if Sup Forums dies, i guess ill get a job
Tfw the end is near
I didn't say I wanted him as the new owner, but he's probably the better out of the two prospective buyers I know.
He's a lazy shit with infinite money. He'll just keep it in permanent stasis forever (aka when he dies or runs out of money). It's better than Shekeli who will try and ruin it all as a joke, or Hiro who's either completely incompetent (unlikely) or trying to scam us all (very likely).
Oh man I sincerely hope Sup Forums just dies and never comes back
>fat neckbeard that sits around in his house all day being worthless
He fits the description of Sup Forums users to a T. What would be the worst he can do?
Meh, if Sup Forums dies I'll just shit up tumblr. anyone wanna join me?
I won't miss Sup Forums
I'll miss Sup Forums and /m/, it's where it all started for me back in 04. I can't imagine not browsing those boards. I need my manga and mecha