whether you hog suckers like it or not

the hook hitbox is ridiculous

>Sup Forums in a nutshell

Huh? How do you expect to win at high MMR without teamwork? Anyway, I don't believe in always nerfing shit. Ask for them to buff Winston's bubble (which is already good anyway, honestly).
>It would turn him from a braindead "hold LMB and press E a couple times" into a character who actually has to strategist their shield usage, hammer strikes, etc.
That's fair. I think once you're playing with good players it's already kind of like that but I understand that most (including myself) aren't in high enough ranks to expect that kind of teamfire on his shield. I just wonder if that would fuck him at high levels.

>hear tracer blinking
>turn around to see her ready to blink through me
>simply spin around with my hook
>instantly killing her

I only have like 3 hours in total with roadhog, but his hook is absolutely ridiculous

Delicious salt

Only Junkrat and Reaper need nerfs. Junkrat needs his ammo capacity lowered, Reaper either needs his effective range shortened or 50 less HP.

Feel free to hit me with hypothetical scenarios and biased reasoning as to why that's not the case though.

>long range
Too bad his hook has the range of widow rifle.

That's like, totally your job, bro.

Wasn't expecting to be hooked like that.

It's more that the actual momentum you can put into the hook makes the hitbox feel completely out of line, if I see something like a speedboosting lucio coming in, I can usually grab him 100% of the time by just "swinging" the hook, it's hilarious with the new update on his hook-position resetting, but also feels incredibly unfair even as someone playing him

Roadhog players are tricked into thinking they're useful when in the long term they're fucking over their team just by existing

Why is this game so slow?

Likewise, even in comp, I would gladly push Hog off the map as Rein just for that delicious ult charge

>Roadhog: was it worth it Rein?
>Me: you just gave me a free Earthshatter

If a roadhog player isn't getting the important use out of his hook, killing high priority targets and cancelling/nullifying ults, he should switch immediately.

I had a game on the new map yesterday where we started on attack with zarya and hog, the enemy team had a zarya and reinhardt combo which meant the roadhog didn't really get an opportunity to hook and his hooks were nullified.

I told him to switch to something like rein, but he threw a tantrum instead and changed to bastion

basically this. the only thing that needs to fixed is how unpredictable the hook.

In a cluster of people the hook shouldn't hook the person in the back and collision should be a factor into how far people can be pulled. if a wall ends up between us the pull should stop at the wall not snake around it.

but like this guy said it's not very common that roadhog is this bad.

>Bait & Dodge the gimmick
>Kill with easy headshots

Roadhog is not a threat.

>Create a class based game with plenty of different characters to choose
>Balance holes everywhere
>No way to properly balance it
>People excited about new character announcements

Winston's bubble would be good if the CD wasn't so ridiculously long. Even a couple of people can destroy it in a few seconds, and then you're left waiting for a whole 15 seconds for it to come back up. It's horribly broken.

Honestly though, what it really needs is a small healing aura for anybody in it. Winston is a really poor tank as it stands. He has great mobility but zero survivability, despite his large health pool. He's too easy to kill, and that should be the exact opposite of what a tank is. Especially when you consider someone like Roadhog, who has an even larger health pool and a fairly substantial self heal with a relatively short CD.

>literally babby mode the character

Bro you are playing babby mode the game. Why do overshits always get so triggered about unbalanced characters in a game that is literally designed around unbalance

>brother plays Roadhog
>I play Reinhardt
>we combo hard in competitive as a tanky siege machine
>I play as his movable wall
>he hooks from behind my shield or around it
>we finish off whoever he reels in
>he hides behind my shield when he needs to heal
>I pin enemies who are trying to take him down
>only counter is an enemy Rein with his team behind him. Even then, I just flamestrike their shit to soften them while my team randos just pick them off via flanking

We tanked our way from gold to plat this way

>Comparing Roadhog to McCree

not an argument

I hate his belly button so much. Am I LITERALLY the only one?

I just think stun mechanics in general are so fucking bad in an FPS. If he worked like, I don't know, a taser from Payday, where you have a chance to struggle before getting hit with a gay wombo combo, I wouldn't mind it as much.

Soldier either needs a buff to his health or a buff to his range. If they buff his range that would take care of Roadhog

>Winston's bubble now blocks a set number of hits instead of a set number of damage
>There's a tiny delay between hits so someone like bastion can't pop it in a second
>Length is cut in half

Not at all

Outie BB are trash tier

>melee'ing an asleep teammate doesn't wake them up

I like it

you could have lived if you used the push back shit idiot

>tfw have the highlight intro with it zoomed in on his stomach
>Know it triggers all the assholes that hate the pig every time it shows up

I like the hook one better but use it just for that

Literally no one is looking forward to Sombra.

You can thank the "ARG" for that.

you had like 10 min to react play chess or cards or something

>people are going to literally whine until blizzard actually makes roadhog useless
Time to become a Zen main.

Just because a character annoys you doesnt make them imbalanced.


It's 2000

It's only fair. They went and nerfed Genji's mobility for no reason at all except to make him clunky to play so people won't want to play him as much.

There should definitely be a buddy mechanic like that to wake up a sleeping teammate. I'm with you there.

you keep making this thread, and we keep telling you extremely easy tactics and maneuvers to fuck roadhog six ways to sunday. he's just not that hard to kite and blow away.

They nerfed a near 100% pick rate character's strongest aspect to hinder his gameplay not for no reason you shitter.

Is Hanzo still exclusively a burden? The buffs he received seem pretty good on paper but I haven't been able to get around to playing him

I've literally never played Genji, and I still feel bad for Genji players getting castrated like that. His mobility was literally the only awesome thing about him, and even though people seem to think his ult is OP, it seems as easily shut down as High Noon. I just don't get the hype other than that fact that he's high-risk high-reward in theory.

>Reaper needs nerfs
I fucking called this shit, the minute Genji gets nerfed you kids are gonna bitch about Reaper and/or Tracer

The thing that balances Roadhog out is that he's so easy to hit that it's basically a free ult charge for your team. A Roadhog that constantly chugs is a detriment to his team more than any other class in the game.

But yeah, they should really fix the hit detection on the hook.

>near 100% pick rate character's strongest aspect
Do you have a single fact to back that up? Protip: you don't, stop crying like a bitch you shitter. This is the last pick rate chart made before Genji nerfs hit, he is nowhere near 100% and is only the 4th most picked offense hero.

>b-but I don't care about high level play, I only care about ranked!
You realize this is exactly the same as quick play shitters bitching about Mei and Bastion, right?

>Even years from now shiters will always complain about the character that can reposition enemies

Post a more up to date one before trying to deny anything please

It's not the reposition that's the issue, it's the stun+instakill that's the problem. If I could move while being hooked or could shoot, it wouldn't feel like such a fucking boring mess.

>Post a more up to date one
>Posts one that's a month older

Is there a joke here that I'm not getting?


The hitboxes of Roadhog's chain isn't actually a small hook, it's the shape of a tall rectangle like a door, and it's the size of Soldier 76

I'm not making this shit up

May as well remove him from the game entirely then.

Hooks are no way near as frustrating as a good mccrees flashbang though.

They really ought to fix the hixbox and collision on his pull though, once that's done he should be fine.

wait until you find someone who knows how to play a pharah or junkrat. Your combo will be worth shit

didnt know so much people picked my boy zen, why no love for soldier tough?, he is very versatile and easy to use

I could see 1,000 health working.

But that in itself needs a tradeoff.

>Reinhardt's shield now only blocks 1,000 damage before breaking
>Can recharge shield when deployed
>Delay for recharge increased when deployed
>Damage done to shield when deployed resets the charge timer
>Once broken, can be immediately re-deployed when he has any shield-health

It's a nerf but also a buff.

I would be a better game dev than Blizzard as a whole.

They nerfed his spray so you couldn't script it anymore making it less accurate in general

Recent buffs made him good again, the spray resets instantly after stopping fire, making for pin point accurate burst shots

>Another "PLZ NERF BILIZZARD" thread
People like you are why this game's balance is shit

>nerfed the previous big thing the player base cried about
>here's what needs to be nerfed next

It won't end.