Why is this disliked again?

Why is this disliked again?

Shit plays like a fucking dream

I think it's because it sort of feels like a 1.5 sequel.

Which it technically was to be fair, Code Veronica was the true RE3.

Best re actually.


It's both my favorite and my least favorite.

A lot of it is nostalgia, but to me, it just feels like the farther you play, the worse it gets.

The city is amazing, the park is boring, the clock tower is shit.

And I think RE2 has the better pacing.

In RE3 the only challenge was the boss fights. Otherwise it was just pointlessly easy. And while RE2 suffered a lot from the same, it wasn't as easy and actually had parts where my heart was thumping.

RE2 atmosphere and pacing is unmatched

>generic but effective city
>police station
>torture rape cabin with police chief and sewers
>spooky as fuck pre-lab section with cable car, that music is god tier
>lab itself

They will fuck up the remake so so hard

It's probably gonna be Revelations 3.0.

>they release Remake HD
>people love it
>"let's remake 2"
>most likely won't be anything like remake and instead just another game in the vein of 4 but worse

To be honest I have no idea how the fuck do people enjoy and actually think that Rev1 and 2 are good RE games.

I like both of them, fite me

I couldn't even get through 1 I was so bored.

It just felt like a budget version of 4 without any charm or satisfying combat. Jill's ass was top tier though.

Didn't play Rev 2.

Too easy and too short

Because Clairefags desperately want 2 and Code Veronica to be better received since they're bitter over a Jill game sitting as the best out of the original 4 games, ignoring the fact that 3 garners top tier spooks from your encounters with Nemesis, has an overall more well constructed story that doesn't have the cheesy asspulls of 2, features Brad Vickers and Barry Burton instead of Steve Burnside, and builds around understanding the issues of the previous two games in how they approached forcing survival horror on the player, ultimately resulting a better game despite still having to live with those flaws.

Probably because you can juke Nemesis around stupid things like desks, cabinets and coffee tables.

Rev1 was atmospheric as fuck.
I honestly think it was pretty high up there in the RE franchise.

RE4 > REmake > RE2 = RER > RE1 > RE5 >>>>> RE6

And yet it's just not as fun to play.


Does it get better? Because from what I played it was just either just generic boat or well lit corridors with nothing surprising happening in them.

3 isn't the best user. And that's that.

Did you enjoy Conan o brien

it isnt, if anything 4 should be disliked for fucking up the entire RE series

Horrible pacing and boring environments. Nemesis is not a threat, just a retarded fast zombie with lots of HP.

>i like jill (before they ruined her in 5 changing her)
>CV is one of my favorites above 3

On a first time playing, RE3 is terrifying and stressful to play. A BOW that's seemingly impossible to kill hunting you down and showing up when you when you least expect it.

Then you learn how to cheese him behind bookshelves and shit and dodge everything, so it has little impact on a replay.

>tfw RE3 was my favorite game as a kid
>beat it multiple times, awaiting the sequel as it ended on a cliffhanger for me
>realize later I've been playing the demo version that came with Dino Crysis the whole time.

How do you fuck up that badly?