Ready to liberate Ala Mhigo with me?
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm sorry, did you mean
>Go on endless fetch quests with drawn out dialogue only to end up in a bi-monthly gear treadmill grind with me?
>implying I forgot about his left arm
right after i get done disappointing Khloe
I love new steamy meemees
>2016 almost 2017
>playing FFXIV
Ok, I can now cross off 4 of the 8 or 10 topics that are being "discussed" ad infinitum from the check list.
>WoLs friends are fighting off a garlean horde
>friends get all their shit pushed in
>minion horde about to rush WoL
>Ilberd out of nowhere
>"Hey guy, sorry about some stuff that happened before, ala mhigo right. You'll forgive me though right."
>WoL nods and smiles
>"Thanks, we're friends now!"
>cutscene ends and goes into instanced fight
>Ilberd is redeemed and everyone is ok with it
yes, and?
I don't get what your point is.
>leveling roulette
>The Navel normal
feels good
Any murricans here having their lorebook handy?
Can you take a look at the last page and tell me where it was printed?
If by "ready" you mean "wait another 8 months", then I guess so.
>leveling roulette
>The Great Gubal Library
>5 days in a row
>1 line
Fucking hah
>gundobald finds out the griffin is ilberd
>spears up him the ass for what he did to wilred
Betrays you right after you're weaken and have your guard down.
24 man raid.
Sorry, too busy with A11S
>Raid finder Final phase parties
>Party Finder Aim to clear parties
>Fuck, even phase 3 progression parties
>>there's always some cunt that fucks up the optical sight patterns
Kill me.
Why are all monks high energy trump supporters?
You should probably kill yourself.
>MT that doesn't bring boss back to center
Where's your Fc you fag?
Can't wait to see him being turned into tempered drone to a primal that doesn't give a shit about liberating Allah Amigo
Forget savage, people can't even do that shit on normal A11.
post your character and battle music
delet this for Ala Mhigo
Will they be able to do something interesting out of him?
not like this
How about killing him off so we get the catslut monk entourage following us instead.
Hello darkness my old friend
Real spoilers: he's actually the heir to the Ala Mhigan throne.
Erik kind of hints it in one of his lore lessons.
>implying that's not Yda
Lore book directly says it.
wake me up
Kek, thanks for the spoilers Koji.
Oh yeah?
Well scan that page if you're so great.
Pure sadness
woah a manly Tia?
He's still a major cunt and beta.
Fuck Ala Mhigo
Big Fat Cat Tats
Your opinion is wrong
>Ala Mhigger stole his harem
I see someone discovered cheatengine.
FFXI from Wings of the Goddess and back is superior to anything FFXIV has done or ever will do.
how to DRK?
itlooks cool but i heard its harder than the other two tanks
Sliced bread > Monty on the Run > Final Fantasy XIV >>>>>> shit >>>>> FFXI
none of the tanks are hard
I don't even have HW yet
I feel like I'm never going to catch up to current conent, and I'll never find a group to do coil with because everyone only wants to do the newest shit over and over
Battle Effect Settings > Self > Show limited
just say you have new player bonus
I've been using cheat engine for a while now.
Technically it's more involved but that's not saying much. Ultimately even if you do everything right you're still garbage for main tanking most things compared to paladin, and you'll always be outshone by warrior dps for off tank.
> muh grafix
The only selling point FFXIV has. Enjoy your shitty WoW knockoff ya casual.
People are doing coil all the time now because of wondrous tails.
But yeah just make an unsynced PF for it you'll get tons of people.
>tfw meeting DRK with edgy macro
hes a shitter but it was hilarious
>The only selling point FFXIV has.
You forgot cats
Nice cat
>says the guy who played a literal everquest clone that took all the worst parts from it and slathered it in FF theming and play online.
They implemented a system that requires people to do older stuff for good and unique rewards (including items that were previously cash shop only) and specifically rewards them for doing it with new people just this patch. It's easier than ever to find a group to do stuff like Coil with.
You mean that thing they lazily borrowed from FFXI and just renamed? Along with the other races.
3x the work for a mediocre mix of Pld and war
And still came out the better game. SE couldn't even be arsed to put effort into XIV which is why they farmed it out to the Chinese and recycled assets.
Just accept that your shitty game is dead and move on with your life
Oh I see.
You seem to be misunderstanding something here.
The game died and was remade with the caption A Realm Reborn.
Nobody's defending 4.0
Still ain't better than mithras
isn't DRK and WAR preferred for main tanks over PLD because they do significantly more damage while in tank mode compared to PLD who does shit for damage unless they're in Sword Oath?
All tanks can survive all mechanics so it all comes down to damage.
That's a nice deflection. It's okay. We both know FFXI is the better game.
>FC destroyed due to 3.0 and 3.1
>resub recently and join a new FC
>can't be bothered to even try bonding with FC
>now stuck with just leveling and doing roulettes
I don't even know anymore.
eleven is 2slow
DRK and WAR have straight up better cooldowns and utility, it's not just about damage. PLD has... Hallowed Ground. Whoop dee doodles. Cover is situational at best and STR down is worthless in most raid environments because raidwide damage is always. fucking. magic.
Doesn't change the fact that all you FFXI nostalgiafags are nothing but bitter losers, like some shitty vengeful spirits that are unable to move on.
It's just PLD mains trying to pretend they're relevant. Happens every time someone mentions DRK
Then why aren't you in a XI thread discussing how amazing the game is?
Why circlejerk when you can be a jerk?
I'm a PLD main because i don't like axes and DRKs effects annoy me but there's no doubt we're the worst tank job.
Paladins have plenty of cooldowns, what the fuck are you on about?
Furthermore while in tank stance they have less damage reduction than either WAR or DRK and royal authority spam is more than passable.
Stat priority for SMN?
At least you did 9s when it was still hot, now it's pretty much unbeatable with raid finder training. It reminds me of the fact that they nerfed the leveling dungeons of Heavensward after the initial rush because "they are too hard".
crit > det > ss
like basically every single class, assuming you reach acc caps
ss is better than det for black mage, bard and pretty much any healer, but only because det is so fucking bad in hw
So, for A11S,
On last phase, do I have to give a shit about photon? Or can I just ignore it and continue DPSing?
Do people eat food and chug pots in RF savage?
Well there's no pyretic after the 2nd ATM, so what do you think?
Food yes, pots not sure. Would you drink pots when you wipe 1 minute in?
What we absolutely need is Hamon Holyfist
How are the servers of the chaos-datacenter population wise? Is there a linkshell on one of them perhaps?
>using pots
lol fucking scrub
Moogle has an FC of people who aren't like /vg/ degenerates.
This is true, but people are only doing T1 and 2 for the tails shit
Good luck trying to find anyone to go through T9 or 13 again
Pots if it's looking like a clear. Food yes. But that's just what I go by