B2 Brawler

B2 Brawler

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It's a damn shame what happened to the writing in the later Ratchet games

The writing in 1-3 effortlessly combined sci-fi action with space comedy.

Yeah and 1 actually understood that characters were meant to have conflict in a buddy comedy.

First time I ever fought that guy, I rolled through him like nothing. Every other time, he spontaneously got harder.

Man fuck this guys leg spins. Was complete bullshit to dodge.

He slices. He dices and carves up a mean dish. Please welcome, Chainblaaaaaade.

I can fucking hear it

Thats what the Bouncer is for. Drop the main projectile under his ass and watch all the little bomblets rip him apart.

>the tag team match with chainblade where they can only take a set amount of damage before swapping
>multiple times each

RaC > GC > UYA

That seems like a pretty sweet deal for whoever's brain that is. Would you donate your body to science if your brain was saved to be put in B2 Brawlers body, but you couldn't fight in an arena?

The furry guy is on a rampage!

im surprised that audio clip hasn't been put over footage of an actual furry going on a rant/breaking stuff. It's potential for comedy gold

Heres a question: which game had better arenas? GC, or UYA

>Don't have sony vegas
>nobody else likes Ratchet and Clank enough to get that audio clip
>first three Ratchet and Clank games on pc and not fucked by the port never ever

>yfw first attempting the impossible challenge

>Do the final arena challenge
>Wrench only, no damage allowed
>Spend many days and have lots of 12 year old tantrums
>Finally manage to finish it
>No Skill point
Im still pissed off to this day

the impossible challenge doesn't have shit on that "beat all enemies with only the wrench without taking a hit" challenge in ng+


>tfw played the game in my native language
The VA weren't that bad but I missed on a lot of jokes and puns, starting with the titles of the games themselves.

Yeah but nobody gave a fuck about that challenge enough to try it more than once because it didn't really have a worthwhile reward iirc.


>this was replaced with a bland orchestra in the future games.

Oh? What's your native language? Got any way to show what they sound like?

Going commando easily even though annihilation nation was pretty cool

>impossible challenge
>barely scraping it by but still manage to clutch it take those million bolts home

Gotta love that low heavy metal riff in the background tho.

>The Impossible Challenge
>60 rounds of hell all culminating into the final showdown with MEGAPEDE
>200,000 bolt grand prize
That challenge separated the boys from the men.
Why don't more games have arenas with based as fuck challenges?

Just turn music and sound effect volume to 0, voice to max and put a microphone next to the TV speaker.

I studied Media at university and work at a TV station, why am I so inept?

Huh, that doesn't sound too bad. Although the NEXT loses a bit of the magic in other languages I see.

I'm guessing you played it in english later and enjoyed it more?

GC easily.

Anihilation Nation had lamer bosses, looked uglier and even the Qwarktastic Challange was really easy. The arenas in GC had some hard challanges that required careful use of ammunition and being really good at dodging attacks. I don't remember ever thinking "oh shit, how am I going to do this" in UYA.

Plus the death run challanges were a super lame missed oppurunity.

Nah, I don't even know where my PS2 is, I think I gave it to a friend or something. Besides I don't even have a TV anymore.
Boy what I'd give to play through those games again.

>tfw to this day it is the only Arena challenge I never completed
>mfw the Qwarktastic battle in UYA

UYA began to lose steam in just about every aspect compared to GC. Arenas are no exception.

It's like a train wreck, WOW!

at the point of doing the challenge I had most of the weapons fully upgraded but that didn't stop me from having a proper challenge

How do you guys get such clean screenshots?

Google images.

The only thing UYA had over GC was the story everything else was worse.
Except for the sewer crystal map which was ten times better than the fucking ice crystal map in GC fuck that shit and whoever put it in the game.

Literally just use the sheepinator, it totally breaks it.

Why were the early games filled with hot robots? Why were none of the characters in the future series hot?

Why is there so little porn of them?

Fuck yeah

R&C always had the most generic Humor.

Its like you told a kid to make space shit up.

Anyone can do it.

Watch out Ratchet the Gronkians are attacking the planet of the peaceful Mepuni people.
Thy want to steal there Blanurian crystals to awaken the Blornob Beast that is all powerful.
Unless you shoot it a lot whit guns.

>Courtney Gears' music video was in English so at the time I had no idea why Ratchet found out she was evil and shit

If that was meant to prove your point then I would suggest that you are not as funny as you think you are.