Why is Paz better than Quiet in every way?

Why is Paz better than Quiet in every way?

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becoz ur a gay

Quiet can kill niggas

Paz wasn't full on fan service shit. If she was constantly half naked, she'd be shitter than quite.


Because she's voiced by a goddess (in Nipland)


Quiet has large breasts
Large breasts are objectively better than small
Thus Paz is not better in every way

Because they didn't model her after a horse


>being such a faggot that sexiness is considered bad, to the point that an otherwise good character is considered less so for how she dresses


Came here to post this. In before horseface lover normalfags bawwwwww

It's not about sexuality, Quiet is just legitimately shit character design and the reasoning behind it is even worse

>You will be ashamed of your words and deeds
>Just kidding she's a plant lmao

I fail to see why he couldn't just say he likes busty women

I agree she's a shit character, I just hate the faggotry of saying if Paz was naked she'd be worse

Nice joke user

She was an actually character.
>tfw peace day never came


Quiet might be gone, but Paz will be with you forever.

>No tits
>looks like a kid
>annoying voice
>fucking slut
>Big tits
>Doesn't talk
>hums cute songs
>wants to please you and only you
>actually has useful sniper skills

She left because Snake wouldn't do anything with her love that she was trying to give to him.



paz hijacked a metal gear and ran riot in motherbase
quiet knocked some poor fuck's teeth out

Quiet could have killed everyone on base and herself with a few words and they wouldn't know it until it was too late. She could have killed Snake on the chopper ride back to MB but she didn't.

she's weak

Kaz will always be better

got me there

Trick question, all MGS girls in the mainline games are fucking shit and awful that exist because otaku can't stand something without tits, even if its to the detriment of the story or gameplay.


She has sexy body and doesen't have a horse face.

Reminder that this is canon because she dies of a shot to the heart.

Quiet loves Snake but she is friendzoned, if you can call it that.

Shes no mushrom?

I just want them to be friends.
And for Quiet to use a goddamn notepad.

don't you dry up on me

Quiet was a mistake

>Sexy body



superior waifu


Snake doesn't feel bad about what happened to Quiet. He's okay with it, Venom has a clear conscience.

>Large breasts are objectively better than small
Fucking delete this, you decadent
Flat chests are life

Because short hair > long hair

Silence is golden, ignorance bliss.

Better off not asking, what you'd rather forget.


what do Quiet's armpits smell like?

Baaa baaa baaaa baaaaaa baaaaaaaa

I knooooow thiiiiis much iiiiiis truuuuue...

Paz is very used goods tho.

Quiet is a stupid bitch, twice today she killed a S+ soldier just as I tranquilized them

Give HER a tranquilizer you stupid cunt. You only have yourself to blame

there's no S+ soldiers in single player anyway, it was just an S rank boaster

I don't think she's better in a single way. Blonde is worse short is worse flat is worse etc etc. I guess she's got a real explosive personality at least (lmao this guy and his joke).


>Paz wasn't full on fan service shit
>what is Love Deterrence

I felt much sadder with that Paz Tape than that Quiet end scene because she was a much better and more memorable character

Do you think Paz and Quiet would have been friends if they ever met?

Quiet's character design is genuinely bad. Some fag is gonna call me gay or an SJW for saying this but it's the truth. You can design a titty monster and have it be sexy and totally fine, but Quiet's outfit is just stupid.

Get a load of this SJW lads

I've been tempted to buy the hd collection mainly for Paz photos.

because you she looks like a little girl.
That's you're reason and there's no point in hiding it you filthy scumbag.
I don't care who's better, but I know you masterbate to children.
Kill yourself.

listen m8
I like them boths equally while
peace walker paz being the creme de la creme
quite is pretty cute 2
its a tie, get over it jesus