>100000 films with white people replacing niggers and asians
>white people: lol wathever
>1 videogame replacing white people with niggers
>white people: UNACCEPTABLE
>100000 films with white people replacing niggers and asians
>white people: lol wathever
>1 videogame replacing white people with niggers
>white people: UNACCEPTABLE
Other urls found in this thread:
List 5 kino, 3 films and 2 flicks that do this
If by white people you mean retards on Sup Forums, yes.
Most everybody else on the internet does not care. It's just that this place has been infected by Sup Forumstards and any character that's not a white dude triggers them.
>Sup Forumstards
welcome to Sup Forums
most people dont get sucked into black or white identity politics. just a small but vocal minority.
I'd expect to see blacks fighting in Africa, taking part in Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck's exploits.
Instead they're in Sinai and europe??
it just seems a bit odd.
>people bitching about race
>when this game plays like battlefront
you guys are all fags
The difference being that DICE has a social agenda behind their decisions.
Whitewashing in movies and shit is execs saying "It wouldn't sell if we didn't have a white guy like Tom Cruise as the lead character."
At least greed is honest.
Theyre just mad that real history not white history is being followed now
but the game doesn't take place in africa where the vast majority of black soldiers were fighting.
>set in ww1
>game supposedly historically accurate
>black soldiers
>Dumb niggers think Egypt is black
>Complain when Egyptians are played by white/mediterranean-looking people
>"Muh whitewashing, we wuz kangz. KANGZ! ;__;"
People complaining about how they can't identify with a character because he's black are also the same type of people who would play as a big titty anime girl in games if they could
>it just seems a bit odd.
I can't wait for the next WW2 Battlefield where Chinese soldiers storm the Reichstag
>implying whitewashing and media praise/backlash isn't part of the marketing
ok battlefield 1 being "historically acurate" is the biggest lie since the holocaust was real
that's because they're trannies
There's so many other things to be disappointed by in this game the shade of skin has become and afterthought to me
>Bolt Actions are essentially useless, only one consistently one shots
>Combat is a bore if you're not in a vehicle, and you'll die 9/10 out of 10 by some guy that walked all the way around on his own to shoot you all in the back
>vehicles are ridiculously overpowered
>guys hip firing machine guns accurately in 1916 or whenever this is taking place
>People don't use of their fucking gadgets, feels more lone wolf then any other battlefield.
Games fucking shite in the condition it's in, IMO. It's more a steampunk fantasy game then a WW1 game,
85% of the people who died fighting for our freedom in ww1 and 2 were black though, most whites were too scared or ran away from the draft
>game supposedly historically accurate
citation needed
>i like making up statistics to validate my love of getting cucked by BBC
do you have a single fact to back that up
It's because people on Sup Forums are autists, even more so compared to other boards. I've seen people take the weakest bait on this board, and it's embarassing.
It's not lol whatever, it's wrong in both cases. Didn't anyone tell you two wrongs don't make a right?
Does this mean that GTA: San Andreas and 1/3 of GTA V are sjw games
Bait like this
The Nazis of course will still be white, but it'll be the rainbow coalition for the Allies.
>Didn't anyone tell you two wrongs don't make a right?
>positive X positive = positive
>negative X negative = positive
>implying life and morality is as simple as a basic math expression
God this board is full of retards.
>only nazis will stay white because it'd be racist to do otherwise
This is what you get from a generation full of pearl harbor apologists
>fighting for freedom
US only joined late in the war. Euros were only fighting for which God-appointed monarch had the prettiest dress. Ideology in Europe didn't develop until after the Kaiser, Tsar and other "holy" rulers were ousted.
>implying mathematical negative is the same as moral "wrong"
Congratulations, you're stupid at language and philosophy.
Everybody is racist, and wants to promote their own race.
he just learned that in the first week of his 5th grade math class, back the fuck off & leave him alone, NOW
no, because the characters are black for artistic purposes, not for the sake of equality.
It's clearly addition, numb nuts. You can't multiply a Pearl Harbor by a Hiroshima.
nigga shoosh.
i made this picture
>math is a universal language
>not the base for morality, or everything we do
Sucks to be dumb user.
Holy shit that list.
>The source material said the character was half Mexican but the actor is white
>That entire paragraph on hungers games, we wuz katniss and shit
>Random low budget Japanese adaptions
I could go on, but Jesus Christ. The best line is before the list even begins: when the opposition happens it is known as non-traditional casting.
>m-muh Sup Forumstard bogeyman, Sup Forumstard, /pooool/taaaard!
Really pathetic to be honest. If you think Brit squads should consist of 2 blacks, 2 Indians and 1 white, Especially in maps where historically there was little or no colonials (like the Sinai) then you're a fucking faggot.
Nobody cried when you played as a black in BF2 or 2142, or the black Sgt in BC2, since this was accurate. Having ethnics comprise most the the demographic for the Brits, and even as the Germans is laughable.
Anyways, the game is fucking garbage. Same problems and issues persist since fucking BF3, which was 3 games ago. Unlocks are boring, just clones of guns with arbitrary stat changes. Only fun I had was using the field guns to shell people, and using the gas grenades as support to create a cloud of death around flags and making smoke screens to move about. Plus, it gives you loadsa points. Teammates are still fucking idiots, and the game does nothing to promote any sort of teamwork. Map fucking sucks, flags are too clustered. 5/10, might pickup when the season pass is out and it goes on sale for pennies.
>vehicles are ridiculously overpowered
vehicles are no more difficult to kill with 1-2 people than they were in bad company 2. and the map makes it harder than normal anyways because its very wide open. the more urban/cluttered maps are going to make blowing up vehicles the easiest thing in the world.
it's pretty good
If you base your reality on mathematical systems you're either highly autistic, or simply do not interact with the human race. And even still, you can't "multiply" events, they're simply occurring on a time line, in a cause and effect pattern. Apply yourself, you autist.
actually taking that obvious bait
Extremely dubious sources, especially when you consider some of them are literally people who perceive a character as being a certain race over another personally rather than source material supporting them.
Not true. The only way you're destroying vehicles in BF1 is with dynamite or 6 seperate scouts focusing all their k bullets on one tank. In which case they just throw it in reverse and hide while they heal back up to full health
It baffles that some people are so inept, that they think a fucking video game decides history. Not first hand accounts, not pictures and records of the era, but a video game with a nigger on the front cover? Fuck right off.
Really makes you think
Even white people complain about white-washing.
Look how many people get their panties in a twist with the new Ghost in the Shell movie coming out, with like a 90% white cast. No one's particularly happy about it.
The difference it seems, is that Battlefield 1 is depicting an actual historical event, and doing so in a strange way. Some of the more blatant Sup Forums users will cry that it was a white war, because they're idiots. It was a World War, with many nations the world over taking part, but the major factions were European.
It's not wrong to be upset seeing the western front portrayed in an inaccurate way, many people have familial ties to the war. It means a lot to people.
It's one thing to white-wash/black-wash/whatever-wash a fictional story, it's lazy. But to change around the people in a non-fictional setting? That's going to anger anyone, regardless of the races being changed.
>i was merely pretending to be retarded on the internet!
>it's another episode of "race doesn't exist" and "we're all intellectually equal"
>men who fought and died in war mean as much as some people in films
Modern sjws everyone
I can't even remember who's actually white in the actual Ghost in the Shell series.
Call of Duty 2 was a WW2 very historically accurate and a good game.
This is just a supposedly WW1 shit game with HUGE historic discrepancy
What's wrong with that? Do we really want another middle aged white dude like every year? Unless every other line out these niggas mouths are about how it's hard to be black and the white man is keeping them down there is nothing wrong with this
liberals are so stupid, they actually fight for NPC rights.
They look at the character on the screen and wonder how oppressed it is.
Why the fuck did everyone get excited for this. It's 100% trash. Not even because of the niggers. I mean that is a problem, but:
>Automatic guns are fucking everywhere
>The only bolt actions are the fucking scout class
>Bombers are fucking pathetic
>The entire British army was Kangs and shit apparently
>Vehicles can be repaired from the inside
Most of people just seem to be pissed off at the supposed intention of EA and DICE than historical inaccuracies.
If there was some WW2 game that had a campaign in the perspective of an ethnic minority attachment (Asian-Americans, Maoris) and multiplayer reflected that I don't anybody here will get angry. People are just pissed off thinking they are pandering to the SJW audience for doing this.
>game claims to be about WW1
>automatic weapons everywhere
>niggers everywhere
>france and russia mia
if i gave a shit about the game i'd be upset too
>Swedish-American actor playing a Chinese-American character
cmon man that's not fair
everyone knows abo's aren't people
The average people are informed of history by media, that's the world we live in.
Will this game shape the public consciousness of WWI all on its own? Of course not, but there will be people who "gleam" information from this game and take it as fact.
The American perception of WWII for example, is based almost entirely on films and movies.
Have you ever had conversations with people about history? Average people, not people already interested in the subject? Most will be hard-pressed to even tell you when WWI started or ended. America doesn't have an armistice day, schools only briefly touch on the war, and you will have Americans who think Nazi's were the belligerents of both World Wars.
>It baffles that some people are so inept, that they think a fucking video game decides history. Not first hand accounts, not pictures and records of the era, but a video game with a nigger on the front cover?
You're underestimating how retarded the masses are.
There's honest to god a scary amount of people that think Inglorious Basterds is actually how the war went down and why it ended.
Most people get their history from mass media, from TV and movies, not through academic sources or doing a lick of research.
So yeah, first hand accounts, pictures and records mean absolutely dick if no one reads them, and everyone just turns on whatever popular tv is on and go "That's how it must have been. You can't lie on TV."
The time limit being removed from nuConquest today really made it a lot more fun for me, anyone else? The train is more useful, the weather has a bigger impact, and that last minute desperation when you're behind just feels so much better.
>Automatic guns are fucking everywhere
>The only bolt actions are the fucking scout class
>Bombers are fucking pathetic
>The entire British army was Kangs and shit apparently
>Vehicles can be repaired from the inside
Yeah, it's shitty, but nothing gets people more combative than identity politics.
No one cares if the game is good or not, only if it appeals to their biases. It's how a lot of things are.
>Multiplayer maps are to be based on locations around the world, including Arabia, the Western Front, and the Alps
>polfags are surprised to see colonial troops in colonial lands
just saying. it's not like blacks didn't fight in ww1. and it's not like there were just a few thousand either.
>While overseas the 369th Regiment made up less than 1% of the soldiers deployed, but were responsible for over 20% of the territory of all the land assigned to the United States.
>By the time of the armistice with Germany on November 11, 1918, over 350,000 African Americans had served with the American Expeditionary Force on the Western Front.
and that's only the americans on the western front. sure, that's not much when compared to the whole, but still.
and again, it's not like dice didn't already say that they wanted to focus on the less known parts of ww1.
complete retard
will you sperg out as much when they make a ww2 game focusing on japan invading the chinese and the rest of asia?
films with white people replacing niggers and asians
>Sup Forums babies: lol good
>1 videogame replacing white people with niggers
>Sup Forums babies: FUCKING OUTRAGEOUS
>SJWs: lol good
Yes I'd expect to see Europeans and Arabians in Arabia. Even Indians at a push, even north africans.
But to have two different black models for the british seems a bit silly
One of them's meant to be australian but doesn't even look like an abo.
So, am I alone in being cool with more obscure weapons being in the game?
I love seeing the lesser-shown weapons of the conflicts, perhaps because I find military arms history interesting.
I will admit that I am upset bolt-action, the bread and butter service weapons of the war, are relegated to scout class only, but I'm liking the weapons that I'm seeing.
Russian contract Winchester 1895? Mannlicher M1895? Awesome guns to see, I've even heard the Martini-Henry is in this game.
If that weapons list is in any way accurate, we'll be seeing Steyr-Hahn pistols, webley revolvers, all sorts of cool shit.
woah..... its almost like........ two wrongs don't make a right.....
Well yeah I got the same feeling from it as well, no trenches, no cold, sweat, blood and tears, flamethrowers and the like are treated as common weapons even though common weapons in WW1 were only the bolt action rifle. Vehicles, tanks and planes everywhere even though they were rare in WW1.
Battlefield 1 is not a WW1 but a fantasy game essentially
Can we at least pick the race of our characters and not get forced into being black
Yet asian countries can get away with making every character Asian. Like how Attack on Titan Mikasa is supposed to be the last asian in the world but in the movie every character is a nip.
Speaking of that Gits example you just used...you know who's upset about it? White people. There's been many on the street interviews in Japan wither by foreigners touching on the news, or their own media doing a story on it and you know what? The average Japanese citizen doesn't give a single fuck. Some even said SJ is a good choice. I myself don't agree with the decision but fuck it. I'm so goddamn sick of people who get mad at stuff that doesn't effect them on any level.
Lmao niggers weren't even allowed to fight for the US army until WWII.