You will never leave your high score on an arcade machine ever again

>you will never leave your high score on an arcade machine ever again

what's her name Sup Forums?

I completed my goal of seeking out and beating the hi-scores on all of the namco machines with Galaga around here. It's a small thing, but, it kind of left me feeling some pride. I know I'm not the best at the game but it's nice to see my initials everywhere I go now.

I want to do this but they don't have any games in my big city that I like

where do you live that you can do this?

DDR at least until the competition guys came in

There needs to be a fucking app that lists all of the arcade cabinets near you. I would fucking kill someone for a chance to play the original House of the Dead in an arcade like I used to do when I was a boy.

I live in a fairly rural area with a few towns nearby. Most shops usually have a Namco Collection machine with Pac-Man and Galaga on it at least. So I usually look for those since arcades alone are rare. I usually have to travel for an hour to really do any leisure activity outside of the house so I quickly found some hotspots in each of the towns nearby that had a machine and went from there.

Wow, that's awesome.

Any recommendations? I live in a set up similar to yours. What places usually have machines still? I remember growing up you could find an arcade cabinet like in fucking anywhere but not so much anymore

Movie theater near my college had Time Crisis 3, remember the game like back of my hand because played the shit out of it on ps2.

Got 1st place score.
Come back a week later, they reset the scores...

Fucking bastards

Oddly enough, I had some scores in an orthodontist office of all places. The guy really liked his arcade cabinets and had a separate room in his office for people to play them in.T his was 25 or so years ago when I was a kid.
It's good to have your own office and be of a profession that makes lots of money, I guess.

metal slug x, not the best score but nobody seems to be able to do better than me in that area where that machine is.

Gas stations, movie theaters, casinos, and fun parks are usually the best places to find them in most of my cases.

You'll also want to practice by yourself at home till you get consistent at it. You don't wanna have to blow a few dollars to get a highscore. I'm sure you got that covered though.

You look like a mountain man

Can you go into a movie theatre to play their machines even without a ticket to a movie

>nobody seems to be able to do better than me
More like nobody even plays it.

Nah, I wash clothes at that spot, there's people playing it but they're so fucking bad.

please shave, get a decent haircut, and start eating healthy.

You look like a total fucking retard.

I could but I knew some guys on the staff and the owner. You'd have to ask otherwise though.

Tekken 3 oddly.

Got the high score by cheesing everyone out with pauls charge punch and getting perfects every round bar a few.

Post your pic if you're such an expert on fashion

Does FH stand for Fat Homo?

I'm stupid enough to post a picture of myself in this website.

And you don't need to be an expert on fashion to notice the guy needs to clean himself up.

Franklin Harvey. my name.

I made it to the top 20 on a Soul Caliber 2 cabinet once.
It was a total fluke desu

>implying he doesn't have a point
Your "beard" looks like pubes.

Metal Slug 3

I dont believe that the normal laundermat goer has the money to play that entire game on one go

Years later nobody could beat my B. Jenet high score. One day the machine was gone, so i bought it on xbox live arcade and had to learn the game again usuing a pad.
Wish i could remember what the highscore was.