Never seen a paragon thread. Do I like this game Sup Forums?
Never seen a paragon thread. Do I like this game Sup Forums?
never hear of it until now, looks like another overwatch clone but with cards
Fun game with the potential to be great. Hype for patch notes tomorrow and the new jungle update. Steel is best boy
Plays well, is fun, constant different tactics. if anything it's the dota version of SMITE.
The only complaint i have is, once you discard a card IT'S GONE FOR GOOD. Kind of fucking retarded if you ask me. I buy an item from the shop, sell it. but I need it again, why the shit would it not let me buy it again?
>another overwatch clone
It's not though. Paragon is a moba ass moba.
I like the discard system. Forces people to build decks carefully and carry dupes if they wanna discard. Getting 2 of a card can be frustrating, but that will be fixed when they add card crafting.
Why do people keep thinking Overwatch is a moba??
being able to rebuy shit wouldn't work if you're just discarding it for the same price you paid
and there's a finite amount of cash so making the selling price less also wouldn't work
not to mention it's not a shop at all and is really just a second method of leveling up
MOBA is a pretty loose term by itself, so people assume that games with heroes are all the same and fall under the same category
>It's a Steampunk Cowboy episode
Stop This
Fuck off Sup Forums
It's the most boring moba I have ever played, even more boring than Strife
>that face on the shield
I play with my bro sometimes, muriels ult is too cool
have they got rid of travel mode yet?
I bought this game when it was in Alpha
I am level 12 but it has been a month since i last played
I have been waiting for Epic to remove Travel Mode and fix the matches lenght
I like Paragon a whole lot but the creeps move too slowly. If the death timer is 40 seconds the enemy team will probably be up until your creeps can even reach the tower. Generally my games feel really long unless our team is so strong we can shit-stom the other team under their own tower and take it down without worrying about creeps at all.
Also the decks are too small to make use of all those incredibly oddly specific cards. Like corrupted dudes can get baneflesh that inflicts poison damage but it's basically useless against anyone but Rampage because there aren't any healing skills or anything to reduce. And heartseeker/vampire cup is useless for every character in the game except Grux because he's the only character that can inflict bleeding. There's an armor that does it but expecting that is even less likely than Grux being on your team.
Why the travel mode hate?
While I enjoyed Travel Mode, it's simply hurting the game which is why they are removing it. Laning is pointless when someone can just sprint out of the jungle and gank you, or they can run from one tower to another in 10 seconds.
Still don't get the retarded last hit system.
MOBAs how do they work.
Last Hit means you got the killing blow and it gives you extra CXP. It let's smart players out farm their opponent.
I know that I just don't get why is it so.
Instead of based on contribution or whatever.
>It let's smart players out farm their opponent.
If anything, it let's assholes out farm their teammates.
Anyway, I just happen to be curious and took a peek at this game while trying to boot up Unreal Tournament. Guess I don't like MOBAs after all.
Loving it, literally the only moba that haven't bored me after a week. Playing it since early access. They still have to add a lot of things, but I definitely wish the best for them.
Also post your main
Yeah, it doesn't matter what kind of skills your character has it's impossible to engage a fight outside of travel mode and if you've been getting last hits its literally impossible to escape the rape coming in from the woods. It's not even like HotS where you have to channel a few seconds to mount up (and they're decreasing mount speeds in the next big update for the same reasons), you can go from running to travel mode as long as you don't attack or get hit for 5 seconds.
If your playing a melee character and can't immediately kill the person you come across they're going to get away 100% of the time, which is part of why fighters are super overpowered right now. And it's also really awful for characters like Kallari since if you try and sneak up to someone in stealth you're going to get picked up by wards and people can sprint way faster than you can move, but if you ignore your stealth and just sprint at them like a madman it doesn't matter if they put down wards or anything.
Last hits get you like 200 exp and if you're in lane with a friend you get 150 and they get 50. If no one gets the last hit they drop like 25-30 exp. There aren't many duo situations since lots of people play fighters who farm the jungle for garenteed exp. Usually each player gets tons of free farm on top of exp from the harvesters and enemy players always drop global exp if you remember to pick it up.
>If anything, it let's assholes out farm their teammate's.
What? Getting a last hit on a lane minion gives both you AND your lane buddy the extra CXP. It only splits the CXP if there are 3 or more teammate's in the lane.
Dekker is pretty fun. Speeding everyone up, hoping up terrain so melee dudes can't touch me, bubble that pisses everyone off, sick ass wall that most of the dangerous characters can jump right over. Order and Growth means pracitcally infinite mana, 'free' armor against normal attacks, and stacking tons of health.
Did they fix 5 man jungling/roaming yet or is it still the only viable strategy?
Dekker is good, but for me she misses this "something" that would make playing her interesting. Just not my type of character I suppose.
Weird, I could've sworn I got little to no xp or cxp getting killstolen and I ended up lagging behind badly especially in cxp compared to that teammate.
5 man Jungle and Roaming now actively hurts the team. Jungle minions don't share CXP and CXP from kills gets harshly split the more people there are. They fixed it awhile ago
The only moba like game I could tolerate but unfortunately none of my friends like it.
Havent played for awhile now though, Greystone? the Knight type was still just an announcement.
I was maining Gadget but I stopped today. She needs something besides her q. Overall I do like the game but the matches are too long.
I really like characters with a jump. Kalari I've heard people say isn't very good, but it feels pretty cool to escape by double jumping way up into the archetecture and toss down slowing darts until your teammates can move in to help you out. Global ultimate is pretty fun too.
I understand thinking Dekker is kind of lame because she really can't do much other than make her team stronger.
I really wanted to like Gadget too. Her bomb does good damage but it takes forever and a day to detonate, never hits more than one person. It says her robot is supposed to slow but it's hard to aim and a pretty small area so I've never noticed it doing any good. Speed gate is just worse than Dekker and Narbash who boosts eveyone around them instantly..
Fuck yeah I do.
I'd like to try this but my card is a gt 630m I don't think it runs on toasters, it looks too good
>another overwatch
How many there are?
none of those female characters look sexy
so I´m just going to continue playing overwatch and dota 2
From what I heard you can downgrade it pretty heavily in options, so that even not too great pcs can run it. You could try.
what is this card shit you guys are talking about is it pay2win crap?
but the basic cards are the best desu