ITT: Games you've owned for years but have never touched or played once

ITT: Games you've owned for years but have never touched or played once
Bonus points if they're still in wrapping

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Not years, but 1 year.

Still wrapped up and everything.

Why wouldnt you play a game you bought, unless you got it from a bundle that is

I have a ton of games that are still sealed. I keep telling myself that I'll get around to playing them someday, but I know that's not true.

Still sealed. I am an embarrassment to my waifu.

Bought Xenoblade 3D to support the series last year even though I don't have a N3DS yet. Still don't.

I've got dozens of em on my steam account.

I think it's this one, though all the covers look the fucking same. The name kinda rings a bell though.

Brother brought it from England and I never even installed it.

got it when it came out, havent played it. dunno why.

missing out tbqh

Fuck, I always wondered how this game was. Any chance of cracking it open it giving us a cheeky review user?

I played the PSP version, it was like a platforming/puzzle game? I can't remember

I don't fucking want to play at 30fps. It was like 2 months before I even took the plastic wrap off.

forgot pic

I've had Half Life 2 and Arkham Asylum for 4 years now. Never touched them.

I got Quake 2 for PC in wrapper, should I sell it?

Good job supporting a series consumer unfriendly decisions!

user, please, the game is worth it even with 30 fps cap, which is mostly stable anyways

Haunting Ground
Tactics Ogre on PSP
Digital Devil Saga 2
Ninja Gaiden 3 Razors Edge

Most games I get preowned so I'll actually play them I often feel weird about opening new games.

Vampire Bloodlines
System Shock 2
Fallout 2 and Tactics
Back to the Future Episodes 2-5
Tomb Raider 2-5
Space Quest 2+

You think it's worth anything?
