Dark Souls

Dark Souls

Anybody else PvPing? Bored

u a shit fuk


It's because you're using a boring build.

Sorry, I only play in offline mode.

It's new to me.
Trying it out only because it's one of the only builds I haven't ran.

I'll probably load up my quality build soon

It's all good bruv. How's the PVE?
What build ya building?
Last boss ya killed?

Does anyone still PvP on DaS1?

I'd imagine it's dead now which is a shame

It's still fairy active.
Build diversity is practically dead which is sad.

You have all these meta builds mixed with some guy trying to 1 hit kill you with magic, and that one lonely quality build.

I'm that lonely quality build

I just killed the dude on the minigun
he was tough
at least he'll stop taunting me now