Tfw the end is near

>tfw the end is near

Other urls found in this thread:

Hiro is a KNOWN LIAR. Come on, user.


SOON. I'M about to cum

Well it was fun I guess


Good. I'm out soon anyway.

>falling for chinamoot's bullshit

Good, user. Please donate and turn off your adblock.

>it'll die soon


I don't want off this ride.

>Sup Forums dies
>every other message board gets infested with the remnants

Be honest; if Sup Forums actually did die properly in the next few years, where would you go?


wouldn't it just immediately be bought out ?

Moots face when he see's what Jap Moot has done to his site

It's not actually dying, because he has multiple buy offers (including one from Notch of all people) but refuses to sell, indicating he's just trying to scare up free money.


>soon this shithole will no longer exist

I don't know, and I'm afraid.


What's your next stage of hell when Sup Forums is kill?


Thank god this shit will finally fucking end

This board has become Tumblr 2.0 anyways, I can't wait till this shithole dies so a new chan can be built on its ashes.


I want it to be true just so I can be free of you horrible fucks

>tfw no time for this place now that I finally have a job
I'll always have the memories.

I'd lurk 5 chans at once until the refugee move dies down and settle in the most active one.

He's trying to milk more cash

>tfw came here only last year around this time
It feels like I've been here longer and I love you all so much

Probably 8gag.

Probably reddit, unless one of the other *chan knockoffs starts to get good.


That is a good thing though

A place where loli is allowed.

>m00t is a mentally retarded faggot who started this website from his mom's basement at age 15
>managed to run the website financially and keep it afloat

>this retarded nip buys the website and brags about his expertise of owning 2chan
>manages to run the website into the ground within a year

>wanting Notch to own Sup Forums

You're beyond fucking stupid

You can all join me at Reddit


I love you user
*unzips your pants*

Weird, since moot said Sup Forums was self-sustaining.

Almost like he's lying to try and scare all of you into lining his pockets.

It's true that most of us would search out to find a suitable replacement. But there is so many Xchans out there we would be spread too thin. Some of us would find one and stay, sure. But I feel like a majority wouldn't be used to how slow some of the sites are and would just abandon it all altogether.

Sup Forums is Sup Forums and truly there is no replacing it

>moot will never have a glorious return and save us from this scheming gook

I'll finally be free.

I've started to go to reddit for specific gaming subs.

You should all do it too, it's the only way to discuss particular games anymore.

Revenge for Hiroshima I guess

if it goes down, i'll wait for the next owner to pick it up
i've been here since '03
the replacements do not work

is 2ch okay?

Good, fuck em.

thank fucking god

I already browse both Sup Forums and reddit, if Sup Forums goes down I guess I'll stick with reddit.

Isn't that

please dont, i have nowhere else to go

more loli boats pls

>Multi-millionaires offer to buy the site
>Hiro deters them
>Now he can't afford to run the site
This is seriously looking like some /x/ class shenanigans.

>laugh at refugees
>literally will be online refugees in the coming days

you reap what you sow i guess

its the WCW of forums

poorly run and generally hated

its probably for the best.

it's the election's fault

W-what are you planning to do user?

Shit site.

post yfw Sup Forums is kill

reddit and start visiting forums again
maybe check out if, after a fewmonths, there is a Sup Forums alternative


I would rather that Notch or Martin Shkreli were kept as far away from Sup Forums as possible.

I miss moot

wcw was bigger than wwe at one point

Youre part of the problem

>mfw I'm not even phased by him saying that

I'm just gonna keep browsing the site as usual.

Except that there are plenty of times in the past where Sup Forums crashed, went down, barely functioned, went at a snail's pace and was almost gone for good, but now it's bigger than ever and so are the costs.
You are just too much of a new fag to know this.

He's our guy. I didn't save the various tweets he sent a couple weeks back but he'd be perfect for 4chin. He'd be here to fund us, and probably shitpost on Sup Forums, but he'd leave us to our own devices.

You mean, the spell will finally be broken? YES! Finally!

8ch. Board owner there is a bro and there's far less shitposting and leftycucks.


and then was promptly pissed away

>Japanese Moot's just lying/fear mongering for money
>Sup Forums's actually is dying
>Either Notch, Milo Yiannopoulos, or Martin Shrekelli buys it
We really are stuck here forever

hiro is trying to shake us down for money, he's done it to other sites

lol ok whatever

I hate to say this, but I'd really miss Fortune. I've taken extended breaks before, but I always come back. I'd miss you faggots, I'd miss the arguments over dumb shit, I'd miss the off-topic stuff, the fact that off-topic is usually intelligent discussion while on-topic is bickering bullshit.

I'll especially miss Sup Forums and /k/. /x/ is even more shitty than it use to be, and Sup Forums is too predictable to be dumb fun anymore.


Moot died for this. Thanks Hiroyuki.


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>File: v.png (35 KB, 675x827)
> Anonymous 10/27/16(Thu)20:32:31 No.356107357▶
>come the fuck on mods, this is just sad.
>do your fucking jobs
> Anonymous 10/27/16(Thu)20:36:10 No.356107671▶
>Why is it whenever anything changes the shitposters flip out?
>>Baww I have to scroll down 10cm for my vidya now! Sup Forums sold out!
> Anonymous 10/27/16(Thu)20:36:28 No.356107695▶
> (OP) (OP)
>That's right mods, don't let actual porn replace my waifu hentai threads, I don't want to masturbate to real women
> Anonymous 10/27/16(Thu)20:38:14 No.356107857▶
>spotted the nu-male cucks
> Anonymous 10/27/16(Thu)20:38:14 No.356107859▶
>Yeah what the fuck is up with that?
> Anonymous 10/27/16(Thu)20:40:16 No.356107996▶
>>OP crying when he sees people posting threads he doesn't like
>Yeah sounds like Sup Forums to me.
> Anonymous 10 hurrrr
>I don't want impotent Sup Forums fag threads on a fucking vidya board. It just validates the idea that they have a place here to act like splergs instead of their containment board.
> Anonymous 10/27/16(Thu)20:46:21 No.356108415▶
>File: 14673349325.
>lmao spotted the cuckling nucuck aka cucklet

not an argument.

only because they let the inmates run the asylum

and that's why you don't do that

be bored enough to get kids and be stuck with a house mortgage

I would browse around on backupChan and the others, but we all know everyone would just kinda either fuck off to Reddit, Facebook, or real life.

Which is unfortunate, because as much as I HATE EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU FAGGOTS I don't think I'm ready for you all to leave me yet. And I know I'd hate everyone else far more.

>Tumblr 2.0

Wrong site

Why did moot hire this dumb fuck again



reddit lol

if Sup Forums dies, i guess ill get a job



I didn't say I wanted him as the new owner, but he's probably the better out of the two prospective buyers I know.

He's a lazy shit with infinite money. He'll just keep it in permanent stasis forever (aka when he dies or runs out of money). It's better than Shekeli who will try and ruin it all as a joke, or Hiro who's either completely incompetent (unlikely) or trying to scam us all (very likely).



Oh man I sincerely hope Sup Forums just dies and never comes back

>fat neckbeard that sits around in his house all day being worthless
He fits the description of Sup Forums users to a T. What would be the worst he can do?

Meh, if Sup Forums dies I'll just shit up tumblr. anyone wanna join me?

I won't miss Sup Forums

I'll miss Sup Forums and /m/, it's where it all started for me back in 04. I can't imagine not browsing those boards. I need my manga and mecha