Have you guys seen this shit

Have you guys seen this shit.
Our guy fucking rips this game apart without a single pause in breath holy shit!

Other urls found in this thread:


>Our guy
Sod off.
>without a single pause in breath
It's called Zero Punctuation for a reason.

It honestly impresses me that Yahtzee is still at it and every year I will be reminded of his existence, watch his newest video, see he's as witty and amusing as ever, and then move on with my life.

Dude has been consistently performing for like, what, a decade? Over a decade? Fuck, man, I still remember when he triggered the fuck out of the Smash Bros fags with the Smash Bros motherfucking Brawl review.

One of these days I'll have to marathon all the episodes.

How many more times are you going to make this thread? Nobody gave a shit last time, nobody gives a shit this time.

His older videos were much funnier

He's got a bit worse over time, not sure if he's just as tired as he says he is, or if he's pandering to a lower demographic or something, but there's a slight noticeable decrease in quality over the years.

Truly a national disgrace.

he's a brit who moved to australia, idiot


>yahtzee is still a thing

>willingly moved to Australia
>complains about how videogames are hard to get/expensive in Australia multiple times

Will Halo fags ever recover?


Aren't all Australians?

You're probably right. But everything usually gets worse over time, and in fiarness, I don't think he's THAT much worse, just not as great as his New Vegas review for example. If his older videos were "good" then these are "alright".

He gets my respect for making valid criticisms that don't actually include the multiplayer fiasco


Is Elite Dangerous good?


Wow this isn't beating a dead horse or anything

>our guy
stop with that shit

besides that another retard who joins the anti hype wave for some clicks who cares

I dropped him after his cringey sjw-filled review of Black Ops 2 back in the day.
No surprise nu-Sup Forums rides his cock.

His reviews are pretty much at Family Guy levels of fill in the blank. Not sure why people think he's clever. It was a nice gimmick a long time ago but it's grown stale.

Right, I'm not saying he went down to total horse shit level, just that there's a bit of quality slip over the years, he's still quite good, just not quite as good as he used to be.

And why shouldn't he be able to complain about it?

Because he has no one to blame but himself for moving to such a shit country of his own free will.

Are you seriously that weak skinned and easily triggered?

So that invalidates every single piece of criticize you can have?

I willingly live in my country, shouldn't I be allowed to criticize it as well?

If I go to a restaurant and they serve me rotten food I'm not allowed to complain about it because I choose the restaurant?

For the "single breath thing", literally anybody can remove pauses with about 5 seconds of editing.

let's drown out and the other LPs he used to do with Gabe have ended
Yahtzee is dead to me

Sup Forums bigots are literally retarded, dont try to argue with them

>It's another, "Look at how smart and cynical I am because I hopped on the hate bandwagon."

Tortanic was a mistake.

Jesus Christ.

He's moved away now, splitting from his youtube buddy and making his channel uninteresting again.

To be fair. I'm fairly certain he doesn't edit his voice.

Do people really think he's funny/clever?

Yahtzee's always late on reviews. He gets them about a week after everyone else.
He lives in America now.

>Go to a restaurant known for it's terrible food
>oh wow wtf why is the food so bad
It's that he walked into it like an idiot. I wouldn't be saying any of this if he didn't do it on his own accord, if he moved for his job or something, then fine I understand, but if he's going to go there 100% out of free will and then be upset by the well known issues of the area, then he's kinda being a little bitch.

Stay on reddit, little bitch.

>hey come buy our game, you can walk around aimlessly on boring procedurally generated planets
>holy shit that looks amazing, preordering now
>wait a minute, there is nothing to do in this game but walk around aimlessly on boring procedurally generated planets, I was lied to, where's my refund!?

>that faggot still makes videos
It really is 2010

>yet another e-celeb thread

When did everything go so wrong?

You aren't very bright are you?

Because they had a bunch of fake pre-made planets that made the game look like it actually had variation. Then the game came out and every planet was exactly the same.
All I wanted to do was comb though space like my pompadour on the hunt for aliens, but instead all I got was lifeless rocks with tedious grinding just to go to the next solar system.

You don't really need to watch his shitty videos
If you do want to watch one watch this youtube.com/watch?v=n7VAhzPcZ-s

Just like how it would be in real life.

This is a pretty great bait and I'm a bit saddened no one fell for it.

I'll give you at least a small bit of the attention you deserve: Yahtzee was being a cynical cunt about games well before Tortanic

The later ones were nowhere near as good as the first few - the Future Wars playthrough era was proper comfy; the last videos were mostly them being really petty towards each other and the questions just got really dull and boring.

I'm sad its gone but the days where a new video was something amazing were long gone by that point. I think the downfall started near the start of their DS2 playthrough.

At least Gabe is still doing stuff even for a bit longer and him waffling is great because Aaron doesn't constantly tell him to shut up like Yahtzee did, and I'm sure Yahtzee will find somebody else like Gabe and some more videos (hopefully more LPs of dumb games rather than endless questions)

You're actually autistic. Fuck off back to plebbit.

>food comparison
>when talking about literally where you live

wow nice one

I mean, he's a professional writer, having written Jam (which was pretty good imo) and some other freeware stories.

Unlike other reviewers, which tend to be gamers/bloggers first and writers second, Yahtzee is a professional writer who has his own game critic show.

If he couldn't keep a consistent quality for a decade, he wouldn't be able to write. Honestly though, his style of humor makes it less funny the more you watch it. You stop liking it for its humor and you start liking it for the assholes he tears.

He started it.

>Sean Murray Defense Force ITT

Fuck off you literal shit-eaters

>brings Jam up as an example of his writing

M8 I agree with you but Mogworld is his best book, Jam is kinda meh.

that was way better than expected

also with the subtitles I can finally follow the tstuff he says

you gotta be a special kind of dumb to not understand what he's saying, and this is coming from a non-native speaker here.

Those are the same jokes in the same format as that long ago. zzzzz

How long until we hear about Sean Murray's eventual suicide?

Yeah, we'll hear about him drowning in his money bath any minute now

As someone who doesn't worry about money, it doesn't fill the void for long. He's going to kill himself soon bet on it.

let's say I could follow just 90% of it

Yahtzee is the kind of guy who gets pegged.

>It's called Zero Punctuation for a reason.
O shit