
>its a try again to push this incorrect and discreddited theory episode

>Industry is now arguably the largest entertainment industry on the planet
>Everything being made about it is still from the 'outside looking in' perspective, rather than tolerating the idea that normal humans may occasionally play vidya
I don't get this.

Western media is retarded normie central

This has been going on for decade. People keep researching this over and over again and time after time it keeps coming up with the same result. Video games don't make you more violent.

My question is, why do they keep trying this? What are they hoping to get outta this? Have they got a chip on their shoulder or what?

I'm down for watching a live stream with Sup Forums.

These people are going to lose their fucking minds when they find out that VR shooters exist.
Because every other entertainment industry feels threatened by this upstart that's absolutely exploded in popularity since 2000.

I don't get this. Video games in their current form are just the collision of fiction and games. I really don't get how they would do disasterous things to the psyche that playing a football match or watching an action movie wouldn't. If anything, the suspension of disbelief is usually much lower in games than other media because at all times, you're sitting there with a controller or mouse and keyboard trying to achieve some kind of artificial objective or goal.

Games keep changing so only an idiot would keep their opinions unchanged.

It was ridiculous back in the MK II days but now I think violent video games do affect some people. Not all people, mostly just dumbasses, but those are in the majority.

They don't make you more violent, but it has been proven that they desensitize you to violence, which is not necessarily a bad thing, but it's not necessarily a good thing either.

If the report says anything other than this I'll be shocked.

>tfw I used to work for Science Channel

They're such shitheads.

I think it can warp the minds of those who are already mentally ill, but not the healthy. I also think video games can hook people with addictive personalities, but not those without and it's a matter of personal responsibility either way.

In what way?

Some studies have shown that videaogames actually help children be more imaginative, and of course, there's always the hand-eye coordination benefit

I don't think videogames by themselves alone can make someone violent.

Pretty much this


I don't know user. Show someone a picture of a game they don't like, next thing you know they're shooting up preschools.

They are insane. There is no other explanation. And that is true. You have to be insane in order to think that people that play videogames cannot distinguish between reality and a game they are playing. Even preschool children can tell between the two. If anything these "Researches" should be treated with mockery and ridicule by the general public because they're trying to say that grown up people for some obscure reason cannot differentiate between fantasy and reality and attempt to police their avenues of entertainment based on that.

not this shit again

Is the sci channel a good learning channel like history and discovery use to be?

>Are violent video games the inspiration for violent behavior? Are they an outlet for aggressive tendencies?
Is anyone ever gonna realize that it has nothing to do with violent content but the act of competition that makes people aggressive?

>Even preschool children can tell between the two.

No they can't you fucking idiot.
Some part of them think that what's happening on the television is real.

And when people like you like to pretend that media does not affect people I'm honestly reminded that the conversation about these things are being steered by stupid people and scumbags who want to keep selling their trash.

Any sort of fiction is terrible if the person experiencing it hasn't experienced a real-life equivalent first and/or believes the piece of fiction to be representative of real life. There are more of those people today than before. Most of them don't play video games.

>Because every other entertainment industry feels threatened by this upstart that's absolutely exploded in popularity since 2000.
This, they're scared.
>Movies and TV viewership steadily declining year after year
>Videogames meanwhile exploding into a multi billion dollar industry

>most of the retarded companies and channels won't get on the stream train and will die off
God I can't wait. Netflix and Hulu are going to murder all other forms of television in a few years.

I'm just bothered by all these other streaming services popping up and exclusivising content that could just go on Netflix and Hulu. Monopolies ain't great, but it's a better system than that shit. Fuck exclusivity.

i played ultra gory games all my life and i still cant bring myself to look at a gore thread on Sup Forums

Even fucking grandmas play video games at this point. Who fucking cares about this shit


I can sit through MK fatalities but seeing an actual head ripped open makes me want to vomit and will probably ruin the rest of my day.

its starting to fo down, theres this new show called how to build everything. its total crap, just abunch d list celebs cracking jokes and talking about technology.

I can't even stand the sight of blood in real life but can stand any amount of blood and gore in games

That can be said about any form of medium basically.

I agree, but it is hard for a streaming service to make itself stand out. All this means is I get to go 'gee, that show I'm never going to watch looks neat'.

>Are violent video games the inspiration for violent behavior?

I think they're onto something. I've been playing Zone of the Enders and now I have an uncontrollable need to jump in a giant robot and cut up other robots.

I have been playing Pokemon Alpha Saphire and I really really want to catch pocket monsters in real life.