ITT: Games that get shitloads of praise that aren't actually very good

ITT: Games that get shitloads of praise that aren't actually very good.

witcher series

That's Xeno series in a nutshell.

Casual Souls

Blade 1's the outlier in a lot of respects, including this.

>Missions begins
>Watch long cutscene that doesn't tie in with overall narrative.
>Get in car with NPCs
>Drive along yellow line on minimap for 15 minutes while characters have long conversation that doesn't tie with the overall narrative.
>Arrive at destination.
>Watch long cutscene in which the characters have a conversation that doesn't tie in with the overall narrative.
>No overall narrative.

and Casualborne

Your favorite game

first xenogears was amazing, the others really not so good

Last of (You)s

Any Platinum game.

this thread in a nutshell

Monster Hunter. The combat is mediocre at best.

>xenosaga (1 specifically but the trilogy in general) is my favorite game(s)
>xenoblade is also pretty fucking amazing, although I wish it had more real-world religious themes and not made up shit like telethia and giants
>always hear that xenogears shits all over xenoaga's story
>tried playing it several times over the years
>can never bring myself to play it for more than 2 hours maybe

Maybe it's because I just didn't play it or even know what it was when I was growing up so I don't have the nostalgia goggles that everybody else does, but holy shit I just cannot deal with that game.

Part of what I love about xenosaga is how the story is told through the cutscenes. The cinematography, the voice actors, the music, it almost felt like watching a movie that I got to play. I'm sure xenogears was great for its time but I just can't sit there and get engrossed in the story like I can with xenosaga.

feels bad man, because I will NEVER understand all of the references and inspirations that gave birth to the rest of the xeno franchise.

You have pretty bad tastes desu. Also
>Any Xenosaga


shrug, I'll call it my guilty pleasure, but I fucking love xenosaga. I have 2 figures of kos-mos. I'd have more if the 2 I have weren't objectively the best ones out there, afaik.

I wish they made figures from xenoblade, specifically the mechs, the yaldabaoth mech.

>le snake eater fag


I never said anything about Snake Eater. You only assumed that just because GS2 was posted

I still think it's shitty you never bothered finishing gears because you hate reading. But whatever, fap to robotits or something.

What's over-rated about it? if anything its under-rated.

I don't hate reading, I just can't get immersed in it. Same goes for FF7 (another game I never played as a kid).

Its just something about that graphical style, it looks so ugly to me.

>What's over-rated about it?

The story, the plot, the "deep themes". Hell, just see any MGS2 thread on this site and you see the circle jerking people have over a big ass speech by an AI that went full retard.

Any Naughty Dog game.

Neither of these games deserve praise, they're both complete garbage.

Ha , you're such a faggot.

Came to post this

Super mario 64

It's good, but not great. It absolutely set the standard for it's time, but the thing is, it IS just 'standard: now as a result.

this isn't Snake Eater


If, according to you, there's no overall narrative, why would anything else you said matter in the first place? Sounds like nitpicking.


I will say it forever. That game is aggressively mediocre.

>Xenosaga Episode 1.
>The game where 1/3 of your playtime is learning where the fuck you're supposed to go to START the plot, and the other 2/3 are unending roadblocks.
>Anyone's favorite game.


It is, quite literally, over 20 hours of exposition and padding.

Rare game where MC gets laid.


I feel the same way as you. Loved the shit out of the Xeno series, but when I try to get into the PS1 game I just can't.

Why do you dislike the AI speech? granted, the snark was stupid and didnt make sense, and the AIs random tangent about the illusion of self was quite silly, i thought the convo about restricting speech for the betterment of society to be interesting (but of course not new)

I really wish Kojima stuck with that version of the Patriots instead of just making them "turn evil" in 4, it seemed like such a cop-out.

Yeah, but he fucked his mom.

Your favourite game.

>I can't get into games if I don't have intricate cutscenes telling me everything.

You are the cancer killing video games. Fucking end yourself.

>Why do you dislike the AI speech?

because I didn't give a fuck about the speaker.

I had the speech go in one ear and out the other due to his "I NEED SCISSORS 61 CRAP" minutes earlier.

Not really.

Reincarnated mom. And reincarnated wife too. Fucking shit was weird. Id's scenes were the best though.

I liked that Fiore gets that but it's called Final Cross.

Not that guy, but I honestly didn't notice the long cutscenes. I mean I was around here when the game came out, and everyone was ragging on it for having like 45 minute long cutscenes or some shit and I was balking along with everyone else. Then when I finally got the chance to play it a couple years later I just fell in love with it.

This game is boring as shit

It's still his mom, man. Even Takahashi agrees.

>I honestly didn't notice the long cutscenes.
I said absolutely nothing about that, what the fuck are you talking about?

I'm saying the game is aimless for 1/3 of its length and then just has broken bridge after broken fucking bridge cockblocking you from getting to Second Miltia.

Most Nintendo games.

It's a philosophical thing IMO, if Fei didn't come out of Elly's womb, then I don't consider her his mom.

But Fei didn't come out of a womb period. At least, not originally.

Then he desn't have a mother, not like that's impossible to say given the shit that goes on in that game?

The original Elly was willed into existence by his need for a mama.

It's his fucking mom.
He wants to fuck his mom.
And he has fucked his mom.
Several times.
In several different bodies.

You're gonna have to deal with the fact that Fei Fong Wong is a motherfucker.

GTA V and Online (specially Online), all Battlefield games after BF2, all Call of Duty games after CoD2, MGS2 (fuck Raiden), Final Fantasy VII and VIII, all RE games after Code Veronica.

But Fei and Elly as we know them were born into the world by two completely separate sets of parents.

But their consciousness extends backwards to acknowledge Fei as a motherfucker.

Deny it all you want, but the guy who wrote these fuckers agrees. Fei wants to fuck Elly because she makes him think "mom". Because she is his mom.