Ready to liberate Ala Mhigo with me?

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm sorry, did you mean

>Go on endless fetch quests with drawn out dialogue only to end up in a bi-monthly gear treadmill grind with me?

>implying I forgot about his left arm

right after i get done disappointing Khloe

I love new steamy meemees

>2016 almost 2017
>playing FFXIV

Ok, I can now cross off 4 of the 8 or 10 topics that are being "discussed" ad infinitum from the check list.

>WoLs friends are fighting off a garlean horde
>friends get all their shit pushed in
>minion horde about to rush WoL
>Ilberd out of nowhere
>"Hey guy, sorry about some stuff that happened before, ala mhigo right. You'll forgive me though right."
>WoL nods and smiles
>"Thanks, we're friends now!"
>cutscene ends and goes into instanced fight
>Ilberd is redeemed and everyone is ok with it

yes, and?
I don't get what your point is.

>leveling roulette
>The Navel normal
feels good