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Video Games #3562
Video Games
If you had to give up either video games or porn for the rest of your life, which would you give up?
Hurr durr let's just make a support character that does 80 damage shots...
FF1: A group of adventurers restore the power of four elemental orbs which calms and heals a once chaotic and dying...
Why can't they get feet right? Xtreme 3 is all about a female's sexy body, and it's modelled nicely except for the feet...
I play games that have less than 80/100 on Metacritic
Do you actually enjoy games nowadays? or you just play them because you have nothing better to do?
Voting for the other team's cards
Question how do you guys feel on someone buy a game and someone else having a Cracked verison?
Wait, who the fuck is Pauline?
You have 10 seconds to name a game that nobody on Sup Forums dislikes
What are some games with fun archery mechanics?
Leetle raaf, don't you theenk?
Why did Capcom gave Chun Li and Ryu costumes that make them look like theyre having a mid life crisis?
What ever happened to Sup Forumsideogame trolling? post the best stuff, shits fucking hilarious
Single player Diablo 2 shit poster here
Re-release your second most recent game
It's a you survive with 1hp episode
You will never be PandaLee
What was his fucking problem?
How long is this stupid game? I already invested 40 hours and it feels like it's going nowhere...
What are some games where the fanbase and anti-fanbase are both so autistic...
What is she trying to say here?
Literally our guy
The engine breaks if the game goes past 60 fps
I bought stalker soc today and played for a few hours and i gotta say im fucked from how substantial the firefights are...
Would a PS4/Xbone be able to run it? I've yet to see a game as good-looking on those systems
What one technique from a game would you want to learn in real life?
Annyone else in this board loves this game?
What's his name, Sup Forums?
That kid who did a school project about video games
"Enclave here, why is your Fallout Thread not working?"
What is the best piece and why is it J
The new gen 7 pokemon are terrible! Back when gen 1 was released...
ITT: Late 90's and early 00's Sup Forums
Analog Sticks
Final Fantasy XV Omen Trailer
My Summer Car
Remember that time when Liu Kang was a zombie?
How do we fix the videogame industry, Sup Forums?
There will never be a DMC5
20 years later
What is the Mad Max: Fury Road of games?
Can we agree that modded skyrim is God tier?
Is this going to be the 2016 GOTY?
I'm am hungry I want some ______
Why do people still play MMOs? They all suck
Can't decide how I want to create my character
What makes a game scary?
Why are punchy girls the best?
Game makes fun of your medical condition
Wind Waker
Just got a 3DS and was wondering what are some must have games on the system?
New TrafficWorlds thread
So? Which one is it?
Incredible setting
So now that the dust has settled
Has religion ever influenced your vidya consumption...
Now that the dust has settled, what are your thoughts on SiIvagunner?
I spent the past 3 weeks fucking around in FFX and beat penance and nemesis...
Vidya buyfag thread
Games that visually blew your mind
What am i supposed to do in this game? I just bought it and played six hours yet i feel like i did absolutely nothing...
Is there a more obnoxious vidya YouTuber?
Would you use this coffin in real life
Why are FPS games so popular with normies?
Van goghs of vidya
Publishers Launch a Site Against the Voice Actor Strike
Character says something sciency
Why does Sup Forums hate this ?
Do you think Nintendo will honor your old virtual console purchases on the Nintendo Switch?
Is the concept of a backlog anxiety producing...
What price would you consider too high for the Switch?
Bioshock Infinite
What's a game that just makes you feel nice and happy?
OST has vocals
Is Steam becoming more popular?
What fighting game has the biggest roster?
Has any game lived up to its hype?
Dragon Quest Builders or World of Final Fantasy?
Buying gf
What are some autistic thoughts regarding your favorite games?
My friend (I met him a couple years ago when he came here as an exchange student) works as intern in Nintendo of...
What's he showing her
Is it any good?
Name a more fucking irritating loop than this shit
Why is it dark?
Why is Overwatch lore so boring?
Best game ever created?
Which game has the best reloading animations?
What are some games that let me play as a villian? Either as part of the story or an entirely new mode
It's another everything has a trillion hp so everyone even casually walks past all the enemies episode
Why should I join the imperials?
Nintendo Switch Third Party
Is just me or this game feels clunky? A friend recommend me this but I can't go further without getting bored...
Why do people keep playing League?
Why is this game so comfy? How did Bioware fall so low after this?
E3 10 years ago
How we're they always right?
Is it worth it?
What resolution does Sup Forums play at?
What was his problem?
Who'd win?
This is a Hidden Gems thread
Villain is a politician
Cyberpunk's more relevant for each day that passes. How do you feel about the setting?
Post Tifa where her breasts aren't bigger than her head
Portal Thread
The rape ending is canon
What would be your absolute dream game?
Skyrim External Assets for mods on PS4
"The standard rate for video game voice actors today is $825.50 per four-hour recording session."
Saturday Night Melee thread
I bet Nintendo feels silly now
Dying Light
Oblivion Thread
Buy 144hz monitor
Jimmy Neutron: Attack of the Twonkies
Street fighter
Why does everyone always want new IPs and gimmicks?
ITT: Post your favorite guns and other anons will recommend you games that has them
Why does Link have cleavage in the 3DS version?
Real lives alt thread
What exactly does a 'tryhard' mean? Specifically in regard to games like Call of Duty?
GOAT loadout
Why do people say the PS4 Pro isn't worth it when you don't have a 4k screen when supersampling is one of the most...
Say, anyone else member the 00s (at least the first six years)? Malcolm in the middle, Linkin park, Runescape, etc
Sup Forums tells you a game is good
Why are you playing shitty ass Civilization when an objectively better game exists?
Shadowverse Thread
Time to get fu... What even are you! Fuck this!
Battlefield 1 vs. Titanfall 2 vs. COD Infinite Warfare
I want to play a game that happens in China
I know the general consensus on this board is that Super Mario 64 is the best 3d Mario game, but I don't know why...
Thinking back to it, was it ever a good franchise?
What game should I stream?
Is this game worth playing?
Who would win?
Name something you've never seen a video game do right
Ps4 pro overheats during FF15 gameplay demo
Are there any other Seapunk games at all?
Console turns itself on in the middle of the night to update
Hey dorito breath, what's the best 3D platformer?
Preorder your Sup Forums pass yet?
Why does Sup Forums hate this game again?
Real Lives Thread4
Remember to exercise your hands Sup Forums
Turning TF2 from a fun class shooter to some godawful virtual clothes gambling/trading program
What was the point of neutering so many of the older mini-games and forcing you to slog them in order to get to the...
I like Persona
Wolfenstein: New Colossus (Basically) Confirmed
DUDE English is bad LMAO
He didn't buy Corpse Part 3DS to support the end of Nintendo Censorship
Now that it's over
What are some games where I can be a DJ?
What is the consensus on Skullgirls? Thinking of buying it
Vive vs Sony VR. Which one is better for porn games? Can I use the Sony VR headset on my computer?
Kingdom Hearts 2.8/3
What does Sup Forums think of Lindybeige?
Just got pic related for free. Recommend games (exclusives preferably)
Make it vidya
Sup Forumsidya draw thread
Would you play an Adventure Call game made by Telltale?
Sup Forums general
Are you ready, Sup Forums?
Im gonna take this green ball thing and just drop it on him
What did she mean by this?
I used to be an adventurer like you, but then I took an arrow in the knee
I just played a beta build of breath of the wild
Real Lives Thread3
Playstation 2
Annoying bitch
So now that the dust has settled can we all agree this was a great game?
Why aren't you playing Paragon, Sup Forums? It has actual graphics
Will Winston ever get a fucking event skin?
What is the Angel Dust of video games?
Is she autistic?
This came out. Worth it?
Final Fantasy XIV
This is the american lineup for the Overwatch tourney at Blizzcon
What's the best platform to play resident evil 4?
Undertale exists
Can we agree that time travel ruined kingdom hearts's story?
Smash (sm4sh) Sup Forumseekend
Are there any games where the romance isn't shit?
Overwatch is the best multiplayer shooter that's come out in recent years
Why so many of you faggots are obsessed with native 4k?
Hypothetically speaking
Villain beats the MC with the power of friendship
How can we make Sega great again?
What was the point of this series?
Woah...this is the power...of western developers
He's playing Skyrim """Special""" Edition
Hey, Sup Forums. I asked the cutie on the right out and she said yes
Now that it turns out South Korea was controlled by the Patriots, what are some good games that deal with Illuminati?
Mega Man 64 and the Legend of Zelda games are officially not labeled RPGs because they lack Experience points...
Go to download mod
Be Nintendo
Real Lives Thread2
The Person who made these MASTAPIECES is making a video game
Remember when Crytek made a game that took full advantage of PC hardware...
AHAHAHAHAAHA WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT!? The drop rate on this thing is fucking atrocious...
What video games does Chad play?
If you could be a guard for any town in skyrim, which would it be?
Thinking of changing my battlenet name which should I choose from
Does Bethesda owe the media early review copies, Sup Forums?
You DID buy my game, right user?
Why would you play Civ when this exists?
Final Fantasy
Minute Men, Brotherhood, Railroad, or Institute. Who was right and why?
Why is he the only boss in entire Dark Souls series who has visible human face?
Name one (ONE) game that has a desert map that isn't absolute shit. Pro tip: You can't. Now that you realized this...
Plane starts drifting
Ok guys, The Thousand Year Door isn't as good because I say so, now PLEASE stop shitting on Color Splash ok...
Woah spooky
Game has a metal soundtrack
SFV sold less than 100k copies since May
What are some games with star signs?
Tfw to intelligent to enjoy videogames
This is considered acceptable official art in japan
Have there been ANY tweets yet from Sean or Hello Games?
The one actually innovative FPS with Quake-like gameplay + fucking parkour fails
Hello Sup Forums, I am about to play this game for the first time. Any advice before I get started?
Do video games cause you to do autistic things in real life?
And this is our son user's room
I wanna get Killing Floor 2, it's early access I know, but is it worth it at $20?
First half of the game is fucking amazing
Real talk, wtf was Justin even trying to do here? Has he addressed this at all?
What does the little line next to the green bar in Civ 5?
So you're on vacation and this guy slaps your gf's ass. What do you do? Oh yeah, he's 5'3" 286 pounds, all muscle
4k monitors are useless, you need a Titan XP to max out games at 4k/60!
So exactly what year does Bully take place in?
Smash Switch
Did you ever play videogames with someone from Sup Forums?
How well can you manage traffic, Sup Forums?
CoD Zombies Drinking Game!
Should I play Witcher 1 and 2 before 3, or can I just buy 3?
Mfw bloodborne will never come to pc
You play as a girl
French level
Building PC
See this here, Street Fighter V? This, is a FIGHTING GAME. Not Smash Bros. Not DBZ Xenoverse. Not those Naruto turds...
100% OJ
You have 10 seconds to be as autistic as possible about your favorite game
You can actually pinpoint the exact second when her heart rips in half
I'm actually having fun with Skyrim
Which console should I pick up?
Calling all poorfags. What's it like being a gamer when you don't have much money?
Post spoopy monsters for halloween
How did he get away with it?
Luigi floating on an egg over the sea
Your thoughts on Doom I & II (also including the final dooms)
Hungry Jose
Prove you have good taste or get punched, kid
So is it good?
Prove you're not a casual, Sup Forums
Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare
It's September 17, 2002. What was your reason for buying this?
Plays as female character whenever available
Will you play Emily or Corvo first?
Odin Sphere
Real Lives Thread
A fucking Call of Duty game has better mod support than any game released in the past 10 years
Street fighter V
Were they correct Sup Forums?
Find a motherfucking flaw
Trigger Sup Forums in one sentence or less
Shotguns are made for hunters and 50-75 yards is an acceptable range for using buckshot to take down a deer
I'm gonna kill Praxis!
What do you think of Granblu Fantasy?
Can I go full homo in this game?
Game of the Generation
Game has a secret ending
Bought the game to see why weebs make such a big deal out of it
Jet Set Radio vs Jet Set Radio Future
What video game was "The Day will Come When You won't Be" for you?
12 days
Oblivion is better than Skyrim
What is the appeal of Tales of games?
God tier Northernlion
What was going on here?
I've played a fallout game on every halloween holiday for the last 5 years
Things in gaming that feel good but shouldn't
Why are there no new news of this fucking game?
Is Warcraft III the best RTS game ever?
Screenshots Thread
Things Sup Forums won't admit
What the fuck is this bullshit?
It's fun
What was the point of this place?
How would Sup Forums feel towards Guillermo del Toro working on new Dark Souls or similar game with FromSoftware?
Why are indie game dev making souls-like games?
What is it? Dragons?
Anyone have autistic little trivias about video games?
Game Development
This one is actually quite good
Australian level
Buyer's remorse?
Play the fuck out of dynasty warriors as a kid and teenager
All his flanderized appearances led me to believe he was some sort of stoic badass like Lightning
Own both Xbox One and PS4
Miyamoto: Modern shooter fans think Star Fox Zero is too difficult
Your not a kiwi are ya?
Just bought this. Should I feel ashamed?
I fell for the pc masterbate meme
It has been one week
What was the biggest disaster in gaming history?
What's the gimmick and why is it bad?
This is Fox McCloud in Super Smash Brothers Melee for the Nintendo Gamecube
Only good multiplayer shooter this entire gen
What if the plane makes a turn and the console goes flying through the window?
GameFreak actually revealed that adult Red and Blue will be in Pokemon Sun and Moon instead of us being majorly...
Bloodborne: The Old Hunters DLC
If there were a GTA in London, would you wanna see it be old school like the Getaway or more urban like Kidulthood?
Here's the enemy
Is he right ?
Nier: Automata
Post a setting that you'd like to see in a video game
You can only marry one fire emblem girl, who is it?
I'm hype. I don't even care if anybody else is hype. This is just what Sister Location needed
For Honor
Playing Bloodborne
Why was Gyarados a flying type?
Hey guys...
Was it really that bad?
This game was better than MGSV:TPP
Current owners of OG/Slim PS4s, what do you think of picrelated?
Junpei lori, Ace detective?
Who can defeat him?
Search gameplay of certain vidya
Sequel when?
ITT: Kirby has just eaten you. What new power does he now have?
Opinions on Speedrunning?
Rate my PS4 collection
Insomniacs Spiderman will be running on the Ratchet and Clank PS4 engine
Will based Bernd bro ever return?
WoW Legion
Tales discussion
What does Sup Forums think about Alien Isolation?
The best stealth game ever made is on sale for a few bucks on steam right now
What's your excuse for not ordering VR set yet?
Was this ever good?
Grabbing one of these next month
Make int as low as possible
Old mods still work
That moment when you realize that some guy made a fangame that has a better combat system than any AAA game released in...
Why has the evolution of graphics slowed down so much?
Demon's Souls - Most difficult
Which should I get?
Overwatch has me depressed
Train crossbowmen
Lolidom is now in video games
Games only you remember
How did they make such a huge mistake on the wiki page for dbz xenoverse? This shit isn't a fighting game...
Excited at all?
Anybody hyped for this game? It seems to be doing pretty well in japan
Genwhiners will defend this
Japan tends to make pretty same-y looking characters while the West plays around with design a lot more. Pic related...
Steam Avatar Thread
DSP tries it : declaring bankrupcy
Is titanfall 2 worth buying?
Some e-celeb shit
Post the last 3 games you played
No 4K resolution for Skyrim special edition
Have the patch memes fixed what was wrong with this game at release?
Any games worth playing on this piece of shit?
Do you guys think Street Fighter 5 has any chance to be actually good on seeason 2 or are we actually stuck with this...
Why was Yennefer so shit? She ruined the entire game
How exactly do games "age badly"? Bad graphics? Tedious mechanics?
Dungeon crawlers aren't real RPGs
Why aren't you playing the best Battlefield game since Bad Company 2 user...
Kingdom Hearts 2.8
ITT - Personal 10/10s
Halloween sales
How's my gaming pc i bought from gamestop? it has windows 10
That retard that always say
"hey guys, I wanna make a game"
My Summer Car
Final Fantasy XV
What is good?
Less than 2 weeks, who's excited
No more Ninja Gaiden
What went wrong?
RTSSG- Real Time Strategy Support Group
What went so GODDAMN RIGHT?
Is it good?
What are you cosplaying as for halloween parties this weekend...
Thinking about buying this to play something until FFXV, a couple questions...
Great programming feats thread
Just what exactly is it about Sonic in particular that appeals to internet turbospergs and sexual deviants like CWC...
How did a normal infantry man kill a high class SOILDER like Sephiroth?
Post images
Female version of the armor
We used to have deep games in the action combat world, DMC series, Bayonetta, MGR
Its a cat thats scared
Is he diejoeboo? I'm starting to get worried
The best Dark Souls game is
Fantastic Remaster
Smoll doll
Why fire?
Ok tell me what spiderman games are good. Besides the 2nd movie game
I'm feeling nautical. Are there any good underwater games Sup Forums recommends?
Sup Forums pretends to like DaS
How did she ever find this outfit okay? What a bimbo...
Which video games do real gamers play?
After Witcher3 was pefection incarnate, how comw people still wanna play Skyrim in 2016?
Can we all agree Mario > Banjo > Spyro > Crash> Sonic
What the fuck, why is the VA so good?
Who thought this abomination was a good idea?
Not being a supportbro
What's the best class and their perks for MWR?
Tell me Sup Forums, have you ever bought a console just because it has piracy?
Were you ashamed?
ITT: Shameful vidya faps
Are you guys hyped?
What's your excuse for not playing a video game right now?
Mount & Blade
Entire game soundtrack is the same tune but with a different tone depending on the setting/situation
Looks like Overwatch has gone the League of Legends route...
Tfw having a blast with my hachiroku in FH3
When is Andromeda coming out? I want to fuck aliens
What games do you want to see on the Nintendo Switch?
How into Fallout 1?
Remember what PC gaming was like before it got polluted with all this weird anime-simulator bullshit?
Reecommend me some essential weabcore
Every single person that developed games you played growing up will die in your lifetime
Whats the best Machinima?
We can all agree, right?
Tfw to old to find enjoyememt in video games
Ehy evryone wher are my friens?
What makes Link so cute?
What went wrong with Vermintide?
Final Fantasy XV
Can someone seriously explain what the fuck Nintendo is doing with its pricing...
This game was so stressful
The 3rd secret boss in this DLC was amazing, I'm surprised so many people missed it
Smoll snek
So what countries in the world actually play video games?
What did Nostr dev team mean by posting this picture?
She fell for you at the first sight
What do I fucking do!!!!
Playing DS2 right after DS3
Dead or Alive
What's your opinion on Riesz? Does she deserve another game?
Is there a bigger example of a "no fun allowed" mechanic than this bitch's entire character?
Me on the top
This is Nepgear, a character from the Hyperdimension Neptunia franchise. Say something nice about her
Is this the worst segment in video game history?
Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma
Skyrim Remaster
I still can't decide between Sun and Moon
How was your day?
Shadowverse thread
What's his opinion on Nintendo Switch?
Why are you playing as a girl, user?
HAAH WAAW: RELOADED is going to be the fucking shit anyone else excited I don't see it talked about much here
What did you play today
Ace Attorney
Who the fuck is in charge of Sonic marketing?
2K HQ was very keen on relocating staff to the more expensive Novato office to add to their 150+ person strong...
Anyone else wish they'd just go third party?
Kill enemy
So what happened to the "wow-killer"?
Ive been obsessing over this game recently
Look who finally broke their silence. Boy that was sure worth the wait. Aren't you guys glad now? :^)
Let's have a peaceful thread where we're all nice to each other
Improve Your Favorite Game
Why did it flop so bad?
Is it any good?
Yfw you have to rebuy all your VC games again
ITT: Times when Sup Forums was absolutely right
How do I hook up with a introverted qt youtube gamer girl?
There isn't a new game+ option
As it is written: You must CUM
Is it good?
What was her fucking problem?
What went wrong?
Playing Quiplash
You can pick between male or female robot in Titanfall 2
When did you decide microtransactions were bad?
What the fuck is this?
Which deserves a sequel and why?
NEW Kingdom Hearts thread
Your opinion on Doom 1 & 2
Persona 5
Honest thoughts on Dark Souls 3?
What made early Id so based? Could that sort of anomaly be replicated in a modern studio? Has it already?
What if, now this'll sound like a crazy thought...
Her middle name is "Carlton"? What the fuck?
Why can't Japanese video game character design into realistic representation like Western video games?
Whats a spooky yet cute game?
Glitch out of the map
Sup Forums and Sup Forums.webm
Has anything video game related helped you to get a gf?
Why Morrigan Aensland is the best character ever created?
Third Party Games you'd like to see on the Switch
Secret islands that don't show on the world map and can only be found at certain times of the day
Go into game stop
Name three bosses in the Soulsborne series better designed than Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower
ITT casual filters
GoldenEye was the first story-driven FPS game that told its story from a first person, realtime perspective...
You build that gaming pc yet?
They announced G rank version of monster hunter X
ITT: We trigger Sup Forums
Videogame publishers launch website attacking voice actors' union over strike
Alien isolation
Vidya Chicks
What does Sup Forums drink when they're playing vidya?
Sony Ponies will defend this
What is the best Resident Evil and why is it Remake?
Settle this
What happened to Capcom? They ruled the PS2 era
When I saw this in the trailer, it sent chills down my spine. Really spooked and unnerved me
Bosses are immune to debuffs
Post the niggers of their respective in-game fantasy universe
What are you gonna do for Halloween?
Who /big brother/ here?
Cards against Humanity! With Sup Forums! Holy shit!
Attention faggots
I just find out, what was the Sup Forums reaction?. Someone please post the thread
Tyranny shill thread
How the hell were you supposed to know you can rotate the claw?
Worth it?
Does Sup Forums own a portable video game console?
Did i pick the right version Sup Forums?
Dark Souls
Oh, no. She has fat girl boobs
Most played Steam games
What are some games that have aged poorly?
Let's settle this once and for all
ITT:Characters you want in Smash Bros that will never get in
Tfw the female employee at GameStop called me a weirdo when I came in to buy this game
A magical roleplaying adventure
Load up dark souls 3
What the fuck is happening to Sup Forums
Grove street
That kid who had a skannerz
I just got fucking banned because some fag kep saying i was assuming his gender
That's a nice video game video you have
This got translated recently, so let's have a Dragon Quest thread
How do I level up my mons faster?
That game series/franchise you really want to get into but you just can't no matter how many tries you give it
Game reviews
This is very important to me, Sup Forums
Which one should I get for PS4?
First half of the game is great
ITT: games Sup Forums told you were good but actually aren't
Tfw to old for nintendo games
Nintedo is doomed. It's time to jump ship onto the Segaboat, baby... That is if we let you
Why is this the most bad ass character in all of video game history?
I don't see the appeal of PC gaming
What's her name Sup Forums?
Just bought a 3ds and know next to nothing about Nintendo handheld games. What game should I buy?
Show me a SINGLE level in any video game that is better than Forsaken Castle Cainhurst. You fucking cant, bitch
Why did no one notices that Snake, Liquid, and Big Boss looked like President Sears...
Games similar to Spec Ops: The Line?
Why do black people always play falco
ID: 1366-2349-9658-61
Do i sell my wiiu?
Point out obvious game flaws
What is the worst console that you've ever owned?
I played Battlefield 3...
What is the best Suda51 game and why is it No More Heroes?
Itt your favorite skyrim quest
What's your opinion on the half A press?
Horrible cosplay
I am trying my ass off to play out of ELO hell
Overwatch Halloween
Post vidya girls you would consider fapping to
Which one will you choose, Sup Forums?
Neon japanese city at rainy night
Mfw matt still finds a way to squeeze himself pand his z tier ecelebs on the podcast
Final Fantasy VII remake
WE DID IT Sup Forums!
RPG has a hunger meter
Sneeze in the same room as the Switch
This game would be better if it was open world and was story driven!
Have any of you ever played a Video Game with your Mom?
Spook Thread
Stop a terrorist attack from killing hundreds or save the members of the U.N. during a time of world crisis?
Games with fit grills?
Why is NeoGAF still one of the biggest/influential websites if discussion is such crap and full of SJW?
First half of game is upbeat and light-hearted
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...