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Results are in
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holy shit do you really care? it's like "uh naruto totally beats sam fisher bro!". how old are you?
the results of this fight makes sense. Did anyone actually expect a teleporting time traveling girl with plasma guns to lose against some guy from boston whos kinda fast?
I'm dissapointed.
Scout stayed perfectly still most of the fight, I wanted to see some cool flashy fight where Scout was overall faster but Tracer was better at burst movement.
But instead we got this pile of shit, with both characters doing things they can't do in their games.
considering the fact that scout has more health than her more weapons than her more impressive feats then her AND moves alot faster than her even with blink the results are fucking retarded
>A fucking third thread in a row
You guys are really upset
Do you have to be 12 to find this cool?
honestly this fight makes me almost as mad as buu vs kirby and cloud vs link
Do you think they will do another Overwatch vs TF2 match up in the future?
The fight sequence doesn't even matter, this is how all the Death Battles are made
>"Okay we got character A and character B pitted against each other. Which one's more popular with our forum users?"
>"That one"
>"Alright, let's make a cool sprite/sfm/other bullshit animation where they're beating the shit out of each other and our chosen character wins in the end. Go hire that one guy from the internet to work on that."
>"What about the research and shit we need to work on as well?"
>"We'll just look things up on wikipedia and have the forumites feed us crap so we can repeat it in the video. Shouldn't take longer than getting the pre and post fight sections done beforehand anyways..."
It literally doesn't matter and you guys are fucking idiots for caring about Screwattack content in the first place, almost as bad as those Giant Bomb retards that make threads here instead of on their own forums.
>Forum popularity
Except Bowser, Cammy, and Bayonetta were the more popular character in the Forums and they lost
So wait, did Tracer win? How would he survive a Pulse Bomb? Did he conjure an Uber from his ass?
death battle is literally deadliest warrior but without any of the shit that makes it good like learning about the history of the combatants, techniques and how their weapons work etc. because they aren't even fucking real
Tracer won
He survived the first Pulse Bomb with Bonk but he was killed by the second one when Tracer snatched Scout's can away
makes no fucking sense when you consider the scout is faster than the bitch and because that cant even fucking happen in game
the less popular/likely to win character usually wins, that way it creates drama and spreads the video more
>thinking a white male has a chance in 2016
its like deadlock all over again
>moves alot faster than her even with blink
Don't bother, these people are lost causes. I mean do you see how upset some of them get when their character loses? Who gets this into comparing power levels of fictional characters? They always just strawman, screaming
when they don't realize the problem isn't that they're having fun, the problem is in what they find fun which lets everyone around them know they have developmental issues
It's a guilty pleasure
-Inflate Tracer's reflexes by claiming that she dodged Widowmaker's bullet literally as it was travelling in the air
-Downplays Scout literally jumping on thin air
-Discussion on the Powerup Canteen and his upgraded body is completely absent despite it being canon Stock during and post Mann vs Machine, the last playable piece of the TF timeline
-They call the Force a Nature superior to the Scattergun despite it literally doing less damage
-Call him a 'glass canon' after admitting that he canonically survives three direct hits from RPGs
-Ridiculously shitty Scout VA
-Scout stands around the majority of the battle despite speed being his game and him being faster than Tracer
-Scout is shown to be distractedly in love with Tracer despite him canonically putting away all girls and saving himself for Ms Pauling
-Scout cocks the Scattergun after every shot
-Scout takes multiple seconds of hesitation to fire shots at Tracer when she's stationary
-Tracer survives the Home Run Smash
-Tracer takes the Bonk from Scout
I'm a Tracerfag, but fucking deathbattle results are getting retarded. No way Scout would've realistically lost.
Hey, you see that button next to the "period" key? The one that looks like a period with a smudge on the bottom? Yeah, that one. Ask your middle school teacher to show you how it works tomorrow at school.
Bad movies are guilty pleasure. Flash games are a guilty pleasure. This is a problem. You have a problem.
Dude I wasn't upset at the verdict
I'm not OP
I just like seeing fight animations and having friendly who would win debates with my friends from time to time.
We find it fun and occasionally we joke about character interactions and we don't get aggressive with one another or be obsessed.
It's just a guilty pleasure
He can't teleport.
Did anybody unironically believed scout had a chance?
Considering that this is the third thread
I'd say yes
What's a death battle you would unironically wish for?
But couldnt scout just sandman her then meatshot her with the FaN or Sodapopper?
He'd need to hit her with it first
I'm pretty sure a sniper bullet is faster than a baseball
at this point? my own.
Said in the first thread how retarded this outcome was. Of course the character from the super popular game right now wins. Of course. Fuck death battle dude.
Luffy vs. Popeye. I know damn well Popeye would win, but it's one I would watch.
Something involving jojo
He'll just get hooha'd off the top
Spellcard Rules off Sakuya Vs Heaven DIO
Who, Spike? Because i wonder if even DK fans expect Spike to win.
There's already two of those
Those were One Minute Melees
does the scout win? cause since he has the sand man and with it if we assume tip top skill in everything wouldn't he just stun tracer then quickly run in and kill tracer?
though since ive never played over watch but does that specific character have anything they can do to get out of a stunned state quickly?
that's a pretty rad matchup man
Those were OMM not DB
fucking regular ass jotaro beat heaven dio with just d4c fuckery because "hurr his power is only in his arms!!!"
heaven dio a shit
Read the thread
Tracer won because of recall and reaction timing feats
They either go with popularity or sensitive people who don't want to see a kid die.
Jesus Christ why did they blatantly igbore all of scouts feats and weapons and use the best possible interpretation of Tracer?
It's not a scattergun
It's a break action double barrel, 2 shots
Omega VS Exdeath
ike vs guts
horribly one sided but would be fun to watch
Except her reaction timing feat is a load of horseshit. Tracer recalls because she is falling to her death, they just timed it so it looked like she dodged the bullet. There is no way a normal human could react like that, and Tracer is just human. They will literally just skew anything to go in the favour of their winner.
Their biggest crime was turning down the actual Scout's VA talent when he offered it to them. It doesn't matter if those faggots were already done recording, you do not turn down a kindness like that.
2nd post best post
harambe all over again
My Dad vs. Your dad because I'm sure my dad could beat your dad easy
should be considered for a one minute melee, since it's a kid trying to capture a monkey, it's more of a scuffle than a DEATH battle.
I shouldn't have leaked this
Now we get 2 extra days of Sup Forums being butthurt as fuck
Tracer can't blink 10 times in a row nor recall back further than 3 seconds, infact she shouldn't have been able to recall in the first place; the homerun hit is supposed to be an instant kill
Well they did put him on the casting list nonetheless
So who's going to win in 3 weeks?
>Heaven DIO
>The one that got beat up by regular star platinum
But she's a girl, and thus, should win.
in case you're idiots activision/blizzard has been subsidizing the SHIT out of independent content makers, they have like 3 different guys doing heroes of the storm weekly videos, and are paying grubby to play that shit game
this is no exception
remember it is ALWAYS advertising by blizzard, this is how shitty their games are now
Terry Bogard
God this fight was such bullshit.
This is up there with MC vs doomguy levels
Nice tinfoil hat conspiracy
I dont care, but they better fucking use that opening intro from Capcom vs SNK 2
Did master chief actually win when doomguy gives space marines a run for their money?
Ken Masters.
Simply because Ryu lost to Scorpion and they gotta please the sensitive SF crowd.
Fuck that I want my Akira vs Ryu match. If Batman can get two or three, why not Ryu?
>But we're annoucing some great actors tomorrow
>If you'd like, we can get you on the casting list
well to be fair, this was doomguy from 1993, before the new game came out
which means they were comaring master faggot to a game that none of the target audience had even aplyed
you can't expect spergshits who think that you can play FPS on console to take a 1993 game seriously
>Akira vs Ryu
Does Akira have any superhuman feats?
When the fuck does she ever use kicks in OverWatch?
>ryu lost to scorpion
how the fuck?
Who wins?
Jojo vs. threads are best vs. threads
>actually watching fanmade battles
Haha holy shit.
We might as well have fanfiction threads too!
Their reasoning was
-Ryu has little experience with the raging demon
-Scorpion could just teleport out of the way
-He gains power simply by being in the Netherrealm
-The raging demon is Ryu's only way to kill Scorpion
It's an entertaining fight but the verdict received mixed reception
>When the fuck does she ever use kicks in OverWatch?
When she was fighting blackwidow in their animation by blizzard.
scout can fucking DOUBLE JUMP
he can fucking JUMP ON AIR
what can tracer do? can't even keep up, literally
>blizzdrones will defend this
Scout isn't even meaty enough to build an ult off of him.
She jumped 15 feet in the air in one cinematic :^)
cmon thats not even fair... alucard easily.
Please kill yourselves
He can only double jump because a crazy medic accidentally left a bird inside of him.
Yep, the multibillion dollar activision-blizzard routinely breaks the law by paying content producers for undisclosed advertising, because their games, some of the most popular and best-selling in the world, aren't doing well enough.
If she was from where he was from, she'd be freakin' dead
>tracer get's to use lore feats
>scout can't use his, which make him practically unbearable due to toonforce.
Fucking bullshit.
is that a canon reasoning? pretty badass if so
As a New Englander what pisses me off most is that awful Bostonian accent.
They mentioned him killing a bear with Amelia Earhart's femur
>more anarchy reigns music and no match with Jack Cayman
Seriously, Jack vs Raiden is the perfect match.
Welcome to Death Battle.
>Ryu has little experience with the raging demon
I assume you mean the satsui no hadou
what about evil ryu? I'm sure ryu has had plenty of experience