what went, dare I sait it, wrong?
What went, dare I sait it, wrong?
>dare I sait it
Delete the thread and start over, this one is a write off.
best castlevania I've only played this, Rondo, and Aria of Sorrow tho
well you played 2 better castlevanias
dude shut the fuck up dude
It's remake/tech demo. I don't understand why it's numbered.
Is this the only Castlevania where you can swing the whip around? The only other thing I can think of is the beginning of SotN with Richter (I was disappointed that you can't do it in Rondo).
They even brought back those two bosses in SotN (same exact sprites). What's the connection with SCIV and SotN?
The whip is way too overpowered. This in turn makes most of the sub-weapons useless.
This is in stark contrast to Castlevania 1 & 3, where sub-weapons are generally very useful and placed strategically within levels (which includes placing sub-optimal sub weapons as well, so as to avoid).
So SCIV lacks that too, although the levels are still very well designed despite it.
I guess that's the closest to something going wrong - whip being too overpowered and subweapons being useless by comparison.
It has a nice soundtrack. Though pretty much all the Castlevania games do (except Harmony of Dissonance).
>This in turn makes most of the sub-weapons useless.
If you think sub-weapons are useless you have not played the game for very long. Plain and simple. They are immensely useful on bosses, but work in unison with the whip rather than downright replacing it. Even the knife is useful in certain situations, due to being able to deal damage from afar.
The whip is Simon's main weapon which he will be using in all situations, but sub-weapons are a nice addition.
Castlevania III is way better than Dracula X/Rondo of Blood though
Akumajou Densetsu > Dracula's Curse
>what went, dare I bait it, wrong?
But I will tell you: music was less powerful and more ambient except for the remixes.
It's still one of the best vanias.
>First is Ok tier.
Opinion discarded.
>Akumajou Densetsu
It had a better sound chip and some better features and uncensored imagery, but it was the easy version.
>Opinion discarded.
SCIV replaced it.
It wasn't easy, it was just free of bullshit. It's how the designers intentionally balanced the game and it was a lot more enjoyable to play because of it.
I think most people prefer the NES version simply because it's harder and therefore makes them cooler for playing it, or something. The difficulty only comes from arbitrarily increasing damage dealt to the player and taking away Grant's ability to throw knifes, making him more or less garbage.
I going to remind you that Igarashi is a fucking hack who ruined Castlevania. Tried to rehash SotN, Aria was an ok attempt, but everything else anime'd it up the shitter and it was his, not Lords of Shadow's, fault the series is graveyard dead. Bloodstained is going to suck the shit right out of the ass.
The whip could be used more creatively, number of items could be halved and more fleshed out.
Other than that it's one of my favorite SNES games.
>SCIV replaced it.
SCIV is good, but it's not a replacer.
SCIV's Simon was an overpowered guy wrecking everyone's shit until the final bosses.
NES Simon was difficult to control and it punished you for fucking up. It felt like a game where you're a badass human who tries to fight strong monsters. Something that only Castlevania III did right.
And the first vania has this classic horror feel which is also less remarkable in the sequels.
This list is all kinds of fucked up. The first one and Dracula X are way, WAY better than where you listed them.
>Dracula X
SNES version was ass.
>SCIV is good, but it's not a replacer.
It's far better at a technical level, and III essentially replaced all those other things you're talking about.
>SCIV's Simon was an overpowered guy
That's basically what Simon was. Trevor was the first guy and it should be more difficult for him.
It's not. Mobility of the character completely changes the gameplay, the music is more atmospheric instead of the kickass Castlevania tunes, the bosses are presented in a different way and are way easier in SCIV.
The story may be the same, but that's because it's as basic as it gets.
Two different games.
multi directional whipping is cool as shit and gives this game license to exist by itself
>multi directional whipping is cool as shit and gives this game license to exist by itself
This. We need more games like this.
>No symphony of the night
classic vania > metroidvania.
Mobility was simply ass in the first game
IV might've been easier, but that's a problem with bosses not being designed around your new mobility options so much. The first game's poor mobility is not to its credit, limiting player control is a terrible way to make something harder
Not really, we need more of both.
Fuck off back to egoraptor with his shit opinions faggot
>Mobility was simply ass in the first game
Which makes you need to plan carefully your every move. It's hard, but rewarding.
>git gud
the game was practically experimental before they improved the series.
The challenge in CVIV was based on actual platforming though. They're different games fundamentally.
>the series wasn't improved.
Search your feelings, you know it is true.
Circle of the moon was pretty good.
Circle of the Moon really doesn't belong their unless you're an Iga fag
I'd replace Circle of the Moon with Simon's quest, and Rondo of Blood with Harmony of Dissonance or Castlevania Chronicles.
The only conection is that Richter is Simon's granson.
Not really. Only in the loosest sense--it borrows the general story of the original, but that's pretty much it. And story has never been a big part of the series, save for Lords of Shadow.
the fuck you doing?
I think that user was being hyperbolic in calling them useless, but he's right that the increased versatility of the whip makes effective sub-weapon use less vital for inexperienced players. The more loose player control and increased sprite size also play into this.
I think they're sorting them by Classic/Metroidvania/3D. Simon's Quest is placed about Circle of the Moon for no reason other than being the first of that style. But Circle of the Moon is better than Harmony of Dissonance even.
Putting Castlevania Chronicles about Dracula X Chronicles is complete crap.
I meant above.
>limiting player control
Why? Game design is about the ways limitations interact with goals. Requiring more deliberate movements from the player is perfectly valid.
Castlevania 64 and Castlevania Adventure shouldn't be on the same tier. Adventure is so completely horrible it'll make you pin for the bullshit 64 puts you through.
fuckin Legacy of Darkness is a better product than Lords of Shadow 2 as well.
Are these tiers supposed to be consistent between the kinds of games? I'm assuming not, but either way
>Belmont's Revenge on the same tier as Legends
I see a recycle bin in the corner. You should put your taste in it.
It should've been called "Super Castlevania". Having both Super and IV in the title, in addition to it being a retelling just mucks everything up. That's about it.
No sequel with the same controls.
People cry that the controls made it too easy. but all you really had to do was make the levels harder.
This fat fuck opened his fat mouth and crapped on it for no good reason.
Swap PoR and CotM and it's pretty much perfect.
>The whip is way too overpowered.
The whip made it easier for sure but the sub weapons can still help out a lot. They should've made it harder (more enemies?) though to balance the fact you can wreck anyone in your vicinity.
Move Bloodlines to Tier 2.
Move Adventure Rebirth, Dracula X, CotM, and HoD to Tier 3.
>Simon's Quest
Swap Chronicles with IV, bump CotM higher, and swap CoD with LoI and we're in agreement
>tfw I liked Dracula X so much I replayed it so much I can beat it without dying and Dracula can't even hit me once
I've never played Dracula X, only both Rondo versions in DXC. Whey was DX considered so much worse than Rondo? What did they change?
More to the point, why did they change it? Hardware issues with the SNES?
>Simon's Quest
sucks the shit right out of the ass. It was a prototype for the Metroidvania games.
DX is effectively Rondo Light. Fewer stages, no save feature, no maria, etc.
It's not a bad classicvania by any stretch though. Much harder than Rondo and CVIV, and has kickass music.
It gets a way worse rap than it deserves, I'd personally say it's better than IV.
No the biggest problem is that they removed all sense of timing/rhythm from the gameplay and made it feel generic as fuck. Why time anything when your whip can reach anywhere on the screen at any time?
How so? Your mobility is the almost same. The pitiful amount of air control in Castlevania 4 does not matter at all and the game would be the same even if it had the jumps of other Castlevania games because there are no challenges designed around controlling your jumps mid air. All CV4 did is make it more mindless and less punishing without adding any depth.
>Vampire's Kiss
Its a great video game, one of my favorite SNES games.
Played the shit out of it as a game.
Last good platformer castlevania they made. After C4 they started pumping out that gay anime looking castlevanias.
Castlevania SOTN gets a pass for the anemie look, but EVERY other castlevania after that looks like a tight jeanned emo faggot as the protagonist.
No masculinity in castlevania after castlevania 4 on the snes.
All part of feminizing males. disgusting.
Still inferior to the fangame Dracula's Shadow.
>That arrange at 3:00
bosses are actually challenging, this guy is just OP as fuck
Please leave my board
Fuck you and fuck your anime looking castlevania games.
choke to death on soybeans beta male.
>No masculinity in castlevania after castlevania 4
This nigga could literally go kenshiro on Dracula and win.
Also best-lookin final form.
Where did all this hipster contrarian love for SNES Dracula X come from?
It's ass, guys.
Yes now go back to whatever shithole spawned you, you turd gobbling queer. Don't forget to take your poor tastes and lack of knowledge on the topics you're talking about with you
You see, one of the things I liked about Ecclesia is that they forgot the OVERLY anime style and used a style with actual soul that at least didn't look like it belonged to a funny and colorful moeblob comedy.
True, still no barbarian stuff, but it looked good for the horror themes of the first games.
And now, despite all the rightful hate they may get, the ones who got the style even better are the Lords of Shadow 1 and 2 artists. When you saw dracula on the game's art it felt like it was going to be fucking amazing. Then the game itself was literally the worst, which is surprising coming from the same company who made "severance: blade of darkness" It sucks so much that the first mission in severance playing as the knight felt more Castlevania than any of the Shadows games.
Castlevania is dead and Dark Souls replaced it.
The only thing you can really say went "wrong" is that the game doesn't have branching paths or alternate characters like 3 did.
I don't think it really matters much though considering all the other things the game has going for it (SNES tech, fancy whipping, lots of atmosphere).
While I agree that Dark Souls has a similar feel, it will never be Castlevania as long as it's Dark Souls. Same for Bloodborne.
They're similar, but they don't quite get the feels.
Let's admit it: all we have left is fangames.
>TFW you will never make a Castlevania.
It will never stop hurting.
Yeah, the game's pretty trashy. I don't get it either.
It also doesn't have levels or bosses as good as Castlevania 3 does. Or music.
I've seen several threads asking for Gothic games or 'Lovecraftian' games. Dark Souls and Bloodborne get brought up all the time, but never Castlevania, although it gets Lovecraftian as fuck with direct references in some places, and definitely nails the Gothic romantic aesthetic in SotN particularly.
>HoD that high
>CotM that down
>Mirror of Fate even on the list
You did awfully wrong senpai.
Nobody agrees with me and I'm going to project my opinions on people anyway!
Vindictus kinda got it right... more or less.
The fuck are you talking about? You were demonstrably wrong even if I agreed with your retarded overall point. To top it off you also have shit tastes and talk like a faggot
What is it about the Castlevania series that causes such a huge disparity in opinion between people? You'll just as frequently see people love a particular game as you will see someone hate it.
Konami went full Jew on pachinko and we can never have a comfy vampire-killing game ever again.
Maybe Bloodstained will fix everything, I dunno.
Nothing, there's not much to talk about since the series is dead so people have to resort to bickering about minor shit and exaggerating their opinions. There need to be more people who hate Castlevania games coming into these threads or something, or else it will always be like this.
>Classicfags rightfully want classics back
>IGAfags rightfully want more metroidvanias
>SCIVfags rightfully defend their unique game.
And they are all right. Well there's also:
>There are people who unironically defend Lords of Shadow and PREFER Araujo's music to the former Castlevanias.
But despite the disparity
Everyone wants the 1999 game.
And we will never ever have it
>Maybe Bloodstained will fix everything, I dunno.
Doubt it. It WILL be a decent metroidvania, which of course it's a good thing.
But it won't revive the series as it was.
I can't believe someone nailed a soundtrack this good in the SNES launch window. It really plays to the SNES' strengths and doesn't quite sound like any other Castlevania ost.
I love me some Castlevania.
I don't want the 99 game since they would fuck it up.
Last I checked there's a fan game that's attempting it, but it looks like it's in the same "music and art production but no one actually coding a damn game" rut that plagues pretty much every promising castlevania fan project.
>there's a fan game that's attempting it
Where? I'd love to join and help them.
Problem is that I'm only a musician with mid-tier spriting skills.
this might be the best castlevania fanart I've ever seen
look up "umbra of sorrow"
Literally nothing, fuck off YouTube swine
What made them decide to go from Hammer Horror spoof Castlevania, to trying to make it canonically linked with the Dracula novel?
On one hand, their composers are better than me in many aspects and in their instrument choices, on the other I think their style needs to adapt better to a Castlevania game.
I'll still be looking forward for that project.
It's not canon with the book at all. Only Bloodlines gives the novel lip-service, of which actually ensures that the book certainly can't be canon.
fuck nevermind, I'm dumb. disregard this post. got a little mixed up for a second with the post updates.
I'd read a comic book about this topic made with this art.