Tell me about your first zelda, and don't be gay about it

tell me about your first zelda, and don't be gay about it

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Zelda is gay

>Did you see the latest Nintendo newsletter?
>WHOOAAA! Nice graphics! I'd like to get my hands on that game
>You mean you haven't played it yet? We can play it on my Nintendo Entertainment System

my first zelda game was twilight princess and i still have a crush on link and i have masturbated to the image of him wearing a sumo uniform at least 5 times

Found the WInd Waker OoT Bonus disc at Walmart for ten dollars

>be me
>be 6 year old
>just got gamecube
>blockbuster is still around rent wind waker
>start the game
>why the fuck cant i jump
>what the fuck am i on this island for
>where do i get a sword
>struggle untill i finaly get my sword
>keep playing
>suddenly pirates
>I'm in a barrel and I'm send to some weird island.
>go back to block buster and rent shrek 2
>i love it and want to buy it
>tell parents i want this game
>they go to block buster to buy it so I can keep it
>come back with the wrong game
>its windwaker

This story is oddly reminiscent of how I got Super Mario 64.

i said dont be gay about it

>twilight princess
OP said not to be gay about it

I've never played a Zelda game. Not a fan of platforming-adventuring-collectathons.

never played zelda, only Nintendo game I ever play was mario world and I didn't like it.

What's gay about getting what's now a pretty expensive game for ten bucks?

My first Zelda game was Link's Awakening DX. Never got past the third dungeon since I didn't know where it was, and the game I had couldn't save because the battery fell out of it (you could hear it if you shook the cartridge) so after getting to the second dungeon and completing it. I'd just wander around until the battery died or I got bored.

Still, great game and got me into the series.

I turned on my SNES and played it

played part of a dungeon of LTTP at my aunt's boyfriend's house

later got my own SNES and copy

never looked back

>literally confirming you're underage

>be 6
>friend lets me borrow link to the past
>always wanted to rent it from albertsons
>dad wouldn't let me, said it had too much reading
>finally start a new file after fiddling with the menu screen
>it's raining
>think i did something wrong
>it wasn't raining when my friend showed me the game
>feel sick to my stomach
>give it back
though I did eventually play it and it was really good. it's the most competent, well put together zelda

I got the gba game with link to the past and 4 swords adventures. I remember finding the false grass and being super psyched about it. Spent years on that game, I got it when I was like 4 and back then I could only play 30 minutes a day, and I was grounded a lot.


Did the same damn thing.

>Be about 10
>See Blinx the Time cat and Ratchet and Clank
>R&C looks shit
>Blinx looks fucking cool
>Go back and forward in time and shit
>Both games have cats
>Me being a retard remembers ratchet and clank when buying
>Get it home and realise it's not the right game after like four hours
>Four hours spent trying to do time travel shit
>End up fucking loving R&C
>Played every game after that
>Years later actually get Blinx
>It's absolute dogshit

Funny how some of this stuff works out.


It was fun

>Toys R Us
>pick out LoZ
>take said video game card/flyer thing up front
>parents purchase said video game
>walk over to plywood video game troll den at the store front
>female Ganon hands me the video game
>go home
>move to new home and it's probably been 2-3 years since I originally got LoZ
>It's a Saturday
>I finally beat LoZ after all those years. Did it through my own grit and determination without outside aide from guides/etcs
>go and get my haircut

Years later a friend's father would chastise me for beating LoZ:LttP using a guide. Well I beat LoZ without one so fuck you friend's dad.

Educate yourself, little late 90s user.

wow really makes you think

When I got a Gamecube it came with some kind of collector's thing that had the first two games, OoT, MM and a demo for WW. I played OoT, got stuck on the Shadow Temple, then stopped. Never played a Zelda game again.

>rented mm at age 7
>obviously it didn't work so I started crying
>mom went back and came back with oot

I don't remember how old I was but I remember finding Zelda Classic in the early days of the internet. It got me interested in the other games and I bought Oracle of Seasons on the Gameboy.


>December 2, 2002


fucking kill me

you can't beat LoZ without a guide or outside help, unless you spend 10 years bombing each tile.

I got ALTTP on GBA thinking it was Four Swords as a kid

First Zelda was my first, but DX was the first I finished.

>MFW I realize that's not his mom. that is a pedophile and that little boy is in danger. DANGER!

is he phasing out in the 4th panel?
why are his moms legs invisible in the 6th panel?

It's shit, completely and utterly overrated.

>Denying /ss/

What is the point of this comic

I got the game in 1986 and didn't beat it until probably 1991.. I put a lot of time into that game as a kid.. a lot of time.

>Zelda Classic

My. Fucking. Nigga.

It's still around you know.

>swearing when you are a kid

Your parents were shit

Yeah I'm genuinely surprised that website is still kicking. It's got to be about 16 years old by now.

The original when I was a kid on GBA

>be about 16 years old by now
too old

My grandma was with me at a toy store and I asked if I could get a game. She said yes but that she had to pick them. She ended up picking Megaman (GB) and Zelda Links Awakening.

Years later she picked Ape Escape as a random game present as well. Pretty impressive.

>trade a Paki my brother's collection of porno videos for a (likely stolen) N64 with a dirty OoT cartridge with the name "Boab" scrawled on the back
It was a special childhood.

never played any nintendo game, sorry not sorry

My first Zelda game proper was Ocarina of Time 3D
Not proud to admit that.
But ever since I've gone and played pretty much every Zelda game but Spirit Tracks and Skyward Sword. Should I play them?
I'm still waiting for ST to hit the Wii U virtual console.

the CD-i zelda's aren't nintendo

He's trying to tell us that his nostalgic memories about the experience surrounding Zelda is why he remembers the game more fondly than it deserves to me.

I was at a friend's place and they had OoT back when it first came out, watching just the intro and some of the first level blew my mind, enough to make me believe this game was something truly special.

I didn't get an N64 myself to play it until years later, but my Dad came back from France with a GBC and Link's Awakening DX, I played the hell out of that game, beat it over and over.

those are both awful

The bad thing about the "Zac Gorman" comics are not the comics themselves. No the bad thing is that faggots like OP can't stop posting them.

The original.

You honestly don't miss out on anything by not playing them.
Before some idiot comes in with some horseshit about the soundtracks, they're on YouTube.

Who is Zac Gorman?

that and the millions of autists now emulating that art style and assfucking nostalgia to death

this comic is sickeningly pretentious. it doesnt even matter what the game was because the kid never played it before. its literally about a retard kid lacking object permanence.

They're both worth playing, even if SS can't stop holding your hand the whole game and Fi never shuts up

If you want to get into quest making, check out PureZC. They got shittons of resources there.

>I don't remember why I was allowed to pick out a game
>owned the fucking system
>Or why I chose the one that I did
>fucking gold box with red text

>Aunt's Boyfriend

Let's be gay over Link!

Ignore anyone telling you not to touch Spirit Tracks

It's in my top 5 for the series

no, see, those make the game unplayable and shitty. it's okay to have standards and to not subject yourself to actual annoyance right now for possible fun in the future
the thing is, kids aren't that stupid. impatient, maybe, but if they do like the game they'll figure it out (or I guess look up a guide nowadays like Nintendo Power did for us) and they're better for it. They cared enough to get through it
then there's people who pick it up and just don't care. they pretend they do, and they'll keep going through the motions until they get stuck. if you make your game easy enough where you don't get stuck much? maybe die TWICE? that's not a good game

Ignore anyone telling you to touch Spirit Tracks.

They're a contrarian minority.

As long as nobody does lewd things to Toon Link

I first played Majora's Mask when my bf bought it for me

>it was memorable even though nothing was actually memorable

I want to FUCK him.

>They're both worth playing, even if SS goes against literally everything the series has established

I think the first zelda I played was OoT but the one I remember the most was Oracle of Seasons on Gameboy Color
I remember getting Ages from Funcoland a month later and hating that one


>8 years old
>friend is bragging about how great Majora's Mask is
>he's done this and that and spent the whole month playing it when he had free time until he had done absolutely everything
>still not convinced that it's all that great
>he basically forces it onto me and tells me to play it
>start it up
>"You've got to do everything in three days or game-over"
>turn off the game and give it back to him the next day
>haven't touched the series since


Spirit tracks objectively has the best zelda, just because she's with you through the whole adventure.

Fucking make me, faggot. I want to suck Link's little shota cock. What are you gonna do about it?

>I played LOZ when I was kid too, lol so nerdy!
It's never Contra, or Mortal Kombat, or literally any other game. It's *ALWAYS* Zelda when these faggots talk about playing video games as kids. What the fuck is up with this?

And because she's simply the cutest

>little shota cock

And what if he's the Hylian Jonah Falcon?

>6 years old
>Wind waker
Go back to school, kid

I'm beyond confused here.
It's actually split down the middle.
I had intentions of playing ST, if it ever gets in the American eShop.
But SS, now that's where I have serious doubts.

I played the original Zelda at a friend's house. He had NES games I never played before and Zelda was one of them. It was fun to just screw around in that game and explore. Simpler times, man.

never played a single one desu

gonna buy nx for breath of the wild

It's the worst 3D Zelda but still has fun parts

Sorry, but kids who weren't born when FFVII came out can now post here

>said it had too much reading
How fat was your dad?

ST is great. SS is optional at best.


All I had during NES times was Faxanadu. Fuck that game.

If you played Phantom Hourglass and enjoyed it, try Spirit Tracks.
Skyward Sword is the weakest 3D entry due to how excessively hand-holdy it is, how completely empty and dull the sky they were hyping up is, and how much it recycles content like boss fights.

Guess I'll ask here

Wasn't the Hyrule warriors Season supposed to be on sale for some time after the direct or did they already go back to regular price?

First game was Link to the Past on the GBA.

Judging by the rest of the post, I'm assuming the dad didn't want to get it because his son was obviously a retard.

"On sale" as in "available for purchase"
There was never a discount.

>visit a friend
>they always have Contra in their vidya box
Best co-op game.

He wasn't, he just didn't want me bothering him for a dumb game. There were hard words in it, like Sahsaharharala. This wasn't Mario Kart that we could play together

Well I feel silly now.
Thank you.

I know that artist does porn user...

It's not what you'd expect given her sfw stuff

I played all of those games as a kid, plus more. The fuck is your problem?

Skyward Sword. Unironically.

Good place to start given how good the rest of the series will seem in comparison

Only if you're an underager from the internet age.

first Zelda was OoT, and it was my favorite game up until I played Fallout NV a few years back. I know I have terrible taste, but I had fun so I don't care