New TrafficWorlds thread
New TrafficWorlds thread
>week 1
This seems good
>week 10
Fuck everything
Dev here. I updated the game.
I was messing around with preventing cars from entering stoplights if the exit was blocked (to prevent cars from getting stuck in the middle of the stoplight).
It turns out that, because cars would always need that block free (and upon a green light, lots of cars fly past the intersection), this measure made stoplights extremely useless, as cars would exit the intersection at a snail's pace.
I'd have to re-think it if I re-implement it. I think it's better to allow cars to dangerously sit inside the box (I mean, this happens in real cities all the time). Just be careful :^)
But also, I made some cosmetic changes to improve visibility, and another small change with how non-stoplight intersections are handled.
lol, I've seen people make it to Week 40 and above.
it's a pretty fun game, good job. I wasted about 4 hours playing it last night when you posted it.
Thank you!
So this is just like Mini Metro, right?
Rate my setup
You know, I was inspired by Mini Metro. But, I would say this game is quite different.
I mean, for one, the trains in mini metro don't slow down if there are a lot of them. This game is more about space management, while mini metro is more about managing connections.
It's fucked
Yeah, it was inevitable, given how many different paths you put around the red area. Some other color would inevitably try to go around those.
This game is tough
I've wasted way too much time on this
Any chance of deleting cars to clear up traffic jams?
Make it expensive, sure. But currently it's too much of a pain to clear.
I think I might implement it. I'd have to give some thought of what the penalty would be, exactly. Something on the order of 1k.
"the Dark Souls of traffic management games."
>Look away for one moment
>Realize you got too contrived in your management system
>Everything was connected and perfect
>Huge blockade you can't do shit about
Time to restart
Did you use any color gates?
literally how
Plenty. But I fucked up somewhere.
This game becomes a lot easier when you use color gates to control traffic streams instead of stoplights.
all the screenshots of people after week 15 I've seen have been avoiding the difficult spawns, trying to do everything right now is a nightmare without one way roads
This. Then the trick is to make sure every road is one way. If you can manage to keep every car going in one direction you've won.
deleting the path after causing the jam.
I think you need a mix of both. It is often good to keep fast streams going, with no intersections or sharing roads - but it's inevitable that you will have to intersect/share roads. At busy intersections, stoplights do improve flow ratio.
A huge mess, but it still works
I want to connect one of your unused spawns to a road, just to fuck you over for getting to week 30
A stoplight might help at that purple/red junction.
>He doesn't do pure color filter runs
>easy mode runs
fucking casual, I bet you don't use all the spawns either
>everything working perfectly
>forget a single color gate
>one car fucks everything up and I have to restart
game is 2 hard
Every single game desu
Even if we can't remove them right now we can still punish them
l-let him go! you big bully!
He doesn't even have that, though. He has an intersection between red/purple - might as well put a stoplight there.
A "pure color" run would involve no intersections - which is kind of hard given the limited space.
Survived the first year, but that's as far as it can go
I'm getting RCT2 vibes from this.
hey dev-user. I took what you told me about the efficiency of stoplights to heart and found some uses for them finally. I'm consistently hitting week 50 at this point, as long as I don't have business entrances gobbled up by obstacle buildings.
I was thinking about the highway idea again, and you've probably already considered this, but would some kind of 'booster' tile that allows cars to get 'up to speed' be something worth considering?
Destination still needs to be a more solid darker color than it currently is. That, or put some kind of symbol over homes and businesses or something.
How the fuck do people even get to week 20. Are you just ignoring homes? Is there a penalty for that?
oh actually I did think of a suggestion... would it be possible to make it so that businesses cannot spawn on the sides of the world?
Also, this may already be the case, but it would be equally nice if obstacle blocks could not spawn directly next to businesses as well.
Very fun game.
Doesn't feel like there's much to do once you've experienced week 40+ though.
Also, traffic lights are kinda useless, MAYBE they'd be good if there was some kind of synchronising system.
I don't think it's possible to get much father than this without ridiculous gridlock unless you're skipping difficult spawns
>unless you're skipping difficult spawns
that's precisely how you do it. you really don't need to link every single house up, by a long shot.
not enough tools. needs something like a "tell this color to change paths at this block" or other logic features. you end up running into the same problems that are unsolveable and make me not want to play the game anymore.
I don't like doing that though. The problem is the game should be about slowly creating an efficient loop style circuit that's robust enough to deal with adding new spawns from any direction. But because you can't implement one way roads (even colour exclusion blocks would be a big help, like [red] or [not red] gates) you get intersections that can't be managed by stoplights because of the backup it creates.
>The problem is the game should be about slowly creating an efficient loop style circuit that's robust enough to deal with adding new spawns from any direction.
that would require dramatically increasing the scope of the game. The fact that the game has a built-in eventual collapse speaks to the fact that it was not the dev's intention that cities become infinitely sustainable.