Pokemon GO became a worldwide phenomenon

>Pokemon GO became a worldwide phenomenon
>The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild it's the most anticipated game of 2017 and singlehanded utterly dominated E3 2016
>The MiniNES is something everyone wanted and no one was able to deliver (the OUYA being one of the most notorious offenders): a plug and play emulation box
>The NX is a powerful hybrid machine taking portable and home gaming into new directions

They really got their game together in the past two years. It's just a matter of time before they become the dominant power in vidya again.

Other urls found in this thread:


What good is money without the quality in titles to go along with it?

A corporations money means nothing to me, and you're the cancer killing gaming if it does to you.

>Pokemon GO became a worldwide phenomenon


>The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild it's the most anticipated game of 2017


>and singlehanded utterly dominated E3 2016

It was the most searched one, true.

>The MiniNES is something everyone wanted


>The NX is a powerful hybrid machine taking portable and home gaming into new directions


preorders are through the roof already

>f2p gay game with nostalgia and 9gag hookup becomes popular in mobile
>zelda wont even sell as skylink sword, nobody has wiiu nobody will buy nx
>nobody will pay 60$ to play nes games
>nx will fail hard

>>It was the most searched one, true
seems to me that a game that's talked about so much is a pretty anticipated game

the BotW trailer on Nintendo's channel has like 8 million views, the most of any videos they've ever uploaded

>nobody will pay 60$ to play nes games
Today, on a very special episode of Sup Forums, user learns that there are people who don't know about emulation.

The mini snes is something everyone wants. Nes is shit.

6/10 bait. You already know the flaws here so let's not rehash. You'll get plenty of serious replies from Nintoddlers but I don't see the point.

>most common emulator and pirate excuse is "the system don't exist officially anymore"
>a new official system is release
>they actually buy it
no user, you are the faggot.

I will get both. I think there will be a snes mini although it will be kinda hard for them to get all that square games license.

Why do you think people that dont give a fuck googling play nes games online will buy 60$ product of it?

Its literally super niche product

They already said that there's not going to be an SNES mini, don't get your hopes up.

It will probably depend on the sales of the mini NES. There's a square game on it now as well as other third party titles. I'm sure if it sells a few million it's going to be easier for Nintendo to sell a publisher on the mini SNES.

it plays on nostalgia for a clientele that is now at least in their thirties, has disposable income, maybe even have kids. They can get their nostalgia fix without heading deep down into emulator territory and introduce their children to their own childhood. it's easy, small, uncomplicated. It's not for the hardcore video games consumer, although they might get it just aswell because it's a fuckin mini-nes

You're not thinking casual enough. This is targeting people who don't even realize that a free NES library is essentially a Google search away.

You'd be surprised how Internet-illiterate some people are, and it doesn't necessarily have anything to do with general technological literacy. I've got a friend who's a top performer at his tech support job, deep into gaming in general and finding ways to break systems, and he still insists on typing full questions into Google because he doesn't think it's worth it to "learn a whole new language" to get better results.

>This is targeting people who don't even realize that a free NES library is essentially a Google search away.
Why would sane people google illegal content? Let's face it, you are the normie there.

The problem with you Nintendo fanboys summed up in one post. There is not ONE released Wii U or 3DS game listed in your post yet you still think they “got their game together”.

Then you are thinking like retard. those people wont buy fucking nes games and a box in 2016. Why buy mario instead you can buy new fifa madden cod etc ?
You think they give fuck about nintendo games

>Why would sane people google illegal content?
>Nobody on Sup Forums found and downloaded an emulator from a Google search.

But they do though, in the business sense. Brand awareness is also really good.

Repackaging and reselling old games is literally one of Nintendo's cornerstones. It's proven over the course of the last two console gens that people will buy the same retro games again and again for convenience's sake. I'm not saying it's not exploitative, but it's a proven seller.

Remember when Nintendo fans used to brag about how great their games were? Now they're bragging about shit like tweet numbers, patent rumors and a box full of roms.

Kinda sad that as well as the company dropping so far in standards, even the fans are.

nintendo has been dead for near enough 10 years now. just move on.

>b-but it has bayo and wonderful 101 you s-tupid sonyer!!!
yeah those quality nintendo games made by nintendo.

IF buttpain was an energy source China would have already kidnapped you

but i'm not mad.

>The MiniNES is something everyone wanted and no one was able to deliver (the OUYA being one of the most notorious offenders): a plug and play emulation box
In other words it's okay to scam idiots as long it's Nintendo
>The NX is a powerful hybrid machine taking portable and home gaming into new directions
Wasn't the wiiu like that as well? And we all know how that went

You seemed pretty damn mad
>nintendo has been dead for near enough 10 years now
Is the kind of thing you expect to be posted with a crying wojack face.

"It's too expensive because I can steal it" isn't an argument.

no good nintendo games for 10 years user. it's been too long for me to be mad.

i'm over it

>I'm too retarded to know what's emulation so I pay money for roms


Nintendo is a joke. Smartphones took over their casual market and they shat all over the old fans

But that's an incredibly retarded statement and you know it, user.

Why are you pretending to not be mad when it's amply clear you are livid right now?

why are you implying implications while i'm just talking on Sup Forums on one monitor, playing a dumb pokemon mmo on another and watching votoms on the third
you some sort of nintenbaby in denial m8?

I'm one of those old fan, having got all their console on release since the SNES and i haven't seen it. Are you sure you are talkign about living, breathing fans instead of figments of your deluded mind?

How much did Nintendo pay you to post this stuff?

Why are you so mad, still? Why do you insist on responding on a thread that apparently anguish your anus so? Do you really think that people are swayed by your delusions ?

>The MiniNES is [...] a plug and play emulation box
>Being this retarded.

>The MiniNES is something everyone wanted
Isn't it just a box with 30 or so games packaged in, with no plans to add more games in future?

Nothing, but they promised me that they would bring back rare amiibos to my area.

BotW looks good but if you seriously liked Pokemon Go you're fucking cancer.

Not sure how people still like Nintendo after Amiibos. Any other company would be slayed for that garbage

>game that has nothing to do with nintendo
>boring open world #5142 : Zelda edition
>mini console with limited amount of games
>literally 0 information console
>DMCAs on several fan projects because why not

truly the best game company.

millennial detected

Only one of those things is an interesting video game. And both their current platforms have fucking shit all for first party video games in the next year outside of Zelda.

They can make all the many they want but that won't magically make me want Federation Force or a Pikmin side scroller.

Activision got away with it with Skylanders bullshit, casuals and children fucking love collecting Happy Meal toys.

Fad that died already
Practically a meme to say at this point, not true whatsoever.
Will be another quick fad at best
No one even knows enough about NX

People said WiiU was going to dominate as well, this time its no different.

skylanders is a good idea tho, just overpriced in parents view.
But its a kids game and as a kid having a toy that you can use IN GAME, nigger my 10 year old self would be all over that shit.

Maybe if the other released a worthwhile game Nintendo would have concurrence for the title, but they don't so they'll keep being the best for the foreseeable future.

Maybe Sony should start releasing games instead of new consoles with none.

You forgot

>raping or forgetting classic IPs because they don't know what the fuck to do with them

>Why buy mario instead you can buy new fifa madden cod etc ?
For their young kids/nephews/nieces
So they'll have games that toughen themup a bit instead of holding their hand the whole way through

>Maybe Sony should start releasing games instead of new consoles with none.
>says this when this year the ps4 has been getting mostly better games than the wiiu
>yfw a fucking demo is better than most Nintendo releases this year

> ‘This Will Be The End Of Nintendo,’ Says Increasingly Nervous user For Seventh Time This Year

Kek. Keep them coming boys.

>says this when this year the ps4 has been getting mostly better games than the wiiu

Such as

You know kids dont play nintenshit anymore right? They play whats flavor of month mobile games for free their moms buy transactions for them 1$ a little bigger ones jumps into lol,gta,fifa

Nintendocucks thinks we live in 1995



Weird, i know a lot of kids who do play Nintendo games ( the other half playing CoD on PS4)

I didn't ask you a wikipedia list, i asked you wich game those were. Post em here. Are you afraid?

KoF, Miku and Nioh(assuming the demo and the full game don't look too much different)

>The NX is a powerful hybrid machine taking portable and home gaming into new directions
Where can I preorder this?

So, an unreleased game, a fighter and a weebshit game.

I guess Sonygger is de rigueur here.

Is better than a plethora of mediocre games and a weebshit jrpg the wiiu got this year

#FE is better than those easily, but i'll agree to disagree. Now, do the same exercise with last year, just for fun.

>Nintendo really got their game together in the past two years

this is the saddest thread on Sup Forums right now. probably will be the worst all day.

Yeah, always sad when tards like you show up. I miss 2006.

>#FE is better than those easily

My the thirst for games is real

I miss it too. Delusional faggots weren't this numerous then.

Sure reeks of Cody in here.

More like they lost their minds and are going on pure inertia. Have you seen what they did with the DMCA's, their online always lagging behind, amiibo, censorship, and overall not giving a damn about fan feedback as seen with Fed Force?


>mfw i read through that and even if its fake i need to know what the NX actually is more than ever

They did acknowledge the fan feedback. Of course they can't fucking cancel it last minute, all they could do is release it. It was too late at that point

reminder to believe 4ch leaks

Oh boy a subtle shitpost thread

>Pokemon GO became a worldwide phenomenon

Yes but now it's pretty much dead after a month

>The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild it's the most anticipated game of 2017 and singlehanded utterly dominated E3 2016

Yes but it was also the game that was shown the most unlike other e3 games

>The MiniNES is something everyone wanted and no one was able to deliver (the OUYA being one of the most notorious offenders): a plug and play emulation box

People are stupid ok

>The NX is a powerful hybrid machine taking portable and home gaming into new directions

Is the NX already revealed?

Are you autistic?

When someone says a console has no games, they mean games worth purchasing. Or are you telling me you buy a console for the multiplats?

You can do your part and leave. Reddit, or maybe Neogaf would suit you more

>Pokemon Go
Didn't this hurt their stock because it's not Nintendo?

Not him but I buy the platform with the games I want to buy, multiplats or not.

>What good is money
Money is literally the only reason video games exist regardless of quality.

>Pokemon GO became a worldwide phenomenon
They had nothing to with that game.
>The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild it's the most anticipated game of 2017 and singlehanded utterly dominated E3 2016
Opinions. Also, since it was their only fucking game, that's still a shitty showing.
>The MiniNES is something everyone wanted and no one was able to deliver (the OUYA being one of the most notorious offenders): a plug and play emulation box
It's a piece of shit with preinstalled games on it. I haven't heard anyone praise it, let alone claiming it's "what everyone wanted".
>The NX is a powerful hybrid machine taking portable and home gaming into new directions
We don't know that it's powerful. We also don't know if the design is good, will take off or innovates in any meaningful way.
They are doing almost nothing right anymore and I haven't seen any sign that it's turning around anytime soon.

Care to elaborate? Why exactly isn't it a great game?

>Money is literally the only reason video games exist
you are wrong though. students making vidya for free was always a thing as soon as PC became a thing.

so let's get that clear :
- someone say a game is good
- your only argument is saying "you just don't have games"
At some point in your adult life you need to reevaluate your argumentation tactics. This isn't facebook or your school yard anymore.

Pokemon Go became a world wide meme that fell flat on its face for having an incompetent developer

Try again

>this is ps4 at it's prime
>the wii u at its prime was 2014

compare and contrast and the consumer who won is pretty obvious

You aren't any better. You called nioh, kof XIV and project diva garbage without presenting any argument besides buzzword.

What's the cyber punk game referring to? What game was like snatcher?

>Yes but it was also the game that was shown the most unlike other e3 games

it was shown just as much as any other game, it got so much attention because most journalists were genuinely excited about it
