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That Gameboy mode looks fucking terrible, how the fuck do you even really hold that without it wobbling around? I can't imagine the display weighs nothing considering it also has to hold all the fucking hardware.

Don't believe it.

still cold

This went way better than expected.
Except that Gameboy mode as the previous user said.

Don't get hyped Sup Forums

Remember the pre-Wii U hype

>everything work if I just say "mode" before

Where's the 'OP is a fag and should kill himself' mode?


There was no WiiU hype at all.

>controller mode

>controller mode
holy shit that looks fucking stupid

>Remember the pre-Wii U hype
No actually, I don't.

fake as fuck

That fucking d-pad makes me want to stop believing in the goodness of mankind.

>controller mode
I see the guy who made this likes those teeny Mad Catz controllers.

I'm not seeing a reason this would exist over upgrading and improving the gamepad.

State of those ms-paint tier fingers. How long did these take you to make? 5 minutes?

it's just a concept and will be look better (I hope geez)

It's probably light and has there what look like grips on the sides if you look close enough. Still can't help but think a horizontal position would work better anyways.

OP is stuck on shitposting mode

I can't wait. Let's start.

>More modes than games

>can still use the pro controller

Excellent. I'll just use that for anything

>back to split screen

Built for manlet jap hands


I'm genuinely curious are the Nintendo fans on Sup Forums mostly those who were around since the old days (NES, SNES) and still clinging onto hope that Nintendo will be good and deliver again?
Or are you guys mostly newer fans?

I'll gladly suffer using that controller if it gets me monster hunter on a big screen

Better than moeposters

LMFAO. This is never gping to haopen. Just look at your ideas. None of them work on any level. Nobody would buy this. It would be the most gimmicky and pointless thing ever made. I wouldn't be surprised if the whole eurogamer leak about detachable controllers was just made up bull shit. It doesnt make sense.

That thing probably has a 1 hour battery life.

I actually came back after NES only around Wii. Now having a lot of fun playing whatever I missed + some Wii and Wii U titles.

It's just a gameboy advance with more buttons

People said the same about the gamepad's design and it's fairly comfortable.

Is this meant to look good?

Boy i hope this is true it will bomb even harder then wiiu

No, this is a shit idea. You'd have to carry around all the attachments with you.

The ONLY way this ends up working is if the detachable controllers are really fold-out touch screens or something.

What ever happened to having a normal controller?

if this is true I think it will crash hard

I sometimes have trouble holding the 3DS for long
and looking at this it will probably generate the same problem, too square like/tiny

I'd believe anything after the WiiU fiasco.

just leave the screen in it?

Can I get it in anything but white?

having an extra screen doesn't make a controller abnormal. It should be the new norm to begin with, it's invaluable in many game genres.

Confirmed false.

You are fucking inbred if you think you think it's good design to have the right stick on that position in the top pic.


I remember everyone being confused about whether or not it was a new console or just a special wii controller.

the problem with all this is the detachable pads will actually be shitty clunky toy-quality plastic blocks with huge nasty jagged edges where they connect to the screen unit. they won't be sleek ergonomic nunchuk-like controllers.

Dumb tripfag

>I remember everyone being confused
This never happened, your post comes from a post event collage meme of 3 stupid journos made by some gaffer "expert" trying to explain things after they happened.

It's perfect, nintendo crap was already for kids anyways.

Really wish they'd reveal it already, sick of these shitty fake mockups.

>mid-range PC can have 50 building pieces
>NX can have 300
yeah okay buddy sure. Nintendo would have to have spent billions on developing a new architecture for the NX specifically to handle effects like that.

Thanks for the laugh user

Even if these are fake, most of them look terrible

Thats right. "Family friendly" is the way to state it with Nintendo's favored PR spin.
Look how clunky the WiiU tablet is, how idiot proof that 2DS is.

The NX will be in the same vein. There will be no delicate detachable parts. It won't have any thin sleek components to it like a modern tablet or smartphone. It'll be a hunk of plastic because 8 year old kids will drop them.

>some thought these were good ideas and put time into making these images

good thing you don't work for nintendo or they would be bankrupt years ago friendo

God that would be huge to carry around. Imagine playing something like that in public. I'd feel like a butt hole

The Wii U reveal was literally

>look at this gimmicky shit you can do WITH THE NEW CONTROLLER

>still clinging on the stupid wiimotes

I really hope the NX won't support wiimotes.
Fuck them

Right here.
>tfw when you backed the wrong company
>sega were the good guys all along

Sega's western branch maybe, not those Yakuza fuckups.

>still clinging on the stupid GCN controllers
I really hope the NX won't support GCN controllers.
Fuck them

Trying hard not to laugh.
Though I can see this happening. Specially the smartphone mode.

Seriously, look at this shit.

The console itself appears in like two shots, in the blurry background. It seriously just looks like an addon.

They're alright.
Button placement and Dpad aren't good but at least they don't stay in the way of control schemes

Why are mock-ups so unbelievably stupid

Post more shitty mock ups. My favorite are ones that don't have real buttons but use touchscreens for buttons or something.

>tfw all that money you threw at Nintendo back then only for them to devolve into their current state today
I can't count how much money I spent on Nintendo. FUCK

anyone have a list of all their weird patents? I remember there being a scroll wheel for shoulder buttons and a box that turned tables into an a.r zone.

that's it then. it's over

steam pad prototype

The NX can transform?

I hope the fucks that make these things are unemployed forever.

Anyone got the glass PS4 one?

'78 here. Been playing computer/video/arcade games since forever. Wouldn't call myself a Nintendo fan but I like their games in general. I have yet to play a Nintendo game that's genuinely bad. You kind of know what to expect, so I'd say they will deliver.

Do we have a mode which doesn't use the retarded Xbox thumbpad locations?

"Cocktail Arcade" seems like more trouble than it's worth, especially with two people yanking on the screen and with it limited to two players. And if you are using adapters anyways, why not just make both the same side? Gameboy looks like somebody's never held a Game Boy before and it just attempting an image that looks similar. NES mode is dumb as shit unless the side panels are larger, as Nintendo should've learned from the Wiimote by now. Motion control and pointer are just stupid.

The concept, as false as it probably is, is good. The idea is sound and can work well, the problem here is the execution




I found it, this should be fucking illegal

People on the board STILL think it's only a controller for the wii

who fucking thought this was a good idea holy shit

I'm really not even sure what I'm looking at

You mean it's not?

has there actually been and date for the official reveal ? i imagine it will now be november/december due to the soon ps4 neo "reveal"

its hard to care about nintendo when they are so in the shadows, i even started to forget that breath of the wilds is coming year..

>sega were the good guys all along
Where's Jet Set Radio? Or how about something simpler, a western release for PSO2?

I SEGA/Sony guy, wasn't a big of fan of the kiddy cardboard boxes, got into Nintendo during the Wii era.

What the fuck.

What's wrong with the button layout in the first one?

Why in the world is there a second d-pad on the top half of the second? I could understand if they assumed someone would be using it as a second player, but the button layout doesn't make sense...

That zapper peripheral doesn't exist

just fuck my controller up senpai

>Remember the pre-Wii U hype

Even the most deluded Ninten-Babby knew they were doomed when that shit got unveiled, they still defended it though I remember sex genie trolling them with the sales charts and stock crash charts and them getting him banned everytime.

Really reminds me of the NES reveal
>Look at this gimmicky shit you can do WITH THIS TOY ROBOT

It's like you're trying to say something


Been around since the start. Enjoyed games on all of the consoles. Sad for the franchises that were lost along the way, but until the franchises I still enjoy get ruined, I will stick with Nintendo.


I thought it was a stupid-ass name, but I thought the controller had a lot of promise. The controller was actually really popular among devs; the low power of the console was the main thing turning them off.

I'm still a huge fan of the controller, to be honest. It's so fucking useful. My roommate has a PS3 and the controller means I can play my games while he plays his. And it's comfy as hell for watching Netflix and shit on in bed. Sure, you could get that functionality with a normal tablet, but you don't get a video game console along with a normal tablet.

No you wouldn't. You wouldn't need any of the attachments in the first place.

Use them if you want. No need to "carry them around with you all the time."

I don't carry all my 3ds or vita games with me all the time either